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Junior Debating Society Forms 1 - 4. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY FORMS 1 - 4 Every other Wednesday Sign in Sign to volunteer to be a speaker Offer ideas on.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Debating Society Forms 1 - 4. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY FORMS 1 - 4 Every other Wednesday Sign in Sign to volunteer to be a speaker Offer ideas on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Debating Society Forms 1 - 4

2 JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY FORMS 1 - 4 Every other Wednesday Sign in Sign to volunteer to be a speaker Offer ideas on debate topics Ask your committee for support!

3 Key Terms Motion: statement proposed / subject for the debate Proposition: Agrees with this statement Opposition: Disagrees with this statement AIM: Present a range of arguments to back up your viewpoint and convince the audience that you are right!

4 ORDER OF EVENTS! 1. Chair person introduces motion 2. 1 st speaker of Proposition 3. 1 st speaker of Opposition 4. 2 nd speaker of Proposition 5. 2 nd speaker Opposition 6. Questions from the floor directed to a team / speaker 7. Summing up of arguments 8. Voting: FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN

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