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T USCON M ATH L ITERACY 2016 Brian Mercer Parkland College Champaign, IL

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1 T USCON M ATH L ITERACY 2016 Brian Mercer Parkland College Champaign, IL

2 Parkland College

3 O LD C OURSE S EQUENCE Pre- Algebra Beginning Algebra Intermediate Algebra Gen Ed Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

4 O R I F W E A RE B EING T OTALLY H ONEST Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Calculus Pre- Pre- Pre- Calculus Pre- Pre- Calculus Gen Ed Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

5 W HAT IS M ATH L ITERACY ? A new developmental math course for non-STEM students

6 N EW D EVELOPMENTAL M ATH S EQUENCE Pre-Algebra Math Literacy Gen Ed Math or Intro to Stat Intermediate Algebra College Algebra or Pre- Calculus


8 S TUDENT P ROFILE Non-STEM Variety of skill levels and preparation Variety of study skills, most weak Hatred, fear, or indifference toward math Weak problem solving skills Weak technology skills

9 M ATH L ITERACY G OALS Alternate but still challenging path Math in context, focus on numeracy, data analysis, and functions Develop critical thinking Relevant and accessible to students

10 P RODUCTIVE S TRUGGLE Real problems don’t follow cookie-cutter patterns; they take work Take responsibility Persistence will pay off

11 T HIS C LASS IS D IFFERENT ! Little to no lecture Group work, active participation required Reading, writing, technology Online work outside of class



14 S ETTING E XPECTATIONS Daily Responsibilities: Attend class, attempt to see value in the mathematics we examine, know why you are here, show you care, and try your best. Keep calm and carry on: Mathematicians don’t know how to solve every problem immediately. They just know how to start thinking about it. Collaboration as a tool for problem solving and thinking.

15 M Y E XPERIENCE ? Has changed my whole philosophy about teaching Most fun I’ve had since I started teaching Get to know students much better I can’t go back

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