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Masters & Grand Masters Hockey contributions to the.

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1 Masters & Grand Masters Hockey contributions to the

2 International Masters Hockey Association Wim van Noortwijk President WGMA Glenn Paton President IMHA World Grand Masters Association

3 Shared Strategic Themes 1. Lifelong Hockey 3. International Sport 2. Club & National Impact 4. Worldwide Organisation 5. Future Development More Masters : Hockey Players Countries National Activities International Tournaments

4 Adults 60 years Grand Masters Masters Juniors Youths 19 – 34 years 13 – 18 years 35 – 59 years 4 – 12 years ?

5 Masters players still take their hockey very seriously! They’re still 18 at heart…….. even if their bodies disagree! ☺

6 Beneficiaries of Masters Hockey 2. Club & National Impact

7 Players stay in the sport for longer. Young players learn from playing with experienced players. Clubs and National Associations receive player fees for many more years. Masters & Grand Masters offer sponsors more marketing opportunities. Hockey: a sport for all ages, genders, races and religions. 2. Club & National Impact Hockey: promotes healthy living “from cradle to grave”.

8 Men : 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+ Main Tournaments: Organises international & national tournaments for: Men : 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ Women : 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ Women : 60+ All organised if possible in line with the FIH Calendar World Cup European Cup World Cup European Cup 3. International Sport Asian Cup

9 WGMA Associate Members : Alliance International H.C. & LX H.C. (England ). Memberships 2014 Full Members  Argentina  Australia  Austria  Belgium  Egypt  England  France  Germany  Ghana  Hong Kong  Ireland  Italy  Japan  Kazakhstan  Malaysia  Netherlands  New Zealand  Pakistan  Russia  Scotland 18 25 15  Singapore  South Africa  South Korea  Spain  Switzerland  USA  Wales  Zimbabwe Both

10 280 20 288 18 300 17 544 34 714 42 800 41 1064 59 2007 Birmingham & Nottingham 4 Pitches 2009 Hong Kong 4 Pitches 2011 Krefeld 2 Pitches 2011 Singapore 2 Pitches 2012 Canterbury 2 Pitches 2013 Lisnagarvey 2 Pitches 2014 Rotterdam 7 Pitches 180 9 240 14 400 20 480 26 800 41 1050 56 + 3 2002 Kuala Lumpur 2 Pitches 2004 Athens 2 Pitches 2006 Leverkusen 2 Pitches 2008 Hong Kong 2 Pitches 2010 Cape Town 2 Pitches 2012 Oxford 3 Pitches 2014 Den Haag 5 Pitches 400 20 Teams Players World Cups World Cup Euro Cup World Cup Euro Cup IMHT

11 WGMA President Wim van Noortwijk Netherlands Executive Directors Hon. Secretary Adrian Stephenson England Jean Scott-Miller England Nanda Siebers Netherlands Kate Ryan Australia Irene Ryan New Zealand Vice President Asia Sarinder Dillon Hong Kong Vice President South America Rene Granat Venezuela Vice President Women’s Hockey and Chair Steering Group Past President Peter Child Germany Vice President Oceania David Peebles Australia Advisory Committee Michael Gallant Hon. Auditor Vice President Africa Tom Lawless South Africa Technical Director Jaap Quarles van Ufford Netherlands Advisory Committee Robin Mayes Legal Adviser Hon. Treasurer David Ferguson Wales Non-Executive Directors Organisation, Responsibilities and Functions

12 Organisational Structure President Glenn Paton Scotland Executive Board Technical Director Peri Buckley Australia Hon. Treasurer Andy Nye Ireland Hon. Secretary Sue Briggs Australia Henk Vogels Netherlands Dirk Wellen Germany Pan-America Europe Cathy Walsh Ireland Franco Mellis Italy Warren Prestwich USA Asia Islahuddin Siddiqui Pakistan Africa Adel El Guindi Egypt Samuel Mante-Akrofi Ghana Greg Darke South Africa Oceania Irene Ryan New Zealand Board Debs Wilkes England Jackie Whiller Wales John Stuart England Eduardo Guelfande Argentina David Peebles Australia Peter Jones USA Continental Representatives

13 Masters Panel 4. Worldwide Organisation

14 5. Future Development Provide support for more age-based competition; FIH, Continental Federations, National Associations, IMHA & WGMA should together : Support the hosting of Masters & Grand Masters’ events for international teams; Continue to improve the standard of Masters & Grand Masters’ Hockey. Remember the financial demands faced by Masters & Grand Masters players; Develop strategies to encourage players to stay in the sport beyond 35 years; Continue to harmonise, placing Masters’ & Grand Masters’ players at the heart;

15 5. Future Development Stimulate, establish & promote Masters & Grand Masters festivals, leagues & cups; Some Recommended Actions for National Associations Promote initiatives on web sites with links to IMHA / WGMA sites; Identify contact points for Masters & Grand Masters; Stimulate national age group squads and enter events; Become members of IMHA & WGMA; Seek volunteer support to deliver the above actions. National Participation: Communication: Visibility: International Participation: Infrastructure:

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