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Local Offices and Institutions Supporting Small Business.

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1 Local Offices and Institutions Supporting Small Business

2 INDEX The support of small businesses CRIAS Microcredit for businesses in need Commercial support of the small businesses The Chamber of Commerce The functions of the Chamber of Commerce SUAP Local Offices and Institutions Supporting Small Business

3 THE SUPPORT OF THE SMALL BUSINESSES The bussinesses in Italy and in Europe form a vital part of European economy. That segment is including the most of the enterprises existing in Europe. In Italy and Sicily, small businesses are very present throughout the operating in various sectors: manufacturing, commercial, tourist and hotel services. In Sicily and in our town, support for production, trade and service, has traditionally assured by lenders (banks in national and regional character); trade associations and by laws of regional and national financing (youth entrepreneurship D. lgs 185/2000; entrepreneurship Law 215; etc.), and CRIAS.

4 CRIAS CRIAS was born in Catania in 1957, as an institute of small farms. It is one of the institutions that helps industrialize, support and strengthen businesses and craftwork. CRIAS is based in Catania, with offices also in Agrigento, Enna and Caltagirone.

5 Microcredit for Business in Need The Region of Sicily has provided new aid to promote local businesses, the measures available to revolve around microcredit. People who have applied for support have been allocated 6,000 euro cash directly from the region. For small businesses we have been allocated 25,000 euro taken from European coffers.

6 COMMERCIAL SUPPORT OF THE SMALL BUSINESSES Association of craftsmen (CNA), traders (Confcommercio) of Industries (Confindustria). These associations organized for SMEs (small businesses) training courses and refresher courses also offer financial support in the form of loans at subsidized interest rates for small businesses using regional sources. Very often it is scheduled forms of concessional financing to the benefit of small businesses set up by young people who invest in innovative sectors such as: web activities (advertising services on the Internet), innovative farming (organic farming), services to tourists (travel agencies), accommodation providers (B & B), catering establishments (restaurants, taverns), cultural activities (museums).

7 THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Chamber of Commerce of Siracuse is located in the center of the city. It is an autonomous institution under public law which perfoms functions of general interest to the business sector, consumers and promotes the development of the provincial economy. The Room of Commerce has the following istitutional roles. Business administrative : Keeping business register, lists, rolls, in which the main events in the life of every business promotion and their development are registered and certified. Promoting and monitoring the economic development and analysing data on the local economy; setting regulation for the market : the settlement of disputes arising from economic relations between enterprise and citizens.

8 THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The functions of the Chamber of Commerce can be divided into three main categories: Administrative functions assigned by law or delegated by the State or by the Regions; within this area lie all activities relating to the maintenance of records, lists, registers and roles, the red tape involved and the management of a comprehensive and reliable system of commercial information; Support functions and to promote the general interests of enterprises: these are initiatives of different types to support the province's economy and the business sector; included in this category are competitions, contributions; investments in companies, consortia, associations, etc.; the work for the promotion and development of local products; participation in trade fairs, etc.

9 The Service Desk is the instrument through which enterprises are unified in a single process, providing all necessary approvals for the construction, start-up, modification or termination of enterprises for the production of goods and services. SUAP

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