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Unit 1 How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. I learn by studying with a group. It improves my speaking skills. I’ve learned a.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. I learn by studying with a group. It improves my speaking skills. I’ve learned a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. I learn by studying with a group. It improves my speaking skills. I’ve learned a lot that way. -Do you learn English by reading aloud? -Yes, I do.

2 Speaking and writing 1. Conversations 和你的朋友谈一谈学习中遇到的困难, 你们是怎样解决这些问题的? 你能给朋友提供更好的学习方法吗? 然后,把对话写下来。

3 2. Report 你的朋友由于某种原因,学习上遇到了 一些困难。请你在小组里向同学们谈谈 你朋友的困难,然后向老师汇报你们 给这位朋友提出了哪些建议。并将讨论 的过程写下来。 (要求:用第三人称写出你朋友学习上 遇到的困难,再写出每个同学 给他提出的建议。)

4 3. Speech 下周班里准备开一次 “ 英语学习经验 交流会 “ 。请你在班会上谈谈你的学习 方法。并把你的讲话写下来。

5 I find learning …difficult(easy) because _________________________ _________________________________ When I started _________________ _________________________________ Beginning with:

6 I. Difficulties 1. I can’t read fluently. 2. I can’t spell some English words. 3. I can’t understand spoken English. 4. I can’t pronounce some of the words. 5. I make mistakes in Grammar. 6. I can’t understand the words in newspapers and magazines. 7. I don’t get much writing practice.

7 II. Solutions 1.Maybe you should find a pen pal. 2.You can always write the new words in your notebook and learn them at home. 3.Why don’t you join an English language club? 4. You can write English diary every day. 5. Listening can help.

8 6. They learnt by using English. 7. The best way to learn English words is by reading English magazines. 8. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. 9. Watching English movies isn’t a bad way. 10.Joining the English club is the best way to improve your English.

9 1. … always keep an English notebook. 2. …often listen to English Cassettes. 3. …sometimes write vocabulary lists. 4. …never study grammar. 5. …often ask the teacher questions. 6. …watch English-language TV. 7. …read English story-books. 8. …read English magazines and papers. 9. …listen to some English songs. 10. …seldom ask an English tutor. 11. …always learn by doing sth. III. How do you study English?

10 always often usually sometimes never seldom

11 IV. How does he(she) study? (Talk about your friend.) 1. … always keeps an English notebook. 2. …often listens to English Cassettes. 3. …writes vocabulary lists. 4. …studies grammar. 5. …asks the teacher questions. 6. …watches English-language TV.

12 7. …reads English story-books. 8. …reads English magazines and papers. 9. …listens to some English songs. 10. …asks an English tutor. 11. …learns by doing sth.

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