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Behaviour change amongst students and staff Dr Neil Jennings, Student Switch Off Programme Manager, NUS.

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviour change amongst students and staff Dr Neil Jennings, Student Switch Off Programme Manager, NUS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviour change amongst students and staff Dr Neil Jennings, Student Switch Off Programme Manager, NUS

2 Vision for NUS’ sustainability work 1.Students’ unions as hubs of sustainability 2.Students leaving tertiary education as part of the solution to environmental challenges rather than part of the problem


4 Social Psychology Sociology Behavioural Economics Behaviour change – how people are viewed by different academic disciplines Individual as Social Animal Individual as Rational man Individual as Actor

5 SOCIAL MATERIAL Norms Roles & Identity Opinion Leaders Networks & Relationships Meanings Infrastructure Objects Technologies Institutions Rules & Regulations Time & Schedules Tastes INDIVIDUAL Values, Beliefs, Attitudes Emotions Agency Skills Costs & Benefits Habit The Individual Social Material Model (Darnton & Evans for The Scottish Government 2013)

6 I NDIVIDUAL CONTEXT ATTITUDES S OCIAL CONTEXT NORMS ISM applied to... recycling M ATERIAL CONTEXT SCHEDULES SOCIAL MATERIAL Norms Roles & Identity Opinion Leaders Networks & Relationships Meanings Infrastructure Objects Technologies Institutions Rules & Regulations Time & Schedules Tastes INDIVIDUAL Values, Beliefs, Attitudes Emotions Agency Skills Costs & Benefits Habit

7 Case studies Student Switch Off – student engagement Green Impact – staff engagement

8 Inter-halls energy-saving and recycling competition 44 Universities, 140,000 student rooms Average of a 6% reduction in electricity usage Helped to keep £2m in the university sector over 10 years 10,000 tonnes of CO2e saved Prize incentives Good habits

9 Key success factors Encouraging and embedding change at a key point in students’ lives – Habit Discontinuity Hypothesis (Verplanken & Wood 2006) Peer-to-peer engagement Regular peaks of activity Incentives/prizes Feedback Building on existing social relationships, community spirit and rivalry Linked back to ISM model

10 SOCIAL MATERIAL Norms Roles & Identity Opinion Leaders Networks & Relationships Meanings Infrastructure Objects Technologies Institutions Rules & Regulations Time & Schedules Tastes INDIVIDUAL Values, Beliefs, Attitudes Emotions Agency Skills Costs & Benefits Habit Student Switch Off and ISM

11 Green Impact Universities and Colleges Departments/teams of university staff compete to green their workplace Online workbook/checklist of environmental actions Students are trained up to conduct audits of their departments Bronze, Silver, Gold Awards recognising success

12 Green Impact 47 Universities 36 off-campus organisations – including Natural History museum, The Arts Council, local authorities, London fire brigade 1,075 Green Impact teams 30,000 actions taken as a direct result of Green Impact

13 Green Impact

14 Key success factors Competition between departments, offices, etc Structured approach with suggested actions, resources and flexibility Peer-to-peer engagement, bringing people together Giving permission to change local infrastructure, operational changes

15 SOCIAL MATERIAL Norms Roles & Identity Opinion Leaders Networks & Relationships Meanings Infrastructure Objects Technologies Institutions Rules & Regulations Time & Schedules Tastes INDIVIDUAL Values, Beliefs, Attitudes Emotions Agency Skills Costs & Benefits Habit Green Impact and ISM

16 Dissertations for Good

17 Darnton and Horne (2013). Influencing Behaviours: moving beyond the individual Futerra (2007). New rules: New Game. df df Futerra (2009). Sell the sizzle. Kahneman (2011). Thinking, fast and slow Thaler and Sunstein (2008). Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness References

18 Thank you, any questions? Neil Jennings

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