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Examining organizational, note-taking and studying skills.

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2 Examining organizational, note-taking and studying skills.



5  Ever wonder why you have a hard time remembering things?  Does your schoolbag and or room look like a mess?  A lot of successful people are organized or at least they know how to delegate to people who can help them.  What do you think are the first steps in being organized?

6  Prioritize – What needs to be done first? What is most important? Create a list and order your items.  Stay focus- Even with a list it is very easy to get side tracked but YOU will always pay in the end.  Equal efforts- The same drive and passion you show in watching T.V, listening to music or “chilling” you should use towards school and or work. Your teacher and bosses do notice your efforts.

7  How do you normally take for English? Your other subjects?  When do you look at your notes again?  It’s easier to take notes in a short format (lists, charts, graphs, etc.) At a later point in a separate book “good book” you could rewrite you notes in a narrative or paragraph format. This will actually help you study.

8  Review (read) notes every night that way you have less to study when it is time for a text. Plus you’ll always be prepared for a pop quiz.  Use mnemonic devices and other techniques to help remember longer pieces.

9  Check my email (work and personal) multiple times in a day.  Plan in advance whenever possible (schoolwork and leisure time).  Try to complete the to-do list.  Review information before and after teaching or presenting.  Acknowledge that it does take time for other people to be organized but doesn’t let other people’s chaos influence her mood and/or plans.



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