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Disability IS Not a Barrier to Employment Tim Briggs Course Leader/Senior Lecturer SHEM IPP IOSH Chair IOSH PSC.

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Presentation on theme: "Disability IS Not a Barrier to Employment Tim Briggs Course Leader/Senior Lecturer SHEM IPP IOSH Chair IOSH PSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability IS Not a Barrier to Employment Tim Briggs Course Leader/Senior Lecturer SHEM IPP IOSH Chair IOSH PSC

2 Vulnerability and IMPAIRMENT ADULT: a person aged 18 years and over. VULNERABLE ADULT: This is defined as a person " who is or may be in need of additional help by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation". Source Adapted from the Coventry Warwick NHS Trust Definitions 2014

3 Vulnerable but Respectful

4 What do I know about IMPAIRMENT? How does it affect me? Tell me what you see in front of you? –2000 Paralysing stroke affecting speech and swallowing –2014 Heart pacemaker –2015 Replacement knee –1998 Fused wrist –1993 Fusion of 3 cervical spine vertebrae

5 Why is it important for all to know? 83% of people acquire their disability whilst in work –Source – ability-confident-campaign#become-a- disability-confident-partner

6 Knowing about your employees Impairment is never a barrier to employment What do you think is the average cost of reasonable adjustment? The three requirements for Reasonable Adjustment –Changing the way things are done (Policy Process Procedure) –Changes to barriers –Provision of aids

7 Risk Assessment Business Benefits It is all about removing the barriers Good risk assessments mean removing barriers and talking to people The best person to know about a barrier is the person who has to overcome the barrier It is ok to ask those affected what to do Biggest barrier is Attitude

8 How deeply does it affect Business? Disability equality is likely to figure significantly in all aspects of employment policy and practice, including: Recruitment Induction Training and organisational development Health and Safety Promotion Performance appraisal Grievance and disciplinary Employee relations.

9 What Business Can do Examples of reasonable adjustments –What transport is required and how available is the transport –How are different floor levels accessed –Moving tasks to more accessible areas –Has technology been employed to help make tasks easier –Do colour variations make visibility easier –Does lighting need further adjustment –Considering premises alterations

10 What business can do Application process and employment policy changes –Positive recruitment policy –Allowing a phased return to work; –Changing individual's working hours; –Time adjustments for mobility –Arranging home working, providing a safe environment can be maintained; –Allowing an employee to be absent from work for rehabilitative treatment (Special Leave Policy).

11 What Business Can Do Providing new or modifying existing equipment and tools; Providing additional training; Modifying instructions or reference manuals; Modifying management systems; Arranging telephone conferences to reduce travel; Providing supervision or other support: Re-allocating work within the employee's team: Providing alternative work. Participate in Access At Work Register to become DisAbility Confident

12 Why Business Should Widen employment pool Retaining good employees Reduce unnecessary employee recruitment and training budgets Making premises more accessible to everyone widens customer base Maintain and improve workplace relations by working in partnership with your employees and your workforce representatives. Maintain self esteem Contributing instead of just taking Avoid conflicts with morals and laws

13 Why does it matter Because one in five (four)people of working age has a disability or long- term health condition – you probably already employ someone in this category and they may be among your best job applicants. Because the UK has an ageing population and so more and more of us will be living and working with a disability or health condition. Because discrimination against disabled people is not just unlawful, it’s also unfair and a huge waste of human potential.

14 When you have a disability. People might query your capability. Say you’re a liability. Or question your stability. It can be hard getting about in wheelchairs, due to problems with accessibility. We need to tell about what certain buildings lack. Nothing will change if no one dares! Many people think if you are disabled your life’s over begun. And that nothing can be done. Please don’t prove them right and discard having fun. Because if you do that they will have won! Written by Charmaine Riley

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