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CHAPTER 4: MIDDLE EASTERN EMPIRES With mark Bajer, Sam Harris, Nathan Misenhelter, and Brianna.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 4: MIDDLE EASTERN EMPIRES With mark Bajer, Sam Harris, Nathan Misenhelter, and Brianna."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 4: MIDDLE EASTERN EMPIRES With mark Bajer, Sam Harris, Nathan Misenhelter, and Brianna.

2 Vocabulary  Archer: a solider who fights with a bow and arrows.  Artisan: a person who works with his or her hands to create something.  Calvary: soldiers on horseback.  Chariot: two wheeled horse drawn carriage.  Dominate: to control.  Empire: a nation that rules a large area of land.  Smelt: to quickly cool hot iron that has been hammered to remove any unwanted materials.

3 Vocabulary continued  Loot: to rob or steal.  Tribute: taxes paid to a stronger ruler or nation.  Capital: the city from which a ruler or emperor, rules.  Alliance: an agreement to work together to help one and other.  Govern: to rule.

4 Vocabulary continued  Rebel: to disobey or fight against.  Govern: a ruler of a promise or state.  Province: an area, such as a state, that is part of a larger country.  Expand: to grow; to stretch.  Glaze: a coat of shiny polish.  Sculpture: a carving from stone or other hard material.

5 Vocabulary continued  Astronomer: a person who keeps track of the planets, stars, and the sun.  Constellation: a picture made, by a group of stars.  Observe: to view.  Predict: to tell the future.  Terraced: going upward like steps.  Zodiac: the 12 constellations‘ named by the Chaldea priest.  Conquer: to defeat

6 More vocabulary  Barter: to trade by exchanging things without using money.  Inspection: someone who looks at how things are being done.  Relay: to pass along from one to another.  Unify: to connect  Litter: a stretcher for carrying people  Influence: an effect.  Drench: to talk about the gods or how to live.


8 800 B.C. Assyrian empire expands in Mesopotamia. 600 B.C. King Assurbanipal builds nieven. 612 B.C. Nineven the capital of Assyria, is destroyed. 586B.C. Nebuchezzar king of the Chaldeans, captures Jerusalem 570 B.C. Zoroaster preaches a new religion in Persia. 562 B.C. Nebuchad nezzar dies. 538 B.C. Cyrus defeats the Chaldeans. Persian empire dominates the middle east.

9 5 Question Graphic Organizer 1. Why was your Civilization important? 2. What did the people of your civilization contribute to modern society? 3. What were the people of your civilization known for? 4. How did the physical geography help your civilization? 5. What is something you want the class to remember about your civilization?

10 5 Question Graphic Organizer 1. Why was your Civilization important? There were many civilizations out in the Middle Eastern Empires. There were many wars with allied forces, and there were many enemies throughout the years of the empires. Keeping civilization was a very hard this to keep up in the empires. There were wars with the Assyrians and Persians. There were many kings throughout the years, over and over kings have taken over and they were all great kings who have taken charge of empires. 2. What did the people of your civilization contribute to modern society? They helped modern society by spreading the modern ideas, religions and technology within the territories. 3. What were the people of your civilization known for? The people of Assyrians and Persians and many more were known for their armies. And that they made metal tools and an army with many archers which was very popular in there era of time. 4. How did the physical geography help your civilization? Since ancient times the Middle East has connected major trade routes between Asia and Europe overland and seas. Caravans from India and China brought goods across the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. Other routes took traders across the Red Sea or down the Coast of Africa. 5. What is something you want the class to remember about your civilization? Our time period had great armies and great connections with major trades throughout empires and kingdoms.

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