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Local Authority Incentive Scheme Launch presentation - July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Authority Incentive Scheme Launch presentation - July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Authority Incentive Scheme Launch presentation - July 2014


3 3 Welcome Address Introduction Overview of the Open Data Agenda LA Incentive Scheme Details How to apply for LA Incentive Scheme Funding Q&A Networking and Refreshments


5 WELCOME ADDRESS 5 James Strachan Assistant Director of Research and Resources Economy, Transport and Environment Department Hampshire County Council


7 OVERVIEW OF THE OPEN DATA AGENDA 7 Heather Savory Chair of Open Data User Group

8 ODUG Remit Outreach - to Open Data users, re-users, wider stakeholders Demand Led Open Data - Prioritise user requests for data to identify the most important data sets for release Benefits Cases - evidence gathering & research to inform cases for the release of Open Data Release of Data Fund (RoDF) – assess, prioritise and make recommendations for funding Work with Central Government Sector Boards and the wider Public Sector Advise PSTB on additional funding for Open Data and on Open Data policy 8

9 Open Data Transparency – holding government to account Efficiency, innovation and enterprise – Better public service delivery – citizen information and choice – Improved public sector efficiency – joining the dots between spending and outcomes – Economic growth - opening up new innovative market opportunities for the UK 9

10 Economic Value of Open Data Estimated value of PSI to the UK economy – 16bn per annum (UK Gvt estimate, 2011) – More than £1.8bn of direct annual benefits per annum plus wider social benefits of >£6bn (Shakespeare Review, 2013) GeoServices – Global revenues $150-$270bn per year, growing 13% per annum (Oxera 2013) – US geospatial industry 2011 - $73bn revenues, 500k jobs with an impact of 15- 20x this amount on the US economy, so driving $1.6T revenue and $1.4T cost savings (BCG, 2013) 10

11 Public Service Delivery Example >55 million hits for Improved community engagement 11

12 Public Sector Efficiency Example 12 NHS prescription data –potential saving between generic and branded statins is £200m

13 Business Innovation Example US start-up founded on government open data Makes use of free data published by the US National Weather Service Uses machine learning to predict the weather and other essential elements for agribusiness Acquired by Monsanto for around $1bn The UK has the potential to grow these types of innovative businesses 13

14 UK Open Data today Britain recognised as a global leader in Open Data and Transparency Attitudes to releasing Open Data changing Evidence of real benefits increasing Major datasets are becoming available National Information Infrastructure launched 14

15 ODUG Achievements – Key Datasets Open Data released/committed - HMLR Historic Price Paid and INSPIRE Polygon Data - Register of UK Charities Open Data on it’s way - Historic Met Office data – incremental release 2015 - VAT Register – preliminary release & consultation - CHIEF Data – consultation underway - DVLA Bulk Data – consultation imminent Datasets under active debate - Open National Address Dataset - Ordnance Survey Open Data 15

16 ODUG Achievements - Other Demand Led Data – evidencing real-world demand for Open Data Community Engagement – widely networked A voice for data users at the heart of government Respected input to policy/public consultations Release of Data Fund (RoDF) ‘up and funding’ National Information Infrastructure – ODUG review underway 16

17 17 LA INCENTIVE SCHEME Jacqui Taylor Member of Open Data User Group

18 Supply Led Open Data 18

19 Demand Led Open Data 19

20 Request New Data 20

21 Evidencing the Demand 21

22 Focus is Local 22

23 Three Themes 23 Public Conveniences Planning Licenses

24 Public Conveniences 24

25 Planning 25

26 Licensing 26

27 27

28 28

29 ‘Local’ 29

30 Key to Remember 30


32 @LGInformPlus Supported by the LGA because... LAs hold much data that could contribute to social & economic growth if released nationally Much data is fragmented, inconsistent and not published on Local government is well placed with best practice in information sharing standards built up over a decade LAs are given incentives through support, coordination and funding.

33 @LGInformPlus What the scheme sets out to do Provide useful data – responding to common requests Keep it as simple as possible for councils Enable data users to accurately interpret data and aggregate it across councils Hampshire Durham Sevenoaks Leeds Craven Westminster Any council

34 @LGInformPlus Summary of submission stages Visit the online pages: 1.Apply – local authority 2.Acceptance – LGA 3.Submit dataset details – local authority 4.Technical review – project technical team 5.Acceptance and payment - LGA

35 @LGInformPlus Viewing and making submissions Register if necessary Sign in to submit for your local authority

36 @LGInformPlus Submissions for your council Apply for new submissions and update existing ones

37 @LGInformPlus Submission stages Link to ODI Certificate How frequently you will publish Estimated number of FOI requests pa the dataset addresses Tick when complete for review Any comments Link to open dataset that complies with schema We check schema compliance We pay your local authority

38 @LGInformPlus Guidance on the scheme and schemas Overview Submission guidance Planning schema Licences schema Toilets schema

39 @LGInformPlus Guidance Documents Overview How to apply Scheme guidance for: Planning, Licences, ToiletsPlanningLicencesToilets Electronic files Validation files for the ODI’s CSV Lint utility: Planning, Licences, ToiletsPlanningLicences Toilets Definition files for DataShare users : Planning, Licences, ToiletsPlanningLicencesToilets Online Help page (online aids and resources)Help page Knowledge Hub Local open data forumLocal open data forum (technical & admin support service) (programme manager at LGA)

40 LOOKING TO THE FUTURE 40 Heather Savory Chair of Open Data User Group

41 On-going Challenges Ordnance Survey Derived Data Licensing restrictions Realising and measuring the full economic potential of Open Data Achieving ‘Open by Default’ Getting public sector procurement right Understanding the UK position on data privacy Improving accessibility to Open Data Skills gap 41

42 Be Part of the Open Data Revolution Strong understanding of the importance of Local Government and Local Government Data Funding for this ODUG proposal is supported by the Public Sector Transparency Board Help us show how National Views of data can be brought together for public benefit 42


44 44 @odugUK @Saturn4 @jacquitaylorfb @DrTimAdams

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