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HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 1 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Hydrological cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 1 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Hydrological cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 1 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions The project wishes to develop an integrated system capable of assessing the impact of hydro-meteorological events on the water resources in the CADSES region to preserve and enhance economical and environmental welfare Purpose:

2 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 2 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering N.T.U.A is a leading institute in Greece and Europe founded in 1836 The Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources Management was founded in 1998 as one of the four Laboratories of the Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic & Maritime Engineering, which belongs to the School of Civil Engineering of the N.T.U.A Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic & Maritime Engineering ( PP6: National Technical University of Athens - N.T.U.A Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources Management

3 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 3 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering European Research Projects ( Harmonising Quality Assurance in model based catchment and river basin management – HarmoniQua (EC: FP5 ''Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development),( IT Frameworks - HarmonIT (EC: FP5 ''Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development), ( Towards European harmonized procedures for quantification of nutrient losses from diffuse sources - Euroharp (EC: FP5 "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development"), ( Land-sea interaction: coastal state and evolution in CADSES – CADSEALAND (ERDF), ( Climate change and water management: managing European water resources in an uncertain future – ENRICH (EC DGXII) PP6: Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources Management

4 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 4 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering European Research Projects (cont.) Hydrological and Hydrometeorological Systems for Europe – HYDROMET (ΕC, DG XII) River Basin Modeling, Management and Flood Mitigation - RIBAMOD (EC, DG XII) European River Flood Occurrence & Total Risk Assessment System – EUROTAS (EC, DG XII) Risk of Inundation – Planning and Response Interactive User System – RIPARIUS (EU, Telematics program) Member of European Networks EurAqua, IWRM.Net-ERA.Net, FLAPP, EXCIFF PP6: Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources Management

5 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 5 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Objectives of PP6: Contribution to the reconstruction of the hydrological cycle in the CADSES Region on a GIS frame and estimation of water budgets. Analysis of the water resources management of the Ionia Islands under extreme situations (flood and drought events) Identification of the appropriate methodologies for the awareness and the Management of Natural risks Training courses for technical personnel Installation and operation of the Telemetric hydro-meteorological stations and the monitor of extreme events in real time. Contribute to the development of a common and homogeneous data – base for the CADSES area Planning of possible extensions of the project to other European areas PP6: Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources Management

6 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 6 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Kefalonia Island The island of Kefalonia belongs to the Ionian Islands The Ionian Islands have the privilege of having a great quantity of hydrological entries

7 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 7 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Hydrological Analysis The current hydrological condition of the island of Kefalonia is critical. It is the driving force for the selection of this Ionian island and the realisation of a hydrological investigation. Analysis of the water resources management of Kefalonia island and the recommendation of a proper approach and solutions Purpose:

8 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 8 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering   Kefalonia is the largest of the Ionian islands,   The total area of the island is 808 Km 2   Geographically the island is split into two districts, the east which is intensely mountainous and the much smaller west which is mainly hilly   Its mountainous highland surpasses all of the other Ionian islands with ranges that begin at Cape Dafnoudi and end at the most south point at Cape Mounda   The maximum elevation is 1628 m   The coasts of Kefalonia form many bays and land masses   Of particular interest are the caves of the island, for example the precipitous Melissani, Agalaki, Saint Theodoron, Zervati, Drogarati, Sakou, etc   The climate of Kefalonia is Mediterranean with high relative humidity and great annual and monthly precipitation   The mean annual precipitation of Kefalonia is 1000 mm General Description of Kefalonia

9 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 9 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering   Geological substance consists of calcareous formations   In the calcareous rock are generated aquifers, which are victual from the rich precipitations   The main feature is the karst phenomenon, which determines the condition of the aquifers in the island Hydrogeological status of Kefalonia   Many hydrogeological units of the island are open, from one or more sites, to the sea, with which are in free hydraulic contact for many kilometres   The sea water penetrates in the internal of the island in great distance   In many cases fresh water is polluted by salty water

10 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 10 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Data Collection Collection, analysis and elaboration of the existing hydrological data of Argostoli Station (capital of the island) and many other stations that are located near to the island and have similar climate conditions Collection, analysis and elaboration of the existing groundwater data

11 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 11 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Main Watersheds   Production and measurements of water networks   Estimation of all the necessary parameters of the water balances   Calculation of annually and monthly water balances   Estimation of annually and monthly outflows of every basin   Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle   Water resources management under extreme climate conditions   Determination of the four representative water basins of the island   Definition of hydrological parameters for every watershed

12 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 12 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Telemetric hydro-meteorological stations   The implementation of new techniques and methodologies in hydrology and the optimum water resources management are based on the installation of reliable systems to record and process the hydrometeorological information   The importance of such networks is enforced by the Water Framework Directive’s provisions that require the installation of representative monitoring networks of all the parameters of the hydrological cycle   Hydrometeorological monitoring networks can contribute significantly in the monitoring of extreme events in real time as well as in the mapping of climatic and bioclimatic conditions Measuring variables: Measuring variables: Precipitation, Temperature, Humidity, Wind (speed, direction, gust), Radiation (solar, total) and Sunshine duration

13 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 13 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Sensors of a hydro-meteorological station 1. 1.Anemometer and windvane 2. 2.Pyrheliometer 3. 3.Pyranometer 4. 4.Solar panel 5. 5.Air temperature sensor 6. 6.Radiometer 7. 7.Data logger 8. 8.Secondary rain-gauge 9. 9.Primary rain-gauge

14 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 14 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering WMO criteria for the installation of telemetric stations The stations are placed on land with even slopes, far from trees or buildings and relieved from local atmospherical turbulences For the investigation of events in a local scale, each station must cover an area of 10 km 2 at maximum

15 HYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCAREHYDROCARE 15 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering Timetable 2 0 0 62 0 0 7 J-MA-JJ-SO-DJ-MA-JJ-SO-D Collection, analysis and elaboration of the existing hydrological data Methodologies for the assessment and management of the natural risks Techniques for hydro-meteorological analysis/interpretation of data Telemetering hydrometeorological stations for monitoring.Training activities Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle on a GIS frame Analysis of the water resources management under extreme situations Conferences, seminars, dissemination, publications. Project web-site

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