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San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan (SJMSCP) Presented by: Steve Dial – Deputy Executive Director/CFO Steven Mayo –

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Presentation on theme: "San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan (SJMSCP) Presented by: Steve Dial – Deputy Executive Director/CFO Steven Mayo –"— Presentation transcript:

1 San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan (SJMSCP) Presented by: Steve Dial – Deputy Executive Director/CFO Steven Mayo – Program Manager May 23, 2013

2 Habitat Conservation Plan To provide balance between the need to accommodate development and the need to protect listed and endangered species.

3 San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan Permitting Agencies US Fish & Wildlife Service CA Department of Fish & Wildlife Administrator of the Plan SJCOG, Inc. (Board / Habitat Technical Advisory Committee / Staff) Permittees City of EscalonCity of Lathrop City of Lodi City of Manteca City of RiponCity of Stockton City of TracyCounty of San Joaquin

4 History of SJMSCP…. Voluntary Participation One of 1 st in Northern CA Cover 1,400 Square miles/900,000 acres 97 plant and animal species 43% of the Delta Region 50 Year Plan (2001 - 2051) Federal ESA Section 10 Take Permit State CESA 2081 Take Permit

5 The Quick Explanation… Development Chooses to Participate Developers Minimize & Mitigates the Project Development Builds Over Potential Habitat SJMSCP Finds Land w/ Willing Landowner SJMSCP Conserves Habitat Land to Mitigate Development

6 Streamlined Process for Development… 1.Approved Project (Jurisdiction or HTAC/Board) 2.Biological Pre-Construction Survey 3.Incidental Take Minimization Measures (ITMM) 4.Project Applicant Mitigates Fees Land-In-Lieu Redesign Project for No Impact Opt Out & Negotiate with Regulatory Agencies


8 Development Community Comments: “Having the SJMSCP here in San Joaquin County takes away these concerns and is absolutely worth the money.” “Time is money” When negotiating for a project that brings jobs to SJ County having the ability to participate in the SJMSCP is a huge advantage. “Having the SJMSCP provides San Joaquin County with a huge advantage with the other counties.” From Pennino & Associates interviews- 2012

9 SJMSCP Fee* – 2013 *mitigation by fees is 1 of 4 options available to project

10 SJMSCP Fee Adoption Process July - staff pulls comparable land sales information Disclosed fee title – Title Co./MLS/Brokers Undisclosed fee title – Public Records SJ Recorder’s Office August - HTAC subcommittee analysis review BIA, Stockton, County, USFWS, CDFW, Conservation September - HTAC and Board analysis review October - SJMSCP Fee adoption by jurisdictions January 1 st SJMSCP Fee effective

11 Primary Zone of the Delta Central/Southwest Transition Zone Southwest Zone Central Zone Vernal Pool Zone The SJMSCP Zones…

12 SJMSCP Preserve System

13 Types of Preserves…

14 Acquisition Strategies “Tools in the Toolbox” Conservation Easement Land in Lieu Buy/Ease/Sell Stacking with Ag Easement Fee Title Partnerships

15 SJMSCP Plan Outlook Economic recovery transition –Project processing with jurisdictions Continue to Streamline the Processes with Jurisdictions City of Stockton fee collection –SJCOG, Inc. staffing –Work with Permitting for better efficiencies in the plan

16 Other Plan Concerns Bay Delta Conservation Plan Overlapping Permit Area –SJ County and others Dual Oversight (DFW/USFWS) Conservation Strategies/ROA –North SJ County –South Delta Eminent Domain

17 Other Plan Concerns Delta Stewardship Council Delta Reform Act 2009 - law –SJ County and Others Plans –New Oversight Possible –Covered Actions Co-Equal Goals Approach –Conservation Strategy –BDCP Incorporate

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