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2007© SWITCH SWITCHslcs the new AAI-based short-lived credential service for Grid users C.Witzig Swiss Grid Day, Berne, May 7, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "2007© SWITCH SWITCHslcs the new AAI-based short-lived credential service for Grid users C.Witzig Swiss Grid Day, Berne, May 7, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007© SWITCH SWITCHslcs the new AAI-based short-lived credential service for Grid users C.Witzig ( Swiss Grid Day, Berne, May 7, 2007

2 2007© SWITCH 2 Outline Overview of SLCS service Demo

3 2007© SWITCH 3 What is it?

4 2007© SWITCH 4 SLCS Profile SLCS = short lived credential service IGTF profile Minimum requirements: SLCSX.509 Certificate Certificate is generated based on Identity Management system “traditional” Registration Authority (e.g. passport) Lifetime < 1mio secLifetime < 1 year + 1 month Revocation handling optional Revocation handling Note: SLCS certificate does not replace proxy certificate, but your long term certificate

5 2007© SWITCH 5 SWITCHslcs CA SWITCHslcs CA is accredited by EuGridPMA

6 2007© SWITCH 6 How can I get a SLCS certificate? 1.You must have an AAI account 2.You must contact your SLCS RA at your university requesting access to the SLCS service 3.The command line tool slcs-init must be installed on your host 4.Execute slcs-init on the command line

7 2007© SWITCH 7 Where do I find help? For your AAI account:  If you don’t have an AAI account: email to For accessing the SLCS: For installing the slcs-init command: For using the slcs-init command: For all other problems: 1. 2. email to

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