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1. Define subcontinent A large landmass that is smaller than a continent 2. Define monsoons Seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons.

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2 1. Define subcontinent A large landmass that is smaller than a continent 2. Define monsoons Seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons

3 3. Describe the Harappan civilization and achievements Thrived between 2300 BC and 1700 BC Had fortresses Brick streets with stores, workshops and markets Public wells Achievements: indoor plumbing, writing system 4. Describe the Aryan civilization Small communities based on family ties, led locally, not central government Nomadic Leader was called a raja

4 5. Define sanskrit The most important language of ancient India Recorded information on the Aryan society 6. Describe the “varnas” Social divisions in Aryan society Top: Brahmins (priests) Next:Kshatriyas (rulers) Next: Vaisyas (farmers, craftspeople, traders) Bottom: Sudras (laborers or non-Aryan)

5 7. Define caste system Divided Indian society in to groups based on a person’s birth, wealth, or occupation 8. What are the caste rules? Can not marry outside of your caste Can not eat with members of another caste

6 9. Define “Brahmanism” The Aryan religion, named this because the priests were called Brahmins 10. What were the Vedas and Vedic texts? Sacred hymns and poems Vedic texts were the Brahmins thoughts on the Vedas Described sacrifices, secret rituals Last one was called the “Upanishads” (reflections of the Vedas by religious students and teachers)

7 11. Describe Hinduism The largest religion in India today It was a blend of Brahmanism and other cultures beliefs They believe everything in the world is a part of Brahman and everyone's goal should be to eventually join your soul with Brahman 12. Who are the Hindu gods? Brahma the Creator Siva the Destroyer Vishnu the Preserver *each god is a part of a single universal spirit called the Brahman (this created the world and preserves it)


9 13. What are Hindu’s beliefs in life and rebirth? Everyone has a soul (atman) The soul holds your personality You will eventually join the Brahman because this world is an illusion Since its hard to see through the illusion you may have to live several lives 14. Define reincarnation The process of rebirth

10 15. Define karma The effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul 16. How does the caste system relate to Hinduism? Bad karma= reborn to a lower caste system Good karma=reborn in to a better caste *Dharma=set of spiritual duties you must fulfill in your life

11 17. Describe Jainism Four basic principles: 1. injure no life 2. tell the truth 3. do not steal 4. own no property Everything is alive and part of the cycle of rebirth Do not kill any creature (humans, animals, insects or even plants) vegetarians 18. Define nonviolence The avoidance of violent actions Jainism practice this

12 19. Describe Sikhism Blends Hinduism and Islam Monotheistic (ONE god) Ultimate goal is to reunite with their one god, to get there you must meditate to find spiritual enlightenment Believe in reincarnation Live truthfully and treat everyone equally Pray several times a day Always have on them: long hair, small comb, a steel bracelet, a sword and a special undergarment Men wear turbans 20. Who was Siddartha Gautama? Prince that grew up in luxury in northern India Felt something was missing, looked around his town and saw suffering He wanted to know the meaning of life and suffering Before he was 30 he left his family to go on a journey He fasted and meditated and talked to priests for 6 years he wondered around He sat under a tree and meditated and after 7 weeks realized: 1. we suffer because we want what we don’t have 2. we suffer because we worry about keeping what we have 3. we suffer because we don’t like what we have

13 21. Define fasting and meditation Fasting: going without food Meditation: focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas 22. Who is the Buddha? Siddartha Gautama, after he became enlightened

14 23. Describe Buddhism Religion based on the teachings of the Buddha People should act morally and treat others well 24. What are the Four Noble Truths? 1. Suffering and unhappiness are a part of human life. No one can escape sorrow 2. Suffering comes from our desires for pleasure and material goods. People cause their own misery because they want what they cant have. 3. People can overcome desire and ignorance and reach nirvana (perfect peace) 4. People can overcome ignorance and desire by following the 8 Fold Path that leads to wisdom, enlightenment, and salvation

15 25. What is the Eightfold Path? 1. Right thought (4 Noble Truths) 2. Right Intent (goodness and kindness) 3. Right Speech (avoid lies and gossip) 4. Right Action (don’t steal or harm others) 5. Right livelihood (reject work that hurts others) 6. Right Effort (prevent evil, go good) 7. Right mindfulness(control your feelings and thoughts) 8. Right concentration (meditate) 26. Why was Buddha against the caste system? He didn’t think that people should be confined to a particular place in society Doesn’t matter what caste system you are born in to, live a good life

16 27. How did Buddhism spread? Through missionaries (people who work to spread their religious beliefs) 28. What are the two branches Buddhism split in to? 1. Theravada (stricter to the rules of the Buddha) Mahayana (people can interpret the Buddha’s teachings how they want~ more popular today)

17 29. Who was Candragupta Maurya and what did he do? A military leader who seized control of the entire northern part of India Huge army of 600,000 soldiers and war elephants Became a Jainist and gave up his throne 30. Who was Asoka and what did he do? Maurya’s grandson Strong ruler, took over most of India Saw bloody battles and became Buddhist and stopped taking over other land and worked on improving his kingdom (wells, roads, etc)

18 31. Who was Candra Gupta II and what did he do? The Gupta society reached its high point during his rule Covered a large area, people were happy, wealthy 32. Describe Indian temples Buddhist temples, out of mountainsides Filled with beautiful wall paintings and sculptures

19 33. Describe Indian painting and sculpture Colorful Showed graceful Indians wearing fine jewelry and stylish clothes Showed Hinduism and Buddhism beliefs Statues of kings and Buddha 34. What are the religious epics? Mahabharata and Ramayana are famous epics Explained religious beliefs and models on how humans should behave

20 35. What were the scientific advances of ancient India? Metallurgy (working with metals) 36. What were the mathematic and other advances of Ancient India? Hindu-Arabic numerals (used today) Inoculation (injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help him or her build up defenses to a disease) Astronomy (study of stars and planets)

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