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Strategic Objective 3 Pilot Independent System Wide Evaluation (ISWE) Progress, Emerging Lessons and Next Steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Objective 3 Pilot Independent System Wide Evaluation (ISWE) Progress, Emerging Lessons and Next Steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Objective 3 Pilot Independent System Wide Evaluation (ISWE) Progress, Emerging Lessons and Next Steps

2 Background Since 2013, UNEG has engaged in setting up a new pilot approach which leverages existing capacities and mandates to create a new evaluation partnership Strong demand from ECOSOC to enable decision making for QCPR General Assembly Resolutions (68/311 and 68/226) Testing period 2014 to 2016 to include two evaluations testing synthesis and comprehensive approaches General Assembly to conduct independent review in 2016 UNEG has engaged at the policy and strategic levels through the Chair in 2013 and 2015 and the Vice Chairs since April 2015. UNEG members engaged as members of EMGs and as financial contributors

3 UNEG’s Role  Play a championing function in particular as regards to promoting the use of ISWE results at all levels;  Develop support tools and approaches for joint evaluations;  Support UNDOCO to strengthen UNDAF evaluations;  UNEG Executive Committee participation in the ICM;  Individual UNEG member agencies participate on a voluntary basis in EMGs (UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP, UN- Habitat, WHO, ILO, FAO, UNODC, UNCTAD).

4 UNEG Work Plan At last year’s AGM, the 2015/2016 the following was included in UNEG’s formal programme of work: Outcome 3.4 of the Work Plan was “UNEG effectively engaged with the ISWE mechanism and work programme”;  Participation by the ICM Vice Chairs (SO3 and SO4) in the meetings of the ICM to develop the mechanism and bring in UNEG views, technical perspectives and expertise;  Keeping the UNEG membership updated on progress with ISWE throughout the year  UNEG member organizations volunteer to participate in the two EMGs set up for both pilot evaluations.

5 ISWE Coordination Function The policy framework sets the general framework for the Coordinator’s function:  Operates as a separate unit which is hosted at the JIU offices in New York reporting to the JIU Executive Secretary (para 47). Relies on JIU Secretariat for contracts and agreements;  Provides a range of general support functions related to the evaluation management cycle (conceptual, budgetary, logistical, outreach);  Conducts resource mobilization;  Serves as Focal Point for UNEG Liaison;

6 Resources JIU Executive Secretary, Inspectors and staff time 2 year OCHA Secondment UNEG Member Contributions (USD 250,000) UNEG Members Staff Time for EMGs and ICM ( 12 agencies) Extra Budgetary contributions from Norway, Switzerland and Ireland (USD 428,000)

7 ISWE Results  Establishment of EMGs and KSRGs  Engagement of 6 experts;  Scoping Study and a detailed Inception Design and Plan for Draft UNDAF meta evaluation and synthesis in December 2015 (currently under revision);  Draft report for the statistical capacities evaluation in April 2016 (currently under review);  2 ECOSOC side event briefings in 2015 & 2016;  2 UN Statistical Commission Side Events briefings in 2015 & 2016;  ICM Road map for 2015 and 2016;  Terms of reference for the independent review of the ISWE policy.

8 Some Emerging Lessons Operationalizing the framework has been a challenge with late and intermittent funding Need for a fully capacitated coordination function The period available for testing has been truncated with high transaction costs Need to manage reputational risks Readiness of agencies to take on extra requirements of ISWE requires further development High relevance for SDG/2030 agenda encouraging systems thinking, multi stakeholder approaches and partnerships

9 Inclusion in next UNEG Work Plan Participation in advisory group for the GA’ s independent review of ISWE Continued agency engagement in the EMGs and ECOSOC dialogues Participation in planned ISWE events: – Geneva event with Member States and Agency Heads – Regional Groups and Member State briefings – ECOSOC dialogues on policy review, financing and future topics and ISWE mechanism – Dialogues with General Assembly during QCPR

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