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Welcome to Unit 6-AB140 WELCOME. We are starting our 6 th week. Great job! We are over the half-way mark. Easy sailing the rest of the way! Are there any.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Unit 6-AB140 WELCOME. We are starting our 6 th week. Great job! We are over the half-way mark. Easy sailing the rest of the way! Are there any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Unit 6-AB140 WELCOME. We are starting our 6 th week. Great job! We are over the half-way mark. Easy sailing the rest of the way! Are there any questions you need clarification on before we begin with Unit 6? (All seminar’s are recorded.) Please summarize in your own words at least one thing you learned from Unit 5. Instructor overview and comments. (Chapter 13 is Unit 6 textbook reading). 1

2 Unit 6 Objectives (Outcomes) Distinguish between the four functions of management Explain the significance of control systems in business Summarize the design of a formal control system. Course Outcome practiced in this Unit: AB140-2 Recognize the 4 functions of management. 2

3 Unit 6: Seminar We will discuss; the 4 steps of control systems; the role of Six Sigma, SOX, and internal vs. external audits. 3

4 The UNIT 6 EXAM Access during this week’s Unit only. Closes at the end of this Unit—Tuesday,11:59PM EST. Grades will be available one week after the close of the Unit. EXAM can be taken ONLY ONCE. You have 2 hours to complete the EXAM. 20/Multiple choice. The EXAM is based on Unit 3 through 6 focusing on the POLC model 4

5 General Questions 5

6 Unit 6—Controlling (POLC) Can you guess what is meant by Controlling? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?) 1. “Conscious, systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, group, work unit, or organization will pursue in the future.” 2. “Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.” 3. “Stimulating people to be high performers and good communicators.” 4. “Fundamental forces that keep the organization together and heading in the right direction.” 5. “An assessment of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.” (Bateman & Snell, 2012) 6

7 Unit 6—Control (POLC) “Ineffective Control Systems result in problems ranging from employee theft to less than satisfactory products.” (Bateman & Snell, 2012.) 7

8 What are the three types of Control? First one… According to our textbook reading, they are; B _ _ E _ _ C _ A _ _ _ 8

9 What are the three types of Control? Second one… M _ R _ _ T 9

10 What are the three types of Control? Last one… C _ _ N 10

11 What is Six Sigma? Brain-buster Jumble--Unscramble the Jumble to solve the answer: inmitaelngi cefteds 11

12 Six Sigma definition… “…a quality management concept that has the goal of eliminating defects from a company’s product or service.” (Bateman & Snell, 2012.) “It involves adjusting various aspects of and around the product or service until it is consistently what the customers want and need.” (Bateman & Snell, 2012.) 12

13 What is Six Sigma’s role? One approach that managers may use to address defects is to place employees in work teams that focus on finding improvements and solutions that will prevent a certain defect from arising in the first place. By forcing teams to come up with new answers and inputs, the brainstorming paints a broad picture of the issue and underlying facts. The teams help to refine and improve the idea. Put on your thinking caps… (instructor forms teams here for the next page brainstorming exercise). 13

14 Team Brainstorming… Six Sigma is not teams attacking a problem. Six Sigma is improving a process. We could not improve a whole process in the Seminar hour, so instead, I have a team exercise. You are driving in your sports car on a cold wet evening. You pass a bus stop where you see three people waiting for the bus. One is your best friend from school days who you have not seen for 20 years. One is the man or woman of your dreams—the person you always wanted to meet. The third is a sick old lady who needs to be taken to hospital. Knowing that there is room for only one passenger in your car, what would you do? Sloane, P. (2003). The Leader’s Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills, p. 92. 14

15 Can you name one of the 4 steps of Control Systems? 15

16 First step of Control Systems… 1. Setting Performance Standards. Can you think of an example of a goal and its standard in your workplace or in college? 16

17 Second step of Control Systems… 2. Measuring Performance. How are performance goals measured in your workplace or in college? 17

18 Third step of Control Systems… 3. Comparing performance against the standards and determining deviations. What methods do you, your managers, or instructor use to perform this step? 18

19 Fourth step in Control Systems… 4. Taking action to correct problems and reinforce successes. Can you name some methods that managers or instructors use to correct problems or reinforce successes in your workplace or college? 19

20 The Control Process (Taken from Bateman & Snell, 2009)

21 What is an internal audit? 21

22 What is an external audit? 22

23 Audit experience… Have you ever participated in an audit at your workplace? What type of audit was it? What were some of the pros and cons of the audit experience that you noticed? 23

24 Current events Any volunteers? 24

25 Any Questions? 25 Seminar is coming to an end, soon. Let’s wrap-up the evening. We’re almost finished with our classes and can see the end in sight! Keep going…

26 Seminar Concluded Good night. Have a great week! My office hours are listed on our class syllabus. THE END… 26

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