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Staff Climate Survey 2010. Question Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree UndecidedTotal 1. I clearly understand MHS’s long range plan on a page.4192221817190.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Climate Survey 2010. Question Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree UndecidedTotal 1. I clearly understand MHS’s long range plan on a page.4192221817190."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Climate Survey 2010

2 Question Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree UndecidedTotal 1. I clearly understand MHS’s long range plan on a page.4192221817190 2. I am confident MHS can successfully accomplish its vision.664593329191 3. I value MHS’s efforts to improve6981171311191 4. MHS reflects a true sense of community.846537410191 5. MHS creates a classroom climate that fosters a risk-taking environment. 1356483041188 6. I value collegiality at MHS.95651486188 7. People work at MHS because they enjoy and choose to be here.2075443616191 8. I have a work environment in which employees are treated with dignity and respect. 1941517010191 9. MHS demonstrates a commitment to diversity.259181719190 10. I know who to contact in the event that I have a question or concern. 61952195191 11. My voice is heard at MHS.1450536013190 12. We communicate openly about school issues.1236557117191 13. We have a clear understanding of our students’ needs.1595551014189 14. At MHS we recognize people who deliver excellence.1153584521188 15. For the most part, I am satisfied with out school.760644710188 16. MHS’s culture supports finding new ways to grow.880523217189 17. I work with students before or after school in either extracurricular/athletic or academic settings. 875918146184

3 I clearly understand MHS’s long range plan on a page.

4 I am confident MHS can successfully accomplish its vision.

5 I value MHS’s efforts to improve.

6 MHS reflects a true sense of community.

7 MHS creates a classroom climate that fosters a risk-taking environment

8 I value collegiality at MHS.

9 People work at MHS because they enjoy and choose to be here.

10 I have a work environment in which employees are treated with dignity and respect.

11 MHS demonstrates a commitment to diversity.

12 I know who to contact in the event that I have a question or concern.

13 My voice is heard at MHS.

14 We communicate openly about school issues.

15 We have a clear understanding of our students’ needs.

16 At MHS we recognize people who deliver excellence.

17 For the most part, I am satisfied with our school.

18 MHS’s culture supports finding new ways to grow.

19 I work with students before or after school in either extracurricular, athletic or academic settings.

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