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Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Independent living through ICT Olga Stepankova, Petr Novak, Tomas Krajnik, Libor Preucil Czech Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Independent living through ICT Olga Stepankova, Petr Novak, Tomas Krajnik, Libor Preucil Czech Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Independent living through ICT Olga Stepankova, Petr Novak, Tomas Krajnik, Libor Preucil Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic

2 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Department of Cybernetics Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic EU Centre of Excellence “MIRACLE” Machine Intelligence Research and Application Centre for Learning Excellence

3 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Network of excellence 2005-9: coordinated by University of Tampere (Finland) Institutions from 11 countries: IT Universities hospitals Centres for Assistive Technology

4 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University CONDITIONNUMBERS ALS / MND 27,000 Multiple Sclerosis135,000 Cerebral Palsy900,000 Spinal Cord Injury36,000 Spinal Muscular Atrophy54,000 Retts Syndrome29,970 Muscular Dystrophy126,000 Brainstem Stroke688,500 Traumatic Brain Injury675,000 TOTAL 2,671,470 Out of 450 million people in EU more than 2,5 mil.could benefit from gaze control. But only 2000 use it !

5 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University  Develop effective means to communicate by eye gaze for people impaired by motor- control disorders  Offer assistive technology that is empowering and fun to use  Verify its advantages!  Consider it for environmental control CTU participation:  Test and develop further I4Control  Identify its user group.

6 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Cogain succeeded to prove that eye control is… Here – now! Reliable Well-supported Not just a necessity… …but also a choice offering the means to Communicate Control the computer Control the environment What about mobility?

7 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Gaze controlled wheelchair Challenges? How to ensure safety?! Gaze control requires stable illumination. What will happen if the user moves into a place with bad light conditions ? Human behaviour and subconcious reactions, e.g. What if the user suddenly looks towards the source a suspicious noise? is forced to close eyes due to irritation (dust, strong light, etc.)? Choice of interface: eyes-up X eyes-down

8 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University  Neither solution is safe (e.g. eyes-up: precise positioning,..)  Can we build a smart wheelchair combining both solutions? Autonomous collision detection, learning,... This can be achieved by providing the chair with  Environment sensing system ( laser rangefinders, sonars,..)  Algorithms from mobile robotics domain (s elf-localization, autonomous motion planning,..) Eyes-down X Eyes-up interface

9 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University System description Safe, comfortable gaze-controlled wheelchair Gaze often distracted Limited user concentration Direct control not comfortable nor safe Need to enforce autonomy Environment sensing system Algorithms of mobile robotics domain

10 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Wheelchair modes  Several types of control modes according user’s ability  Direct control Fast (quick reaction) Not safe (low level actions)  Limit Mode Movement and turning (1m, 2m, 10deg. 45deg, …) Select option and confirmation Only listed possibilities

11 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Wheelchair modes  Autonomous control modes  Indoor map Selection on map (any possible location) Pre-defined target locations (fast target selection)  Outdoor Picture from front camera Way selection (this way) Way recognition Future work Customisation for individual user Planning in complex environment Providing the user with information about sensory input as well as about comming actions,...

12 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University COGAIN 2009 Petr Novák, Olga Štepánková Home and environment control

13 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Control system structure  Three types of input devices (simple buttons, directions, absolute position)  Stand-alone application running on home PC  Special output devices (IR TV controller, …) or using smart devices throw any type connection (door system, …) Input devicesControl systemOutput devices

14 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Other possibilities  Open / close window – using special actuators  On / off light – e.g. using 433MHz wireless system  Send / receive SMS by cell-phone – BlueTooth connection between cell-phone and PC  Accessible for mobile users –Input device e.g. on wheelchair –Using BlueTooth or ZigBee -> home PC Person on wheelchair with input device Wireless connection to PC (BloeTooth, ZigBee) Computer application

15 Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University Conclusions COGAIN’s experience with user trials proved: If given a choice, a significant proportion of potential users would use eye control for at least some of the time… Much more people could benefit from the current technology if we set the goal to provide affordable solutions! This can be achieved rather soon if we join forces in an interdisciplinary research including AI, robotics, psychology,... and the users!

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