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J-AGE I, CSA evaluation, SRA opportunities Research and Innovation Research and Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "J-AGE I, CSA evaluation, SRA opportunities Research and Innovation Research and Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 J-AGE I, CSA evaluation, SRA opportunities Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

2 J-AGE 1: Lessons from review Progress OK, but improvements needed in Management / Reporting Dissemination Transparency Methodology description, outcomes, use of results Rejected deliverables (and partly related costs), esp. Website Indicators Evaluation report

3 J-AGE 1: Lessons from review International cooperation: Australia / Asia Research vocabulary Minutes of SOAB / SAB to Commission / reviewers? SOAB: Stakeholders on Tourism / Consumer Organisations

4 CSA: Evaluation status and planning One proposal submitted Ongoing: Individual report and consensus report Consensus group meeting in Brussels 2nd week June Implementation planning, Comitology Information to consortium mid-September Signature of grant agreement: December No negotiation, only minor corrections Project start: February?

5 SRA opportunities I EIP contribution In line with JPI prioritisation criteria of SRA (p. 75) In line with types of research defined in SRA (p. 76/77)

6 New Knowledge JPI More Years Better Lives JPIs n Public Health Programme (health & ageing) Structural Funds EIB ESF EIT Deployment support ICT – Health - Ageing EIP Active and Healthy Ageing Evidence and innovation guidelines ResearchInnovation Deployment Proven Ideas Horizon 2020 SC1 eHealth ICT & Ageing Health New solutions AAL JP V2

7 EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing APPROACH: Combining demand and supply sides of innovation Building on existing instruments and new ones Ownership of key stakeholders High-level political commitment Very large-scale deployment & innovation Awareness and best-practice sharing across Europe health & quality of life of European citizens growth & expansion of EU industry Sustainable & efficient care systems +2 Healthy Life Years by 2020 Triple win for Europe Priorities

8 Reminder - Specific Actions in EIP Action on prescriptions and adherence at regional level Personal management of health, starting with initiative on prevention of falls Action for prevention of functional decline & frailty Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring, at regional level Development of interoperable independent living solutions, including guidelines for business models Promoting innovation for age-friendly and accessible buildings, cities and environments

9 SRA and input from EIP: informing policy EIP Action Groups to identify research gaps for Member States / JPI EIP Action Groups to identify research gaps for Member States / JPI A2 Falls: -? C2 Independe nt Living: -? D4 Environme nts: -? A1 Adherence: -? B3 Integrated Care: -? A3 Prevention: -?

10 Starting point: Mapping AGs and research priorities QoL, Wellbeing, HealthB3, C2, D4… Learning for Later LifeB3, C2… Social and Economic Production… ParticipationC2, D4… Ageing and PlaceA2, D4… A new Labour Market… Integrating PolicyB3… Inclusion an Equity… Welfare Models… Technology for LivingA2, C2… Resarch Infrastructure…

11 SRA opportunities II Digital Social Platform? Corresponds to several research priorities Combining programme with a new participatory element

12 Call 2015: Digital Social Platforms A new approach to participation and social innovation Part of "Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPS)" in the LEIT part of H2020 Large-scale stakeholder involvement

13 ICT 10 – 2015: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation c. Digital Social Platforms (DSP) Scope Digital social platforms for multidisciplinary groups developing innovative solutions to societal challenges Scaling up: transposition of existing or emerging solutions to larger transnational scales Build on established open multi-stakeholder networks Provide a suitable ICT-enabled cooperative environment for expansion and governance Transferable and scalable to other communities in different domains and societal challenges. Research and Innovation Actions

14 ICT 10 – 2015: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation c. Digital Social Platforms (DSP) Expected Impact Definition of new concepts and models for the development of digital social platforms, deeper understanding of social innovation processes Transferability and scalability of the digital social platforms model, as well as of the services developed, to enlarged communities across borders Measurable improvement in cooperation among citizens, researchers, public authorities, private companies, non-profit, non-governmental and any other civil society organisation Research and Innovation Actions Research and Innovation Action (100%), proposals requesting small contributions are expected

15 A DSP around one or more priority areas of the SRA? Translating SRA priorities into research with support from a Digital Social Platform? Strategic Research Agenda Participation Integrating policy Inclusion and equity Technology for living

16 Thank you.

17 Why ICT R&I 1.Breakthroughs Behavioural & cognitive data for 10 years earlier risk detection Virtual physiological human, in-silico medicine Robotics in smart spaces for empowerment of citizens and professionals 2.ICT Interoperability & standards Integrated health and wellbeing information Open Source, Open service platforms, Reference Architectures, ISO standards 3.Unlocking emerging market potential & growth Personalised health & wellbeing, "apps" + information systems AAL: 300+ SMEs → 20%+ projects going to market 4.Economies of scale and re-use Chronic disease mgt & care systems & independent living → 35% efficiency gain Co-investment: 50+ regions, 20.000+ users EIP as very large scale multiplier End-to-end ICT security and privacy Health, Ageing, Wellbeing

18 Applied research Ambient Assisted Living Art.185 Joint Programme Market-oriented ICT research in assisted living technologies & services Strong demand/impact orientation Participation according to national rules ICT & Ageing 22 European countries 2-3 years to market 120+ projects 40%+ SMEs  Budget 600 M€+ EU funding 150 M€

19 Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies  ICT  Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and Processing  Biotechnology  Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area Simplified access International cooperation Dissemination & knowledge tranfer Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure Societies EIT JRC Horizon 2020: ICT in the new framework programme

20 LEIT Smart Systems integration Cloud Computing services Robotics, Photonics ICT-KET Integrated Platforms Digital Social Platforms (CAPS) Internet of Things High Performance Computing Big Data LEIT Smart Systems integration Cloud Computing services Robotics, Photonics ICT-KET Integrated Platforms Digital Social Platforms (CAPS) Internet of Things High Performance Computing Big Data Societal Challenge #1 Understanding health, ageing and disease Determinants, risk factors and pathways Systems medicine Advancing active and healthy ageing Service robotics within in assisted living environments Early risk detection and intervention Promoting mental wellbeing: in the ageing population ICT for independent living with cognitive impairment Co-ordination activities Support for the EIP-AHA Coordination Action for JPI "MYBL" ERA-NET Collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities in the area of brain-related diseases Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care Self-management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth Public procurement of innovative eHealth services Improving health information, data exploitation and providing evidence base for policies and regulation Digital representation of health data to improve diseases' diagnosis and treatment Societal Challenge #1 Understanding health, ageing and disease Determinants, risk factors and pathways Systems medicine Advancing active and healthy ageing Service robotics within in assisted living environments Early risk detection and intervention Promoting mental wellbeing: in the ageing population ICT for independent living with cognitive impairment Co-ordination activities Support for the EIP-AHA Coordination Action for JPI "MYBL" ERA-NET Collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities in the area of brain-related diseases Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care Self-management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth Public procurement of innovative eHealth services Improving health information, data exploitation and providing evidence base for policies and regulation Digital representation of health data to improve diseases' diagnosis and treatment Societal Challenge #6 Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe Migration, Prosperity and Growth Innovative social investment approaches for the modernisation of social policies and services The young generation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion The young as a driver of socio-ecological transition New forms of innovation Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion Societal Challenge #6 Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe Migration, Prosperity and Growth Innovative social investment approaches for the modernisation of social policies and services The young generation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion The young as a driver of socio-ecological transition New forms of innovation Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion Health and Ageing in H2020 (2014/15)

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