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HLRmon Enrico Fattibene INFN-CNAF 1EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France19-23 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "HLRmon Enrico Fattibene INFN-CNAF 1EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France19-23 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 HLRmon Enrico Fattibene INFN-CNAF 1EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France19-23 September 2011

2 Accounting layout in IGI Distributed Grid Accounting System (DGAS) sensors collect accounting information at Grid site level Site data are sent to site or multisite Home Location Registers (HLRs) A top-level HLR receives Usage Records (URs) from all the HLRs HLRmon retrieves data from the top level HLR and presents them through a web interface. Aggregated data are also sent to the EGI Accounting Portal EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France219-23 September 2011

3 HLRmon introduction Developed and funded in the framework of the INFN Grid project Deployed in the Italian production Grid since 2007 Adopted by some european National Grid Infrastructures (NGIs) and projects – IGI (Italy) – HellasGrid (Greece) – D-Grid (Germany) – W-eNMR project – Cybersar project 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France3

4 HLRmon structure HLRmon collector retrieves accounting data from the desired DGAS HLR server Data are aggregated, stored in a local MySQL database and presented through a php-based web portal – charts highly customizable by the users – tabular reports available also in xls format A x.509 personal certificate is needed to access the portal The web interface includes: – a main report section providing usage information aggregated in many different ways – a section reporting on resource usage by VOs, aggregated by the corresponding scientific disciplines – a section dedicated to the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) sites and VOs (alice, atlas, cms, lhcb) – a restricted section providing accounting per-user information, visible only by registered and authorized users EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France419-23 September 2011

5 Main section Different sets of charts – Number of executed jobs – CPU Time (CPT) and Wall Clock Time (WCT) row and normalized, expressed in time (days) the normalization is based on the KiloSpecInt2000 benchmark – Job efficiency in terms of (CPT / WCT) ratio Different keys for data aggregation and selection – Grid site – VO, VOMS group and role – Certification Authority (CA) and Registration Authority (RA) that released the x.509 personal certificate used by VO member to authenticate him/herself to the Grid information taken from the certificate DN – Job type (Grid or local) 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France5

6 Main section overview 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France6

7 Main section charts 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France7 Normalized CPT expressed in KSI2K-day per VO and per VO per day Job efficiency (CPT/WCT) per site per day and per VO per day Normalized CPT expressed in KSI2K-day per site and per site per day

8 VOs / groups / roles menu 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France8 VO Complete list of VOs with at least 1 job into the HLRmon DB VOMS groups For each VO, the VOMS groups with at least 1 job are listed VO roles For each VOMS group, the VOMS roles with at least 1 job are listed

9 VOMS groups / roles charts 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France9 Job number per VOMS group Job number per VOMS group per day Job number per VOMS role Job number per VOMS role per day

10 CA / RA menu 19-23 September 2011EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France10 CA The CA list depends on the HLRmon server configuration. RA The IGI HLRmon server is configured to aggregate data per RA. For the INFN CA, the RA information is extracted from the L= field of the DN.

11 CA / RA charts EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France11 Job number per CA Job number per CA per day Job number per RA Job number per RA per day 19-23 September 2011

12 Conclusions HLRmon – is successfully deployed as accounting portal for IGI and other Grid projects/NGIs – provides a complete section on computing accounting reports – offers a fine granularity of data aggregation – is close to provide a complete storage accounting section data taken from BDII and aggregated per site, SE and SA – can be adopted to visualize data taken from other accounting systems by adapting the collector to different accounting data sources Documents, instance list, installation guide, video tour, etc.: EGI-TF 2011 - Lyon, France1219-23 September 2011

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