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ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the professors of the student to arrange everything regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the professors of the student to arrange everything regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the professors of the student to arrange everything regarding the first semester of the students. ○Coordinate to TESDA and enroll the students in Technical skill ‘Hotel and Restaurant Service ‘for three months. ○Undergo to House Keeping training in Food Park. ○Evaluation regarding the training he attended. ○School base Coordinator refer and assist the student in enrolling in DUAL TECH. ASSESSMENT ○ After stopping school in EARIST, student was able to undergo trainings in TESDA and FOODPARK. This trainings help the student decide on what he will do for the coming school year. He learned a lot and also have a clear view on his life. Student have shared that he is willing to pursue his dreams on finishing his studies. He is now enrolled in DUAL TECH. RECOMMENDATION The student has given another chance to proved himself and study. Coordinator recommends that the student should be part of the sponsorship program for school year 10-11. TREATMENT PLAN ○Weekly monitoring regarding the studies of the students ○Coordination in DUAL TECH ○ Signing of Contract stated of last chance and agreement that they will finish DUALTECH or face the sanction Lubert Castillo PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ Student had encountered financial problems during the first semester of his studies this SY 09-10 and not able to enroll for the second semester. His father loss a job and became a reason for the student to stop schooling. The student is more aware and concerns of the needs of their family.

2 ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students. ○Coordinators had a talked to the registrar of the school. ○ Continued talk with the students about his status in school and in YF. ○Life Coaching ASSESSMENT ○ After the first problem that the student had before in his studies. Mark as the former college coordinator had a memorandum of agreement to the students and to his Auntie about his status in Young Focus that the student will communicate and actively participate in all the activities and programs that YF will have. And also will do his best in school and communicate all his decision to the coordinator before taking a move. ○The Auntie of the students was also not cooperative and didn’t communicate with the college coordinator. RECOMMENDATION After all the intervention that the coordinator had made, Coordinator recommends that the student would be out form sponsorship program of Young Focus. Anthony Gongora PROBLEM PRESENTED ○Failing grades. (He has four failing grades since first semester of school year 09-10) ○ Uncooperative in Young Focus activities. ‘Especially College Activities. ○ Not communicating to the college coordinator on his plans. (e.g. Dropping of subjects and other decisions that are connected in his studies)

3 ACTION TAKEN ○Continues Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents. ○Career Orientation and Goal Setting ○ Refer to TESDA (Student don’t show any interest) ASSESSMENT ○ After all the talk, counseling and continues home visit that the coordinator had made, interest has not seen to the student and to her parents. ○Parents didn’t show determination for the studies of their child. Same with the student that don’t have the determination and eagerness to pursue college. RECOMMENDATION After the several talk to the student and the parents coordinators observed that they don’t have any interest and don’t like to be cooperative anymore. The students also shared that she will not pursue anymore his studies. Coordinator recommends that the student would be out form sponsorship program of Young Focus. Analyn Del Rosario PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ The student is one of Young Focus sponsored student who are not able to study and enroll for S.Y 09-10. ○She is not cooperative in the activities and programs of YF. ○Student and parents have shared that Analyn will no longer pursue college and wanted to be out of the sponsorship program.

4 ACTION TAKEN ○Continues Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents. ○Career Orientation, Goal Setting and Life Coaching ○ Refer to TESDA ○Assist student to TUP to ask reconsideration to the admission office for enrollment of the student for SY09-10. ASSESSMENT ○With the series of one-on-one counseling with the students regarding her plans on her studies, student have shown interest and determination to pursue her college. Coordinators have also seen eagerness, effort and initiative on the students to look for possible universities. RECOMMENDATION The student has given another chance to proved herself and study. Coordinator recommends that the student should be part of the sponsorship program for school year 10-11. TREATMENT PLAN ○ Supervised the students in taking entrance examination in schools. ○Refer student to Mr. Cami and seek help to be enroll in CCM. Jovelyn Andia PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ The student is one of Young Focus sponsored student who are not able to study and enroll for S.Y 09-10. ○She is not that cooperative in the activities and programs of YF.

5 ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Conduct a Career Guidance and Life Coaching ○Coordinate to TESDA and enroll the students in Technical skill ‘Hotel and Restaurant Service ‘for three months. ○Undergo House Keeping training in Food Park. ○Evaluation regarding the training he attended. ○School base Coordinator refer and assist the student in enrolling in DUAL TECH. ASSESSMENT ○With the series of one-on-one counseling with the students regarding his plans on his studies, student have shown interest and determination to pursue his studies. Coordinators have also seen eagerness, effort and initiative on the students to look for possible universities. He is now enrolled in DUAL TECH. RECOMMENDATION The student has given another chance to proved himself and study. Coordinator recommends that the student should be part of the sponsorship program for school year 10-11. TREATMENT PLAN ○Weekly monitoring regarding the studies of the students ○Coordination in DUAL TECH ○ Signing of Contract stated of last chance and agreement that they will finish DUALTECH or face the sanction Junelle Garcia PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ The student is one of Young Focus sponsored student who are not able to study and enroll for S.Y 09-10 because he is not yet sure and decided of what course he will love to take in college.

6 ACTION TAKEN ○ Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the professors of the student to arrange everything regarding the first semester of the students. ○Coordinate to TESDA and enroll the students in Technical skill ‘Hotel and Restaurant Service ‘for three months. ○Undergo to House Keeping training in Food Park. ○Evaluation regarding the training he attended. ○School base Coordinator refer and assist the student in enrolling in DUAL TECH. ASSESSMENT ○ After stopping school in Navotas Polytechnic College, student was able to undergo trainings in TESDA and FOODPARK. This trainings help the student decide on what he will do for the coming school year. He learned a lot and also have a clear view on his life. Student have shared that he is willing to pursue his dreams on finishing his studies. He is now enrolled in DUAL TECH. RECOMMENDATION The student has given another chance to proved himself and study. Coordinator recommends that the student should be part of the sponsorship program for school year 10-11. Donithan Decolongon PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ Student stopped studying because he was been obsessed in computer games he is not able to attend in his class because instead of going to school he chooses to stay in computer shops.

7 TREATMENT PLAN ○Weekly monitoring regarding the studies of the students ○Coordination in DUAL TECH ○ Signing of Contract stated of last chance and agreement that they will finish DUALTECH or face the sanction ○Weekly Reporting to the Students Welfare Coordinator ○Behavioral Modification/values formation training Donithan Decolongon

8 ACTION TAKEN ○Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the professors of the student to arrange everything regarding the first semester of the students. ○Coordinate to TESDA and enroll the students in Technical skill ‘Hotel and Restaurant Service ‘for three months. ○Undergo to House Keeping training in Food Park. ○Evaluation regarding the training he attended. ○Ask the YFED team if they know agencies that would help the family regarding the medical assistance for the siblings of the child. ○Referral for work in FOOD PARK ASSESSMENT ○ After stopping school in EARIST, student was able to undergo various trainings in TESDA and FOODPARK. This trainings help the student a lot, he had acquired additional knowledge and also have a clear view on his life. Student have shared that he is willing to pursue his dreams on finishing his studies but because of the needs and status of his family he is more interest in having a job. ○Food park have absorbedd the student to work. RECOMMENDATION Because of the needs of his family and also the responsibility that the student had. Coordinator recommends that the student would take the offer of FOOD PARK and still help the student on reaching his dreams. TREATMENT PLAN ○Coordination in FOOD PARK regarding the start of his training ○Clarify Food Park if the student would be accept as regular after his training. Ronald Teano PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ The students is the breadwinner of the family. He formerly works as a garbage collector in LEONEL that affects his studies and push him to stop schooling.

9 ACTION TAKEN ○ Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the Administration of the school regarding payments. ASSESSMENT ○ Student s had the determination to study but since lack of guidance in choosing her career and lack finances the students were not able to finish the 2 nd semester. Student need a second chance and a guidance from the coordinator in choosing her career that would be beneficial to her and to her family RECOMMENDATION Based on the situation of the student the coordinator recommends that the students would be given a chance to be part of YF sponsorship program and be enroll in a Punlaan school or in Micars in order to be enroll in culinary courses which the tuition fee is very minimal. TREATMENT PLAN ○Coordinator will conduct Career guidance to the student The student will be mentor through life coaching by the coordinator Activity on how the student high her self esteem and be open to the coordinator. Michelle Cabaluna PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ Student had encountered financial problems during the second semester of her studies which leads her to stop studying.

10 ACTION TAKEN ○ Home Visit ○Counseling with the students and parents ○Coordinators had a talked to the registrar that the students be allowed to enroll despite the schedule of enrollment were closed ASSESSMENT ○ For several talked to the students and her parents shown no interest in the sponsorship program. Which they were uncooperative and they want their child to be out from the sponsorship program RECOMMENDATION Based on the assessment of the coordinator were the students and her parents want their child to be out from the sponsorship program. Coordinator recommends that the student be out from the sponsorship program. Christine Tanghal PROBLEM PRESENTED ○ Student were not cooperative in the YF activities.he was not able to enroll for the2nd semester despite the college coordinator talked to the registrar for consideration the student did not enroll. Because of this reasons the parents of the student want their child to be out from the sponsorship program.

11 OTHER CONCERNS Charlyn Agbay Mary Ann Britania Rose Ann Areglado Eric Reyes Mary Grace Salvador Students wanted to transfer to other schools. – REASONS Finances Not properly oriented about courses in college and also recommended to take ladderized course.

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