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The State of Odisha can be taken forward only when the rural communities join the mainstream. There are different issues which hinder the growth of state.

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2 The State of Odisha can be taken forward only when the rural communities join the mainstream. There are different issues which hinder the growth of state for which simple if not concrete steps has to be taken. Boost to the social work in rural communities of Odisha can bring optimism and confidence on those underprivileged lives. Works which encompass provision of basic amenities to skill training are extremely helpful towards their upliftment. Solutions through social works Generation of funds through people’s contribution and CSR activities will support the development of the rural communities.

3 Nevertheless, it is also very important to provide emotional support to them. First of all, the need of basic amenities should be addressed for social development in Odisha through different projects. Sanitation can be improved by building toilets and biodegradable sewerage systems. Poor or no sanitation causes the people to get plagues by numerous severe diseases. Small water treatment plants or any substantial facility to purify water can also be a great help. social development in Odisha Secondly, women should be advised about proper care of their children. Ignorance to this particular issue has lead to several deaths of children thereby increasing the infant mortality rate.

4 Also, they must be taught to take certain measures when the child is affected by any kind of disease. Another part of social work in rural communities of Odisha remains the education and skill development of the people. These are prominent with respect to earn the means of livelihood. Infrastructure and quality teachers will help for education and skill training programs will benefit the people to work and earn. CONTACT US :- Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation IMFA Building, Bhubaneswar – 751010, Odisha, India Tel :+91 674 3051000 Email:

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