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Presentation on theme: "Building High-Performance Organizations V-1 Ver 3.6/18/2016 MODULE V: LEADERSHIPFORM BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building High-Performance Organizations V-1 Ver 3.6/18/2016 MODULE V: LEADERSHIPFORM BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Commonwealth Centers FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONS © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

2 Building High-Performance Organizations V-2 Ver 3.6/18/2016 HP 1. What is it? 2. How would we know? Stakeholders ENV 3. According to whom? VISION STRATEGY STRUCTURE SYSTEMS VALUES WORK CULTURE 5.Right “What?” 6. How Good? 7. How Treat? LEADERSHIP Philosophy Functions Form LEADERSHIP FORM Does the organization/unit have “Change Mechanisms” at all levels of the organization to ensure that Learning/Thinking/Changing/Renew- ing occurs (a Parallel Organization)?Does the organization/unit have “Change Mechanisms” at all levels of the organization to ensure that Learning/Thinking/Changing/Renew- ing occurs (a Parallel Organization)? Does the organization/unit have a good balance of “thinking” and “doing” and a good handoff between the two modes?Does the organization/unit have a good balance of “thinking” and “doing” and a good handoff between the two modes? © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

3 Building High-Performance Organizations V-3 Ver 3.6/18/2016 l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership QI, QIII (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 - -“Urgencies” l Task l Management LEADERSHIP FORM © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

4 Building High-Performance Organizations V-4 Ver 3.6/18/2016 QI, QIII (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 HIERARCHY - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. Parent “My” Child l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership LEADERSHIP FORM © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

5 Building High-Performance Organizations V-5 Ver 3.6/18/2016 Parent “My” Parent / Child Child S4S4S4S4 NOG Leadership Team QI, QIII (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 HIERARCHY l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. LEADERSHIP FORM © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

6 Building High-Performance Organizations V-6 Ver 3.6/18/2016 TaskTeamTaskTeam ManagementTeamManagementTeam ML T ML T ML T ML T ML T TS TS TS TS TS LeadershipTeamLeadershipTeam PARALLEL ORGANIZATION QII - - Leadership S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) NETWORKED TALENT MODEL LEADERSHIP FORM © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

7 Building High-Performance Organizations V-7 Ver 3.6/18/2016 PARALLEL ORGANIZATION Parent “My” Parent / Child Child S4S4S4S4 NOG Management / Task Team S 3+ NOG Leadership Team PARALLEL ORGANIZATION l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership QI, QIII (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 HIERARCHY - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. LEADERSHIP FORM © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

8 Building High-Performance Organizations V-8 Ver 3.6/18/2016 PARALLEL ORGANIZATION Management Team LeadershipTeam “My” S4S4S4S4 “Our” l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE QI, QIII - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 S 3 + (Adult - Adult) HIERARCHY S3+S3+S3+S3+ LEADERSHIP FORM PARALLEL ORGANIZATION © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

9 Building High-Performance Organizations V-9 Ver 3.6/18/2016 PARALLEL ORGANIZATION Project Management Team S3+S3+S3+S3+ ProjectLeadershipTeam S4S4S4S4 team leader l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE QI, QIII - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. (Adult - Adult) QII - - Leadership (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 S 3 + (Adult - Adult) HIERARCHY S4S4S4S4 LEADERSHIP FORM PARALLEL ORGANIZATION © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

10 Building High-Performance Organizations V-10 Ver 3.6/18/2016 l SCVA l V\V SSS l Integration l L\T\C\R l EEE “My” TopLeadershipTeam “Our” Management Team QI, QIII - -“Urgencies” Task /Mgt. Parent “My” Parent / Child Child S4S4S4S4 (Adult - Adult) S4S4S4S4 NOG Management / Task Team S 3+ NOG Leadership Team QII - - Leadership (Parent / Child) S 1 / S 2 S 3 + (Adult - Adult) S 3+ Adult Adult Adult Adult HIERARCHY PARALLEL ORGANIZATION S4S4S4S4 S4S4S4S4 LEADERSHIP FORM Mid-level Leadership Team PARALLEL ORGANIZATION © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

11 Building High-Performance Organizations V-11 Ver 3.6/18/2016 GUIDELINES FOR OPERATING INSIDE THE PARALLEL ORGANIZATION  “Normal” Hierarchical Organization Rules Are Suspended. All team members are equal inside the parallel organization; decisions are by consensus, but note that decisions inside the parallel organization must also “fly” in the hierarchy a key role of team members is identifying, consulting with, and marketing to major “stakeholders” inside and outside of the hierarchy.  Focus Is on Reaching The Best Solutions Possible for the Whole. Members of teams must be committed to a shared vision and values for the organization; a member’s “worth” is determined by his/her contribution (e.g.., ideas, conflict resolution, consensus building, problem-solving) to helping the team reach the best solution possible.  Everyone Gets a “Promotion.” To eliminate “turf” and reach solutions that are best for the whole, members of teams must “promote” themselves at least two levels in the organization so they can see themselves and their units as parts of a larger, integrated whole; members must view themselves as part of a “board of joint owners” of the whole.  A “Regenerative” Culture Is Critical. Trust-Based Relationships: while operating in the parallel organization, all interactions must be based on complete trust; Honesty: members are expected to level with each other and to have no hidden agendas; Mutual Respect: we can disagree without being disagreeable; no personal attacks; each team member must take personal responsibility for the success of every other team member.  Confidentiality. It is often necessary, in order to achieve an open, innovative, and candid discussion of difficult or sensitive issues, for teams to establish a confidentiality rule -- i.e., what is said and decided and why decisions are reached is on the record; but who said what is not.  No Retribution for Following These Guidelines. Because a low threat, high trust climate is critical in getting candidness and promote creative problem-solving, no retribution for following these guidelines can be permitted; however, if members do not follow the guidelines, there must be consequences.  Enforcing These Guidelines Is Everyone’s Responsibility. Because everyone is equal inside the parallel organization, everyone is responsible for making the process work. © 2004 Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc. – permission to use granted with citation

12 Building High-Performance Organizations V-12 Ver 3.6/18/2016 “The movement of organizations to- ward higher-performance will require relentless patience over a long period of time. It took many organizations a century or more to evolve to the point they are now, so it will take a dedicated, sustained, and steady effort at all levels of the organization to change the future.” LEADERSHIP FORM Darrell Maxwell, Navy Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) 4.1E Briefing, January 2001

13 Building High-Performance Organizations V-13 Ver 3.6/18/2016 OBJECTIVE: This exercise is about building your unit’s/NOG’s “leadership/change team,” which will be responsible for driving performance improvement in your part of the organization. PROCESS: As a team, discuss and plan what you will do when you get back to your work place to start improving your organizational performance.As a team, discuss and plan what you will do when you get back to your work place to start improving your organizational performance. Pick a recorder who will be able to disseminate information to everyone once back at your workplace.Pick a recorder who will be able to disseminate information to everyone once back at your workplace. Report out, table by table, the results of your efforts; ask any remaining questions at this time.Report out, table by table, the results of your efforts; ask any remaining questions at this time. FOCUS OF DISCUSSION: 1. Step 2 (for every group): Get organized for improvement! a. Who will be on your leadership/change team? b. When is your first leadership team meeting (date/time/ location)? c. Read HPO Seminar Module VI together. 2. Steps 3 through ???: Pick some “bites of the elephant” to work on with your leadership team a. What are the critical 3 to 5 subject matters to address during the next 4 months? Hint: use the “big sheet” to assess what areas need work most immediate b. How will you know if you are improving? What indicators (metrics) will you use to measure improved performance? c. What is the most important thing (or two) the larger organization could work on that, if it were fixed/improved, would allow your unit to be more effective in its performance improvement efforts? Post HPO Seminar: follow through with your plans from this exercise performance. from this exercise performance. “STEPS 2 THROUGH 400” EXERCISE


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