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Grace McCourt 480-272-8544.  Homework Procedure/Expectations  Agendas Fill out on Mondays for the week Give a check  Accelerated.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace McCourt 480-272-8544.  Homework Procedure/Expectations  Agendas Fill out on Mondays for the week Give a check  Accelerated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace McCourt 480-272-8544

2  Homework Procedure/Expectations  Agendas Fill out on Mondays for the week Give a check  Accelerated Reading Program 200,000 words this year  Increased Student Responsibility

3 The new requirement for 3rd grade promotion in the school requires students to meet the reading standards as measured by the state standardized reading test in order to be promoted from the 3 rd grade to the 4 th grade.

4  GoMath Homework book  Spelling Practice (on-line component)  20 Minutes of Reading 5 days a week (Minimum)  Occasional Projects  Math Fact Practice (Sum Dog Website)  40 Total Minutes (per night)

5  Room Parent(s)  Mini-Museum Volunteers  RTI volunteers (see Mrs. Gould)  Library  Classroom Volunteers – Begins in Sept. Reading Groups

6  Conferences 2 times per year Parent-Teacher Conferences Student Led Conferences  Website  Home/School Journal  E-Mail and Phone  Please avoid morning drop-ins  Newsletter (weekly or biweekly)

7  Home involvement with academics is key Check for agenda nightly Help manage backpack and materials Watch your child start homework and determine if re-teaching is necessary Have appropriate level books for nightly practice (Library, Scholastic, etc.) Establish routines and expectations Breakfast before school and send with a snack and water bottle

8  Morning drop off Lunch box/money drop off  Student responsibilities Packing backpacks Communication through agenda Going through take home folder nightly Completing homework

9  Management through Love and Logic  Each situation handled uniquely  Parent Involvement  Take a Break  Positive Reinforcement (kindness slips, verbal recognition, etc.) Marble Jar

10  No one has a right to interfere with the learning and safety of others.

11  9:00-9:30 Morning Work/Meeting  9:30-10:15 Word Work (Vocabulary, Phonics)  10:15-11:00 Reader’s Workshop  11:00-11:40 Recess and Lunch  11:45-12:00 Read Aloud/Mandarin  12:00-12:50 Writer’s Workshop (Grammar)  12:50-1:50 Math  1:50-2:05 Snack Recess  2:10-2:50 Encore  2:50-3:30 Science/Social Studies

12 Clustering in Math  Starting with Unit 3 Pre-assessments will be given for each unit in computer lab Students will be grouped according to needs within a skill set Objectives will remain the same, but delivery will vary depending on group needs Methods will include but are not limited to:  Enrichment activities  Re-teach models  Hands on instruction/manipulatives  Small groups  Web-based supplements

13  District Wide Instructional Model in Reading  Instruction is given in tiers, based on individual student needs Tier 1: All students receive Tier 1 instruction during whole group lessons Tier 2: Some students will also receive small group reinforcement within the classroom through research based interventions in reading Tier 3: Some students will receive 30 or more minutes a day in a more individualized setting with the Title 1 Reading Teacher (Mrs. Gould) Tier 4: Special Education Services are given daily

14  The class webpage is the heart of the Home-School connection  Add to favorites

15 Together we can make this a great year!

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