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Narrandera Shire Council Infrastructure Department– 2015/16 Roadshow.

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Presentation on theme: "Narrandera Shire Council Infrastructure Department– 2015/16 Roadshow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrandera Shire Council Infrastructure Department– 2015/16 Roadshow

2 Introduction Challenges to Road Manager How did we do things differently in 2014/2015 Completed Projects 14/15 (5 minute slide show) Improvement planned for 15/16 Years Budget 15/16, list of projects and their spatial distribution Road Service Review

3 Challenges Huge road network- some of them are of very low utilization Available gravel susceptible to produce more dust- however limited choice to road managers Higher level of legislative requirements- higher degree of safety, environmental requirement (not in risk based approach - We are required to put similar number of signs on our roadworks with traffic count 15-20 vpd as in RMS roads with 3000 vehicle/day - We don’t have much freedom to choose road width and design standard. When we talk about roads, AUSTROADS STANDARDS sets us limits! - There are instances we are issued non conformances for clearing 5-6 (1 m height bush over 20 m2, to put our machineries for roadwork's)

4 Traffic Volumes on local roads Utilization of Road Assets- Narrandera Shire Council

5 What we did differently in 14/15 Resheeting/rehabilitation works – Schedule of works were prepared timely – All works planned such that all plants e.g. Loader, Trucks (2), Water Cart (2) and Roller were utilized well. Gravel was placed on road before grader reach the site. – Utilized local gravel Otta Seal works - incorporated the fines in gravel for sealing works further reducing unit cost and life of seal Planned maintenance grading works- reduced machinery transportation cost Use Tag Along Roller to all grader to reduce maintenance cost Obtained more Ordered works for RMS- produces revenue to Council and completed well before wet season


7 In 2013/2014 – We had removed fines below 5 mm in Otta seal- which had two ill effects i) Higher cost of gravel – screening cost ii) Lesser life of seal- more oxidation. This year, we tried various ways to spread gravel below 20 mm (DGB 20) with only 10 mm opening of the spreader truck. Outcome – Gravel with limited clay content can be spread easily if it is not too wet

8 Completed Projects 14/15

9 Wiradjuri Wall Canoe tree

10 Rural resheeting works

11 Paving at Barellan pub

12 Widening, seal and guardrails, Old Wagga Rd

13 Controlled burn north of railway station

14 Culvert upgrade Old Wagga Rd


16 New bitumen seal, Old Wagga Rd

17 Sealing work in Narrandera town

18 Asphalt seal Barellan Rd intersection



21 Rehabilitation of sealed road

22 Seal of Burley Griffin Way at Barellan

23 Pedestrian blister

24 Water tank at airport for Rural Fire Service Rail underpass near Grong Grong – investigated for possible official road ANZAC monument at Victoria Square

25 Heavy patching Burley Griffin Way

26 Otta Seal Currawandool St Grong Grong

27 Cycleway in Adams St near railway bridge

28 Airport Terminal Upgrade

29 Road to Boat ramp from Rocky Water Hole Bridge Boat Ramp Construction


31 Proposed new gravel pit Map showing road works 2014-2016

32 Resheet/Rehabilitation North -14/15

33 Resheet/Rehabilitation Middle -14/15

34 Resheet/Rehabilitation South-14/15

35 What will be done differently in 15/16? Decision to seal particular road- based on traffic data Review road works and find areas to improve efficiency Determining optimised width of gravel and seal road considering its utilization and risk Further study on Otta sealing and its life cycle cost savings compare to equivalent chip seal (14+ mm seal) A clear map for maintenance grading works and schedule of next grader location with two weeks accuracy A well planned capital projects producing better staff satisfaction and gain efficiency reducing downtime More realistic hire rates of plant

36 Improvement – Practices & Technology Council has adopted new practices to do more for less Way forward regarding pavement material It is obvious that for low volume roads in NSC, local gravel sources are economic option Where gravel sources is farther, more polymer stabilization will be considered We are aiming to open more and more gravel pits Open More Local Gravel Pits

37 Examples of existing Old pits Charlton’s Pit Rava Pit Henwood Pit Active Operation: Wright’s Pit, Cove Pit, Rava Pit, Humby Pit, Corobimilla Pit Possible New gravel Pits in 15/16: Henwood Pit; Chartlon’s pit; Red Hill Pit; Robinson Pit

38 Otta Seal Proven sealing technology for low volume roads Cost of aggregates reduced to half The seal life increases by at least 20 % Lifecycle cost saving about 17 to 30 % Otta Seal Trial Work Landervale Rd Otta Seal Trial in Deep Creek More research will be done on Otta Seal technology. We will do more Otta Seal in 2015/2016. Where possible, we will replace new seal with Otta seal This could be way forward for our relatively high volume roads

39 Chemical stabilization Geoionic stabilization works- Rosedale road All Trial works in 2013/2014 appear to be successful In 2014/2015, 11 km of chemical stabilization is being done, the outcome of these small scale works will provide pathway

40 ROAD BUDGET PROCESS 1.Infrastructure department Inspects road network throughout the year and develop lists of section needing resheet/rehabilitation/reseal/upgrade- we will get recommendation based on inspection 2.Collate and analyse all budget submissions 3.Go through the customer request register 4.Do traffic count on roads OR assess utilization considering possible traffic generation regime 5.Consider the category of road, whether it is school bus route OR major/minor collector road (link roads) or access road We prioritise and estimate each projects, sort them in decreasing priority list and recommend to Council matching the budget cap for the year. Projects which couldn’t be included in 15/16 will be deferred to future year Prioritising Criteria's: Safety Road hierarchy (Higher the class, more the priority) Asset Utilization (traffic count) and maintenance history User group e.g. School bus route or roads significance to freight movement Budget submission- if those submission weigh high in above scales Customer Request/Wish list: If Customer request meeting above criterias

41 Total Capital Road Budget Urban Budget – $ 591,000 ( 24 %) Rural Budget- $1,883,000( 76 %) Including Block Grant/Repair Grant/Drive Through site project and PAMP Urban Budget – $ 913,000 ( 28 %) Rural Budget- $2,360,000( 72 %) Grants Budget- $1,991,000 (61 % ) Own Source - $1,282,000(39 % ) 2015/2016 Capital Projects – Distribution Throughout the Region

42 Resheet/Rehabilitation Proposed (North)-15/16

43 Resheet/Rehabilitation Proposed (Middle) -15/16

44 Resheet/Rehabilitation Proposed (South) -15/16

45 Road works programme for 2014/15 financial year ITEMDESCRIPTIONALLOCATION 10710-4021-0015 - Urban Construction$127,720 1.1Installation of 12 Bike Racks (Rack already purchased through healthy community grant)$12000 1.2Roslyn Street Drainage (Improvement of drainage- Roslyn Street- The details TBA)$58,514 1.3Stoney Road (Sealing 4 m wide- 780 meters long)$36406 1.4Gillenbah Island Beautification (Gillenbah Traffic Island Landscaping )$20800 20710-4025-0021 - Urban Roads Reseals$128,980 2.1Urban reseals to be announced$128,980 30710-4026-0015 - Urban Pavement Rehabilitation$113,300 3.1East street beautification – blisters, kerb, footpaths$113,300 3.2Audley Street- Reinstating the kerb and sealing ( Details TBA) $20,000 3.3Culvert Installation – Grong Grong – Lachlan Street $7,000 3.4Culvert Installation- Grong Grong Adjacent to Grong Grong Cemetery$7,000 3.5Twynam Street- Drainage improvement; Widening the road around old viaduct with better signage$24,006 3.6Urban Roads reseal- Funded from Urban Road Pavement budget$ 55,294

46 Road works programme for 2015/16 financial year 40720-4021-0013 - Rural Roads Construction Plus Grant$310060 4.1Back Morundah Road 22.9 to 24.9, 4 m wide Otta seal on 6 m wide gravel$110930 4.2 Boree Road Resheeting- 7- 8.1 km$44000 4.3 Dellapool Road – 0 to 1 km resheet and seal$78,000 4.4Driveway- Aqua Fish Farm$4,470 4.5Malwa Lane – 2.49 km – 3.99 km ( 1.5 km)$29,340 4.6Rocky Water Hole Road – Improve drainage and seal- $ 21660 will be funded from Grant$43320 50720-4025-0013 - Rural Roads Reseals$137,050 5.2Reseal of Rural roads- the schedule to be produced by September 2015$137,050

47 Road works programme for 2014/15 financial year 60730-4012-0017 - Rural Rds Unsealed Resheeting$319,250 6.1Angle Road resheeting 1.5 – 2.5 km$40,000 6.2Replacement of deck- Bassett Bridge$7,000 6.3Galore Forest road resheeting ( 0.4 – 0.9 km ; 2.3- 2.8 km, East of Galore Park Road )$45,000 6.4Holloway Road- Resheet various section on Northern End – 2 km total length$50,000 6.5Cutting drains to Dams to facilitate collection of stormwater for roadworks (Location- TBA)$30,000 6.6Kangaroo Plain Road (From Davies road to Donaldson Road) 1.95 km$78,000 6.7 Kywong Faithful Road ( 2.5 km- West from intersection of Faithful Road- starts at intersection )- Provide thin Gravel over existing corrugated red gravel- 4 m wide $51,000 6.8Work on Opening more gravel pits and also compliance of gravel pits$33,250 7Miscellaneous Urban Projects funded from PAMP and other Grants and Reserve$322600 7.1 Cycleway and PAMP projects (Mixture of 100 % PAMP and 50/50 Funded PAMP and Cycleway Projects $158600 7.2Drive Through Site –Caravan Park( 50 % from Reserve and 50 % Grant)$150,000 7.3Crescent Street Refuge$14,000

48 Road works programme for 2014/15 financial year 80750-4010-0018 Roads To Recovery 2014/15$1359636 8.1Barellan Sandy Creek Road Resheeting (12.92 km – 16.64 km ; 3.72 km )$148,800 8.2Mejum Park Road (4 m wide resheet on School Bus Route over 1.5 km length)$45,000 8.3Druces Road Resheet – School Bus route ( 1.1- 2.4 km; 2.9 – 3.2 km; 4.6 – 5.1 km total 2.1 km, 4 m wide resheet)$42,000 8.4Euratha Road Resheet ( 2 km – Between Dust strip) - 7.56 to 9.56 km$70,000 8.5Faithful Road- Resheeting ( 9.77 to 12.3 km ) 2.53 km$75,900 8.6Gawnes Road Resheeting ( 11.4 to 14.3 km) 2.90 km$87,000 8.7Miscellaneous works Grong Grong including drainage improvement in Lachlan Street$15,000 8.8Grong Grong Bus Stop – sealing 160 m2$2600 8.9Hamel Road- Resheeting ( 12.92 to 14.92 km ) 2.0 km$80000 8.10Upgrade of Railing of Kamarah Road Bridge – replacement of post$15000 8.11Installation of various signs (Gravel road- Drive to Road condition- Rough surface- Narrow width)$15000 8.12Urban Laneways( Improvement of drainage and Trafficability of Road) – Job scope TBA$51000 8.13Manderlay Road ( Resheet and seal Starts at 0.8 km North from Kiesling Drive) 1 km length- Otta seal$78,000 8.14Middle Road (2.51 to 7 km ) 4.41 km resheeting$176400 8.15200 meters Dust Strip- Rosedale Road ( 2.3 -2.5 km from Paintings Bridge road – Otta seal)$9000 8.16Old Wagga Road (Improvement road curvature, resheet and otta seal)$79122 8.17Miscellaneous Projects (various projects of value < $ 5000)$26014 8.18Roslyn Street Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation of 160 meters length of Roslyn Street- detailed scope TBA)$49000 8.19Sandy Creek Road – Rehabilitation Sealed section 1.1- 1.5; 1.7-1.8; 4.3-4.5 ; 4.8-5.2 (1.1 km of rehabilitation)$ 136,000 8.20Semmler Road (Resheet 3.52- 7.29 km ) 3.97 km$ 158800

49 Road works programme for 2014/15 financial year 7Regional Roads Block Grant and REPAIR grant (Tentative- Final Schedule of works Yet to be Obtained)$690,000 7.1Repair Grant- Rehabilitation of 1.250 km of roads Canola Way (2.86 – 3.61km; 4.40-4.90 km)177,000 7.2Reseal and Heavy Patching on Regional Roads300,000 7.3Regional Roads Maintenance213,000 15/16 Budget Spreadsheet with deferred projects

50 Narrandera Shire Council is undertaking service review of each service group including Library, Open space, Visitor Information Centre Infrastructure service department will also conduct service review for it’s roadwork's putting emphasis on improving productivity and efficiency also considering the sustainability and affordability

51 Road Service Review Is there any better way to do roads maintenance and construction works? – Pumping efficiency; gravel sources; water haulage distance; staff motivation; GPS tracking for productivity; Otta seal; Chemical stabilization ; reviewing hire rates of plants(Gives optimum unit rates) Asset utilization review- what is the least possible width of roads for given traffic volume; road hierarchy review; (Gives minimum asset size to meet legislative obligation) Determine minimum budget required for asset renewal and maintenance. (Provides information about whether we have capacity to look after all our road network) Should available fund be insufficient to meet the minimum statutory maintenance requirement, we will look into curtailing road network or downgrade them


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