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The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires Chapter 2.

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1 The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires Chapter 2

2 The Hebrews: “The Children of Israel”  Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament)  Descendants of Abraham  Migration to Egypt  Slaves of pharaohs  Moses leads them out of Egypt (Exodus)  12 Tribes  Troubles with the Philistines  The emergence of the Israelites as a distinct group of peoples (c. 1200 – c. 1000 B.C.E.)

3 The United Kingdom  Biblical Leaders  Saul (c. 1020 – 1000 B.C.E.)  David (c. 1000 – 970 B.C.E.)  Solomon (c. 970 – 930 B.C.E.)  Temple of Jerusalem  Recent Challenges to the Biblical Account

4 The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah  Kingdom of Israel  10 northern tribes  Capital in Samaria  Kingdom of Judah  2 southern tribes  Capital in Jerusalem

5 The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah  Assyrian Conquest of the Kingdom of Israel (722 B.C.E.)  Chaldean Conquest of the Kingdom of Judah (586 B.C.E.)  Jerusalem destroyed  The Babylonian Captivity

6 The Spiritual Dimensions of Israel  “I am the Lord your God”  Yahweh (monotheism)  “You only have I chosen”: Covenant and Law  Covenant with Yahweh during the Exodus  Law  10 Commandments  Regulation of economic, social and political life of all Hebrews  Prophets  Yahweh’s voice to his people  Universalism and social justice  Separation between Jews and non-Jews

7 Social Structure of the Hebrews  Social Patterns  “Men of rank and influence”: elites  “People of the land”: commoners  Family  Central social institution in Hebrew life  Marriage and Women  A perfect wife: Book of Proverbs  Accounts of dependence  Matchmaking  Woman as the “crown of man”

8 The Neighbors of the Israelites  Philistines  Phoenicians  Trade  Colonies throughout the Mediterranean  Carthage  Transmitters of culture  Alphabet

9 The Assyrian Empire  Early history  A Semitic people, vassals of foreign rulers  Independence and kings  Ashurbanipal (669 – 627 B.C.E.)  Organization of the Empire  Absolute kings  Effective communication and administration

10 The Assyrian Empire  The Assyrian military machine  Large armies  Discipline  Iron weapons  The use of various tactics  Terror as an instrument of warfare

11 Assyrian Society and Culture  Imported Prisoners of War: a polyglot society  Language  Religion  Agriculture  Trade  Middlemen  Hybrid Culture  Guardians of Sumerian and Babylonian culture  Art  Relief sculptures

12 Neo-Babylonian Empire  The Chaldeans  Nebuchadnezzar II (605 – 562 B.C.E.)  Babylon  Hanging Gardens  Conquest by the Persians in 539 B.C.E.

13 Persian Empire  Cyrus the Great (559 – 530 B.C.E.)  Conquered Kingdom of Lydia (c. 547 B.C.E.)  Conquered Greek city-states  Conquered Mesopotamia (539 B.C.E.)  Cambyses (530 – 522 B.C.E.)  Conquered Egypt  Darius the Great (521 – 486 B.C.E.)  Western expansion into India  Ionian revolt in Asia Minor  Invasion and defeat in Greece (490 B.C.E.)

14 Persian Empire  Governing the Empire  Satrapies and satraps: provincial administration  Efficient communications  Royal Road from Sardis to Susa  The Great King  The gap between king and subjects  Military  The 10,000 Immortals

15 Persian Religion  Zoroastrianism  Zoroaster (born in 660 B.C.E.)  Message of monotheism  Ahuramazda (the “Wise Lord”)  Ahriman (Evil Spirit)  Struggle between good and evil  Last Judgment  Acceptance by the Great Kings  Development of ethical dualism

16 Discussion Questions  Describe the political and social advances during the reigns of David and Solomon. How did they change Israel's society?  What legacy did the ancient Hebrews leave to Western Civilization? How important is Moses for the Jewish faith?  Why were the Assyrians so successful in subjugating their neighbors?  What role did terror play in Assyrian military tactics?  How were the Persians able to conquer and maintain their large empire?  How did Cyrus earn a favorable reputation?

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