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Iterative Techniques for Image Interpolation

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1 Iterative Techniques for Image Interpolation
Nickolaus Mueller and Prof. Truong Nguyen Video Processing Group University of California at San Diego

2 Outline Problem Overview Non-adaptive Image Interpolation
Iterative Image Interpolation Conclusions

3 Problem Overview Still-image interpolation Applications
Increase given spatial resolution Applications Low-quality camera Small transmission bandwidth, low storage capacity Display format change—new high definition display Wide-spread application areas: consumer, government, science, etc.

4 Outline Problem Overview Non-adaptive Image Interpolation:
Traditional methods (nearest-neighbor, bilinear, bicubic) Edge directed interpolation Wavelet-based Iterative Image Interpolation Conclusions

5 Non-Adaptive Interpolation Methods
Simple: Bilinear, Bicubic More Complex: Splines, Fractals Slow-varying image model Do not account for sudden changes (e.g. object edges) Images courtesy of Wikipedia ®

6 Interpolation Examples - Simple Methods
Nearest Neighbor Bilinear Bicubic Complexity of Algorithm

7 Edge-Directed Interpolation: Quick Review
Canny Edge Based Expansion [Shi02] Data-Dependent Triangulation [Su04] Modify pixels on either side of edge Use linear interpolation within triangles New Edge-Directed Interpolation [Li01] Edge-Guided Image Interpolation [Zhang06] Estimate high resolution covariances from low resolution image. Perform interpolation using two triangles fuse with weighting scheme

8 Wavelet-Based Interpolation (1)
Assume low-resolution image output of wavelet decomposition Improved anti-aliasing vs. block average Goal: Predict lost coefficients

9 Wavelet-Based Interpolation (2)
Schemes attempt to explicitly predict wavelet coefficients in new sub-bands [Carey99] Use dependency of wavelet coefficients across scales Best linear scheme = lazy scheme [Li07]

10 Outline Problem Overview Non-adaptive Image Interpolation
Iterative Image Interpolation: Contourlet interpolation 3D block matching Combined approach (Laplacian blending) Conclusions

11 Proposed Method: Interpolation by Iterating Constraints
Alternate two constraints on an upsampled image. Know what downsampled version of high resolution image looks like: “observation” constraint How did we obtain the low resolution image? Know something about the image’s transform coefficients: “sparsity” constraint Which transform should we use? What properties do we want it to exhibit?

12 Observation Constraint: Wavelet Decomposition
Low resolution image is obtained from a wavelet filter High pass coefficients lost Observation constraint on the low-pass wavelet coefficients Keep current estimate of high-pass coefficients

13 Sparsity Constraint: Contourlet Decomposition
Directional multiresolution image representation Effectively represent curves, edges, fine detail Sparse signal representation de-noising via thresholding Frequency Localization, Spatial Regularity

14 Iterative Contourlet-Based Image Interpolation
Initial estimate from linear wavelet interpolation Decrease threshold [Guleryuz04] Iterate for set number or until convergence

15 Results (1) Original Bilinear (26.19 dB) Wavelet (28.23 dB)
DDT (27.24 dB) NEDI (28.50 dB) Proposed (29.53 dB)

16 Results (2) Original Bilinear (25.01 dB) Wavelet (25.74 dB)
DDT (25.22 dB) NEDI (25.04 dB) Proposed (25.83 dB)

17 PSNR Gain vs. Number of Iterations
Algorithm can be run until convergence, set iterations Diminishing returns on PSNR gain Fewer iterations when computation time important

18 Progressive Iterations on Lena
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

19 Improving de-noising near edges
Contourlet Interpolation: Good texture preservation Sharp edges, ringing artifacts near large intensity jumps Result of long contourlet filters Solution: Modify de-noising technique for edge regions Keep the same “observation” constraint

20 Image De-noising using Collaborative Filtering
Dabov et. al., 2007 Grouping - “collect similar d-dimensional fragments of a signal into a d+1 dimensional structure” Enable higher dimensional filtering similar to super-resolution Better idea of true underlying signal Improves transform sparsity key for shrinkage algorithms

21 Fragment Grouping using Block Matching
“Find signal fragments similar to a reference one.” Choose some distance function d( ) and a threshold t. Select all block Bi such that d(Br,Bi) < t Stack the similar fragments into a 3-D array. Can be computationally expensive! (Want to find ways to reduce cost.)

22 Collaborative Filtering via Wavelet Shrinkage
3-D transform is able to exploit both inter- and intra- fragment correlation to produce a sparse signal representation Applied to similar blocks to reduce required number of coefficients.

23 Algorithm Step 1: Initial Estimate
Group similar blocks into 3-D array Apply separable 3-D wavelet transform 2-D wavelet (Bior1.5) each block 1-D wavelet (Haar) across blocks Hard-Threshold coeffiecients Inverse 3-D wavelet transform Aggregate overlapping blocks

24 Algorithm Step 2: Final De-noised Image
Idea: Can get better grouping if we group based on denoised estimate Block matching on de-noised image to form two 3-D groups (original, de-noised) Apply separable 3-D wavelet transform to each group Wiener filter noisy group using de-noised estimate as “true” energy spectrum Inverse 3-D wavelet transform Aggregate overlapping blocks

25 Iteration Scheme for 3DBM Image Interpolation
Initial High Resolution Estimate Block Matching/ 3-D Wavelet Inv 3-D Wavelet / Block Aggregation Wavelet Shrinkage High-pass Inv. Wavelet Transform Wavelet Transform Low-pass Low Res Image

26 Results of 3DBM Image Interpolation
Contourlet Interpolation 3DBM Interpolation

27 Results of 3DBM Image Interpolation
Contourlet Interpolation 3DBM Interpolation

28 Comparison of Contourlet and 3DBM Image Interpolation
Contourlet Interpolation 3DBM Interpolation

29 Comparison of Contourlet and 3DBM Image Interpolation
Contourlet Interpolation 3DBM Interpolation

30 Features Comparison Contourlet Interpolation: 3DBM Interpolation:
Reproduces fine textures well Ringing near large discontinuities 3DBM Interpolation: Edges sharp across, smooth along Texture areas smoothed out Idea: combine the best features of each

31 Blending Multiple Images into a Single Image
Goal: Blend two interpolation results into a single image with a seamless transition

32 First Step: Segment Image into Texture / Edge
Tool: Texture Spread Measure (Minoo, Nguyen) Key Ideas: Local DCT transform Variance of AC Coefficients Maps pixels in image to a Local Texture Spread on the real line Threshold this map to create a binary image mask

33 Results: Mask Overlays
Texture: Contourlet Interpolation Edges: 3DBM Interpolation

34 Results: Binary Mask vs. Threshold Level
Black = Texture Method White = Edge Method Increasing Threshold Heuristic choice of threshold = 1.5 works well for most images

35 Using an Image Mask to Blend Images
Burt and Adelson, 1983 Tool: Gaussian Pyramid Create set of low-pass filtered and downsampled images of the image mask

36 Using an Image Mask to Blend Images
Burt and Adelson, 1983 Tool: Laplacian Pyramid Create set of band-pass filtered and downsampled images for each interpolated image

37 Blending Laplacian Pyramid Levels
Keep sharp details by sharp blending of high-pass images Smoother blending of lower frequencies Texture Interpolation Mask Edge Interpolation Create new Laplacian pyramid and reconstruct

38 Results of Proposed Method
Low-Res 3DBM Contourlet Proposed

39 Results of Proposed Method
Low-Res Proposed Original

40 Results of Proposed Method
Low-Res 3DBM Contourlet Proposed

41 Results of Proposed Method
Low-Res Proposed Original

42 Zoom-in Comparison Results
Bicubic NEDI Proposed

43 Conclusions Iterative approaches used to improve image quality
Contourlet method—best with fine texture 3D Block matching—best with edges Combined approaches with seamless transition through Laplacian pyramid, get best of each method

44 Interpolation and Super-resolution Lab Part I: Introduction to Interpolation and Wavelet-based methods 1-D Interpolation - Use Matlab functions to interpolate a signal with a step discontinuity. Image Interpolation - Use Matlab functions to explore basic interpolation methods (bilinear, bicubic, etc.) Contourlet Interpolation - Explore a wavelet-based method for interpolation. 3-D Block Matching Interpolation - Explore a second wavelet-based method for interpolation Image Blending - Blend two images together using the Laplacian pyramid Interpolation using Classification and Stitching - Combine contourlet and 3-D Block Matching interpolation into a single image using the best parts from each.

45 References 1. X. Li and M. T. Orchard, “New edge-directed interpolation,” IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 10, pp. 1521–1527, October 2001. 2. W. K. Carey, D. B. Chang, and S. S. Hermami, “Regularity-preserving image interpolation,” IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 8, pp. 1293–1297, September 1999. 3. Y. Lu and M. N. Do, “A new contourlet transform with sharp frequency localization,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., (Atlanta, USA), October 2006. 4. O. G. Guleryuz, “Nonlinear approximation based image recovery using adaptive sparse reconstructions and iterated denoising: Part I - theory,” IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 15, pp. 539–554, March 2006. 5. M. N. Do and M. Vetterli, “The contourlet transform: an efficient directional multiresolution image representation,” IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 14, December 2005. 6. O. G. Guleryuz, “Predicting wavelet coefficients over edges using estimates based on nonlinear approximants,” in Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conference, April 2004. 7. X. Li, “Image resolution enhancement via data-driven parametric models in the wavelet space.” under review, 2007. 8. J.-L. Starck, M. Elad, and D. Donoho, “Redundant multiscale transforms and their application for morphological component analysis,” Journal of Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 132, pp. 287–348, 2004.

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