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The “Catholic Church”, Acadia, British Colonization and Hudson Bay Company.

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1 The “Catholic Church”, Acadia, British Colonization and Hudson Bay Company

2 Emigrate Institution Brigade Huron Acadians Leave one’s own country or region to settle in another country Organization or society established for some public or social purpose. Examples include the church, the family, and educational systems. A group of Canoes, carts, or dogsleds carrying trade goods and supplies to and from trading posts. A native group in the St. Lawrence region. They had close trading relations with the French. French Farmers living in what is now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

3  Prior to 1663, Europe was very religious  Champlain believed it was his job to spread the Roman Catholic religion to New France  Wanted to introduce the Natives to the “real” god  The King of France made a law that only Catholics could emigrate to New France  The main institution in New France was the Catholic Church (i.e. schools and hospitals

4  Group of Catholic priests who helped bring the Catholic Church to New France  Had political influence in New France and France  They built schools and churches for the French and the Native peoples  They planted crops and brought livestock from France

5  Wanted to spread Christianity and create religious settlements  Ursuline Nuns ◦ Like the Jesuits, set up schools and hospitals

6  Refers to a region in the St. Lawrence region  Refers to the Native peoples who lived there  They were farmers and traders  The French established strong alliances with them  The French built them schools and churches to help spread Christianity

7  In the 1630s, the Hurons were the main Native group trading with the French  By 1649, the Huron peoples became extinct 1. DISEASE- Close contact with European Diseases which Native people had not been exposed to, such as Small pox and measles. 2. WAR - The Huron People and Iroquois people were at war with one another. Weakened by disease they were easily defeated by the Iroquois people. 3. GUNS - It was against French law to supply Native people with guns. The Iroquois people received guns from Dutch traders giving them an advantage.

8 Quebec, Montreal, and Trio Rivieres were important settlements in New France because they centered around the Fur Trade. Acadia was important in other ways such as its location. Think - why this might be. Pair – share with partner. Share – with class.

9  Located at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River  Strategic advantage of controlling what went down the river  Access to the best fishing in North America  France and England fought for this region - See timeline Pg. 34

10 Location: Eastern Coast of the United States (USA) When: The British had been establishing colonies since the 1600s. Why:  Originally wanted to find gold and silver  Did not happen because the settlers starved to death (no food)  Developed tobacco instead and saved the colony  Religious freedom  Fishing, farming, and fur trade

11  English merchants controlled the economy (not like the French – state controlled)  First colony – Jamestown 1607  Developed into the Thirteen Colonies down the Atlantic coast of North America  Settled by the English, Irish, Scottish, German, and Dutch

12 1. What provinces make up Acadia today? a)Quebec and Ontario b)British Columbia and Alberta c)Nova Scotia and New Brunswick d)Newfoundland and Labrador 2. The Huron could be best described as EXCEPT: a)They are a native group in the St. Lawrence Region b)The were middlemen for the French c)They had a trading and military alliance with the Iroquois people d)They had an alliance with the French

13 3. The Coureurs de bois are: a)French people who were farmers b)They were people that lived in Acadia c)Were French hunters working in the fur trade d)Worked for the Catholic Church 4. A Jesuit is: a)A person who works for the Catholic church. b)Is a Priest who works for the Catholic church. c)Is a Nun that works for the Catholic Church d)Is a teacher and doctor that works for the Catholic Church 5. The following is true about the American Colonies except: a)Was established by the British b)The economy was based on gold mining c)Germans, Irish, Scottish and Dutch all lived in the Colonies d)The first city was established in James Town.

14 6.The reasons for the downfall of the Huron people is all of the following points, EXCEPT: a)Disease b)No Food c)War with Iroquois d)No Guns 7.Who is referred to as the “Father of New France” a)Samuel de Champlain b)Helene Boullle c)Jacques Cartier d)Marguerite Bourgeoys e)Pierre-Esprit Radisson f)Kristopher George

15 8.Acculturation is when: a)Two cultures meet and effect one another b)Is when a people’s culture dies c)Is when a culture is improved d)Is when a culture is weakened 9. Scurvy is: a)Is a type of beaver pelt b)Is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C c)Is a French Farmer 10.Who were the first Europeans to discover America a)The English b)The French c)The Vikings d)The Spanish e)The Jesuits

16 Discuss with your partner how the American colonies and French Colonies were: Different? Similar? Think about location, people there, and economy. SimilarDifferent

17 What:  British Fur trading company  One of Canada’s oldest companies.  Oddly, it was started under the advice of two French men.

18  Pierre-Esprit Radisson  Chouart des Groseilliers  Two French fur traders  Best way to develop the fur trade is around the Hudson Bay  The Natives could travel on the rivers to bring furs to the trading posts  French not interested – presented to the English instead  England saw this as an opportunity to make profit and increase their power in North America

19  The King of England gave them trading rights of the area  Named after Prince Rupert, king’s cousin = Rupert’s Land  Gave this company a monopoly  Europeans and Natives relied on each other for the fur trade



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