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REMIT IT implementation Outline. REMIT IT implementation: Overview Development of data collection and data sharing solution Implementation and customisation.

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Presentation on theme: "REMIT IT implementation Outline. REMIT IT implementation: Overview Development of data collection and data sharing solution Implementation and customisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 REMIT IT implementation Outline

2 REMIT IT implementation: Overview Development of data collection and data sharing solution Implementation and customisation of market monitoring solution Establishment of the EU register of market participants

3 Ongoing development of CEREMP and ARIS

4 StartStop “Registration Format” published by ACERJune 2012 Requirements phaseQ3 2012Q4 2012 Development phaseQ4 2012 / Q1 2013End of Q3 2013 Testing phaseNovember 2013January 2014 Bugfixing and ConfigurationJanuary 2014April 2014 CEREMP GoLive for NRAs16 June 201431 July CEREMP GoLive for Market Participants Up to the relevant NRA to decide, probably in parallel to the adoption of the Implementing Acts Timeline for CEREMP

5 NRAs can start using CEREMP if the following prerequisites are met: -Signed SLA with the Agency, -VPN set up, -Digital certificate provided either by the NRA concerned or by ACER. “CEREMP go-live for NRAs” only means that the system will be handed over to the NRA concerned. However, it is up to the relevant NRA to decide when to open CEREMP for its registration of market participants. CEREMP go-live

6 Current Notification Platform Two notification forms:  Notification under Article of 3(4)(b) and 4(2) of REMIT for delayed disclosure of inside information and  Suspicious Transaction Reports under Article 15 of REMIT Active from December 2011 Used by the Agency and the majority of NRAs as a tool to enable market participants and persons professionally arranging transactions to fulfil their obligations under REMIT Updated Notification Platform Three notification forms:  Notification under Article 3(4)(b) of REMIT  Notification under Article 4(2) of REMIT  Suspicious Transaction Report under Article 15 of REMIT More user friendly and reflects the draft Implementing Acts Option to notify several NRAs and ACER with one notification Old data will be migrated to the updated NP Notification Platform is accessible by NRAs via web service application Testing by NRAs from 12 May 2014 to 30 May 2014 Timeline foreseen for updated Notification Platform 20 June 2014: Market participants can access the updated notification forms for testing purposes (but will still have an obligation to use the current notification forms) 1 August 2014: Updated NP goes live, current NP is closed  Market participants will be required to use only updated notification forms  NRAs can access/receive the updated notification forms Update of the Notification Platform in parallel with CEREMP Go-live

7 ARIS software development

8 ACER’s agile approach for the ARIS development in three development cycles 1 st development cycle: ARIS pilot project (7-11/2013) 2 nd development cycle: ARIS prototype (11/2013-6/2014) 3 rd development cycle: ARIS production system

9 2 nd phase of the Pilot was kicked-off on 25 November 2013 The ARIS Operational Prototype will precede the ‘go-live’ phase Planned to further enhance ARIS development and to result in consistently anonymised data Data collection in the Prototype focus on the following data types Transactions in standard supply contracts, including orders to trade Derivatives Fundamental data (Inside information and reference data) Next Pilot progress meeting foreseen for end of July ARIS Operational Prototype By mid-June, 15 pilot participants provided data to the ARIS prototype

10 . Development of the data sharing solution:. Q2/2014 – Q4/2014. IT development on the basis of the data sharing concept currently in preparation. Part of the ARIS operational prototype phase. Development of the data sharing solution will be reported to the IT TF. Strong role for IT TF (“steering committee”) with NRA IT experts and requirement to engage actively. BNetzA, CRE, E-Control and Ofgem indicated their interest to participate in the pilot project, E-Control indicated their willingness to take over a lead-role concerning the IT implementation at NRA side. Scoping paper for the pilot currently in preparation Data sharing solution

11 . Design study for market monitoring software (March–June 2013) Roadmap for the remainder of SMARTS Integrity implementation. Pilot project for market monitoring software (July-Nov. 2013) Software beta version installed Sample data set imported (anonymised data for December 2012) Prototype consultancy from NASDAQ OMX – in progress SMARTS Integrity customisation, testing and deployment in remainder of 2014 after more data collected during the prototype phase Follow-up delivery of new SMARTS modules (fundamental data viewer, auction analysis) in mid-2015 Status quo of SMARTS customisation

12 IT Implementation Timeline (depending on timeline of Implementing Acts) 2013 2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Development of the Registration System Design Study for MM System Customisation of the Market Monitoring System Development of data collection/sharing solutions GO LIVE Q3Q4/Q1 2015

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