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Brenden Sorry if I am sick today was not feeling good. Nick Jacob.

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Presentation on theme: "Brenden Sorry if I am sick today was not feeling good. Nick Jacob."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brenden Sorry if I am sick today was not feeling good. Nick Jacob

2  Complement  To make something perfect  Your hat complements your outfit.  Please find something to complement my scarf.  Compliment  A faverable statement  I really liked how everyone complimented my hat.  I really had to give a compliment to the maker of that play.

3  Consul  Official that goes to a foreign country to promote the commercial interest of there country  The man did not want to be chosen to be a consul, he wanted to stay home.  The consul augured with me about the religious ideas.  Counsel  a legislative body  The counsel did not pass the bill.  Why were those irrational people put on the counsel.

4  Counsel  a legal adviser or a supervisor  The man who helps with emotional needs is the counselor.  I am seeking a counsel to help me with a bully problem.

5  Decent  Fitting, good enough  The man was in decent attire.  The food of the restaurant was decent.  Descent  The act of decline  The descent started abruptly down.  There descent took hours before they stopped free fall.

6  Dissent  To disagree  I dissent your opinion of how we should look.  I do not think there should be any dissent over a matter of opinion.

7  Allusion  casual or subtle reference  Most allusions come from the bible.  It was a allusion from a different series.  Delusion  A mistake of reality  The vision was a delusion caused buy the cactus plant.  The one thing I remember is a random delusion of my past.

8  Illusion  Unreal appearance  The illusion made it seem like he was flying.  Magicians use illusions to trick us all the time.

9  Desert  Arid dry region with low vegetation  The desert is a dangerous place.  The desert is not a place to look for water  Dessert  A sweet course at the end of a meal  Dessert is not needed at every meal.  The best Dessert is ice creame.

10  Device  apparatus or machinery  The device was the best invention of its time.  That device is very confusing.  Devise  Develop, create, make an idea  I will devise to make a device.  I am devising a new plan to win the game.

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