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NMBP-13-2017: Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care co-funded by LEIT-NMBP (DG RTD) and LEIT-ICT (DG CONNECT) Opening 20 Sep 2016 Closing.

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Presentation on theme: "NMBP-13-2017: Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care co-funded by LEIT-NMBP (DG RTD) and LEIT-ICT (DG CONNECT) Opening 20 Sep 2016 Closing."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMBP : Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care co-funded by LEIT-NMBP (DG RTD) and LEIT-ICT (DG CONNECT) Opening 20 Sep 2016 Closing 19 Jan 2017 Single stage submission 15 M€ - 100% funding Research & Innovation Actions (RIA) 3 - 5 M€ per proposal

2 Outline Overview Cross –cutting KETs EU Funding for medtech
EU Medtech market NMBP-13 Objectives, scope, requirements and impact, TRLs Technology and Applications overage Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) Expected impact

3 Biophotonics (LEIT-ICT) Bioelectronics-MNBS (LEIT-ICT)
Cross-cutting KETs Biophotonics (LEIT-ICT) Bioelectronics-MNBS (LEIT-ICT) Nano, Materials, Bio- and Production Technologies (LEIT-NMBP) ECSEL (JU) EPoSS (ETP) Photonics 21 (PPP) Nanomedicine (ETP) CONVERGING Micro–Nano-Bio-ICT X-KET For Healthcare pHealth & Care (SC1)

4 EU Funding for Medtech and nanomedicine
FP7 (2007 – 2014) Total ~ € 730 million funding to 155 projects - NMP Projects, ~ 430 mio € funding Diagnostics & imaging, (targeted) nanopharmaceutics, biomaterials for implants and regenerative medicine, neuro-nano / smart implants - ICT MNBS projects, ~ 145 mio € - HEALTH - 31 Projects ~ 150 mio € Excluding: European Research Council, Marie-Curie HORIZON 2020 – Workprogramme 2014 Total ~ 530 million € EU funding to 280 projects Programmes: LEIT: NMBP + ICT (NMBS) + SME Instrument Societal Challenge 1 (HEALTH) + SME Instrument INFRASTRUCTURE European Research Council Marie-Skledowska-Curie Training Networks and Bursaries

5 Medtech Market The European Medtech market size is estimated at roughly € 100 billion Around 8% of sales revenue is ploughed back into research and development Almost 25,000 medical technology companies in Europe 95% of MedTech companies are SMEs, the majority of which are small and micro-sized companies medical technologies Innovation cycle is months New patent every 50 minutes Source : Eucomed

6 NMBP-13 – Objective & Requirements
Objective: further development into a clinical setting of novel MNBS platforms, techniques and systems that have already been proven in a laboratory setting (laboratory Proof-of-Concept) Focus applications: In vitro/in vivo diagnostics that are deployed at the point of care; Therapy monitoring at the point of care. The work includes: Translation from the pre-clinical phase to early clinical testing, including design and pilot manufacturing in appropriate volume for clinical testing (small series), pre-clinical and early clinical testing. include a business case and exploitation strategy Facilitate clinical data harvesting Demonstrate clear compliance with applicable Good Laboratory /Clinical / Manufacturing Practices Attention to the requirements for Health Technology Assessment (HTA); Standardisation issues; Gender specific issues

7 RIA - Research & Innovation Actions
MNBP-13 – RIA Scope RIA - Research & Innovation Actions Novel MNBS Platforms / Techniques / Systems Validation in pre-clinical & clinical test settings: prototyping, design and pilot manufacturing small series manufacturing, pre-clinical and clinical testing, clinical data harvesting Validated in clinical setting, addressing real needs in applications of: In vitro/in vivo diagnostics that are deployed at the point of care; Therapy monitoring at the point of care.

8 NMBP-13 – RIA Technology Readiness Level ?
TRLs 3-4 to 5-6 Activities of direct clinical & industrial relevance Medium time to market - actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space) - system complete and qualified - system prototype demonstration in operational environment - technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) - technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) - technology validated in lab - experimental proof of concept - technology concept formulated - basic principles observed

9 NMBP-13 – RIA - Expected Impact Research & Innovation Actions
Progress the development of advanced integrated MNBS based diagnostic health platforms, techniques or systems from the laboratory Proof-of-Concept to the clinical setting; Establish a world-class European competitive industrial R&D and manufacturing competence in Micro-Nano-Bio Systems integration for healthcare diagnostics applications; Strengthening the industrial value chain and progress to marketisation; Provide affordable systems with unique features that address specific well identified requirements in healthcare; Address priority needs in healthcare diagnostics and / or therapy monitoring, for the benefit of patients; Early involvement of regulatory bodies and patients in the new developments Technologies Industry/Economy Users/Society

10 Thank you for your attention
Research in Key Enabling Technologies: Digital Agenda for Europe – Components and Systems: Horizon 2020 on the web:

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