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By David Gallotto & Tyler Corcoran.  The basic idea behind the Invisible Leash is that we integrated shock collar technology into the basic everyday.

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Presentation on theme: "By David Gallotto & Tyler Corcoran.  The basic idea behind the Invisible Leash is that we integrated shock collar technology into the basic everyday."— Presentation transcript:

1 By David Gallotto & Tyler Corcoran

2  The basic idea behind the Invisible Leash is that we integrated shock collar technology into the basic everyday pet leash.  The way this works is that you will have a device that can be easily clipped to pants or a belt, and you can set it from 1 foot to 40 feet. (1 meter to 12 meters)  If your pet attempts to exceed these parameters they will be shocked with the same force as a electric dog fence emits.

3  The Invisible Leash will have three different aspects to it. (Different package deals for purchase) First of which will be the more prominent of the four and was explained in the previous slide was the “Clip on Device”.  Next we have the “Smart Phone Application”. This app is free with purchase and allows you to set parameters for your pet directly from your phone. This app also allows you to get a pinpoint location of your pet sent straight to your phone via GPS satellite. (GPS chip built in)  Lastly we have the “Perimeter Wire”. This part of the product is a safety net. If your pet for some reason isn’t responding to the shock the collar emits then the Perimeter Wire comes into play and takes over. This will be built into the ground around your house or wherever you want to set it up and provide a little more shock than the collar itself.

4  Competitive Forces – We will be faced with many domestic competitive forces. We face other pet leash companies and shock collar fencing companies. (Dogtek and their Electronic Dog Fence; PetSafe wireless instant Fence; Simply Shocking Electric Dog Fence; Etc.)  Economic Forces - When economic force comes into play, we plan to take note of the recovery process that we are currently in as a nation. The productivity in the American Free Market is growing and so is the spending amount of the consumers, which ultimately means that we are going to take full action in releasing our product as soon as possible to accommodate with the consumer getting comfortable with paying and spending.  Political Forces - The “Invisible Leash” plans to have support through the political forces in America. We plan to offer the product free for any politicians that have themselves a dog or cat just to build a talk in the political community about our product and discuss and spread the word.

5  Legal & Regulatory Forces – We wish to follow all regulatory and legal forces present in the American society that regulate business and marketing. As a company we do not plan to restrict any trading of any product whatsoever, and also do not plan to discontinue our competition but instead encourage it. All information that we receive will be confidential within our company and will not be distributed freely without consent of the customer and/or consumer.  Technological Forces – With the use of our countries technological advances, we will strive to use them to our full advantage. An example of this is the application for our product. Another would be the GPS tracking device built into the product.  Socio – Cultural Forces - As for sociocultural forces we plan to take a good look at the three major issues behind the term: demographic and diversity characteristics, cultural values, and consumerism. We will try our best to fulfill all these aspects to ensure our products growth and acceptance.

6  Competitive Forces – No competitive forces that we know of. Our product is the first of its kind in Morocco.  Economic Forces – Morocco’s Economic growth went up 4-5% this year. Meeting with the Moroccan’s helped us understand that the crisis we are in is hurting the world not just the U.S.  Political Forces – Not really any Political Forces that would oppose our product, but they would most likely be less willing to support our product. The Government is run by a King, pass down from Father to Son. The “Senate” is composed of a Parliament which is divided into 2 chapters, headed by a Prime Minister.

7  Legal & Regulatory Forces – There are not any Legal or Regulatory Forces opposed to our product, it is not considered pet abuse.  Technological Forces – Morocco has become more technologically advanced over the years. They have Ipads and cell phones there now. We will make our product Windows oriented. We have come to learn that Samsung is popular over there as opposed to Apple products in the U.S.  Socio – Cultural Forces – We will program our product to use the International Standards of measurement. For example we will program the distance aspect to square meters instead of feet. Also we will program the device to use multiple languages, some of which will be Arabic, French and English.

8  Strengths – First product of its kind. More convenient than an ordinary leash/shock collar fence. New GPS technology allows for easier awareness of your pets whereabouts. Mostly everyone in this day and age has a smart phone, which allows easier control of the product. Even if you don’t have a smartphone you can just use the Clip On Device.  Weaknesses – Some people still use flip phones so they won’t get full access to the product. Product is predominantly expensive, so some people may not be able to afford it. People who are against shock collar technology will be a problem as well.

9  Opportunities – Helping people have easier and more convenient control of their pet. Being the first of its kind product we will have a huge advantage to people who try and imitate our product. Allowing people to walk their cats as well as their dogs, because you don’t see a lot of cats being walked.  Threats – Safety issues, product must go through multiple testing phases to ensure product will not harm the animals. PETA will be a big threat trying to shut us down because they basically oppose anything that they think is abusive to pets.

10  Target Market – For our product we will mainly target the upper class (A’s and B’s) with other aspects of our product (The Invisible Leash itself) targeted toward the middle class. The full package deal of our product will be expensive and therefore targeted to the upper class.  Product Strategy – For the United States we will be performing live test shows. These events will be held in high pet ownership areas and will be free to attend. We will send out fliers and put ads up to promote attendance. Also we will use social networking to our advantage and get the word out on there. (Mainly targeting pet owners)  In Morocco we will mainly advertise on billboards and put up/ hand out fliers. We will attempt to use social media marketing there as well, seeing as they have smart phones too.

11  Pricing strategy- Entire product package - $199.00 (Clip, App, Fence)  Clip on Device & Free App - $119.00  Distribution Strategy – Sold through our company. No middle man (Petco etc.) Product is light in weight and can be easily mailed anywhere.  Promotion Strategy – We will take advantage of social media in the United States to bring pet owners to our live showings. We will also use billboards and fliers to spread the word.  In Morocco we will attempt the same Promotional Strategy as the United States except fliers and billboards will be utilized a bit more.

12 Thank you!

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