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Beginning the 4 th Grade Journey Mrs. West, Ms. Fuller, Miss Kraft, Mr. Dawson.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning the 4 th Grade Journey Mrs. West, Ms. Fuller, Miss Kraft, Mr. Dawson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning the 4 th Grade Journey Mrs. West, Ms. Fuller, Miss Kraft, Mr. Dawson

2 Literacy Block  Balanced Literacy – shared reading, guided reading, independent reading  Daily 5 Structure  Comprehension, Fluency, and Vocabulary  Listening and Speaking Skills  Writing Process – prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish  6 Traits of Writing – ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions  Grammar – parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation  Sitton Spelling

3 Math  Guided Math – differentiated, small group instruction  CUBS Math Structure  Number Sense – number system, operations, computation, estimation  Geometry/Measurement – shapes, angles, line relationships, customary and metric measurement  Algebra – relationships, modeling in context, procedures  Data Analysis – display and analysis, predictions and inferences, probability

4 Science  Scientific Inquiry  Earth Materials  Magnets and Electricity  Living Things and the Environment

5 Social Studies  Geography Skills  Nebraska History  Economics  Local, State, and Federal Government  Multicultural Studies

6 Field Trips  Dreams of Eagles – Native American culture  Fort Atkinson/Washington County Historical Museum  The Nutcracker  Kindness Retreat  Link-Up – Omaha Symphony  Look To The Future – University of Nebraska Medical Center  Lincoln – State Capitol Building, Memorial Stadium, Morril Hall

7 Fundraisers  Younkers Community Day books  Airhead sales

8 Student Agendas/Friday Lunch Bunch  Please check and initial your student’s assignment agenda each night.  Students must bring their agenda to school EVERY DAY.  Encourage your student to complete his or her homework each night.  Assigned work that is not turned in by Friday will be completed during Lunch Bunch study hall.

9 PTO  Parent Teacher Organization  Provide support for students, teachers, and the Pawnee community  Sign up for many different activities  Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month in the Pawnee PIC.

10 Reading Incentive Program  Encourage your student to spend at least 15 minutes each night reading.  Return the signed weekly reading incentive slips to school every Monday.  Students who meet the incentive goal will attend a reading celebration each quarter.  Books and Bingo – September 22

11 Testing Schedule  Acuity Pre-screen Reading and Math – Sept. 12-30  District Writing Practice – Oct. 24-28  State Writing Assessment – Jan. 23-Feb.1  Acuity Mid-Year Reading and Math – Feb. 13-March 7  State Testing Reading (NESA-R) and Math (NESA-M) – March 26-May 4

12 Tips for Assisting Your Child  Follow up on and talk about homework.  Provide a quiet well lit area with little distractions to help your child study or do homework.  Mark down test dates on your calendar so you and your child are aware of them.  Make sure your child gets enough sleep.  Ensure your child eats a healthy breakfast.

13 Tips continued  Demonstrate the use of math and reading skills in real life situations.  Model good reading, writing, and math habits.  Remain a positive support for your child.  Ongoing communication between the teacher and parent is crucial.

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