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El presente. Verb Chart Key Yo – INosotros(as) – We Any person and I Tú – You (informal) Él – He, Ella – She Usted – You (formal) Any 1 person/thing Ellos.

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Presentation on theme: "El presente. Verb Chart Key Yo – INosotros(as) – We Any person and I Tú – You (informal) Él – He, Ella – She Usted – You (formal) Any 1 person/thing Ellos."— Presentation transcript:

1 El presente

2 Verb Chart Key Yo – INosotros(as) – We Any person and I Tú – You (informal) Él – He, Ella – She Usted – You (formal) Any 1 person/thing Ellos (as) – They Ustedes – You all More than 1 person/thing

3 Regular Verbs Bailar – to dance BailoBailamos Bailas BailaBailan Comer – to eat ComoComemos Comes ComeComen Vivir – to live VivoVivimos Vives ViveViven

4 Irregular Verbs Ser – to be (permanent) SoySomos Eres EsSon Estar – to be (impermanent) EstoyEstamos Estás EstáEstán Ir – to go Voy Vamos Vas VaVan

5 -ZCO Verbs Conocer – to know (people/places) ConozcoConocemos Conoces ConoceConocen Obedecer – to obey Ofrecer – to offer Parecer – to seem

6 -Go Verbs Hacer – to do/ to make Hago Hacemos Haces Hace Hacen Poner – to put Salir – to go out

7 -Igo Verbs Traer – to bring Traigo Traemos Traes Trae Traen Caer – to fall

8 E I Verbs Pedir – to ask (for something) Pido Pedimos Pides Pide Piden Servir – to serve Repetir – to repeat Reír – to laugh Sonreír – to smile Vestirse – to get dressed Seguir – to follow

9 E IE Verbs Querer – to want Quiero Queremos Quieres Quiere Quieren Sentirse - to feel Mentir – to lie Cerrar – to close Entender – to understand Perder – to lose Empezar – to start Comenzar – to start Preferir – to prefer Pensar – to think Divertirse – to have fun Despertarse – to wake up

10 O UE Verbs Poder- to be able to (can) Puedo Podemos Puedes Puede Pueden Contar – to count/ tell Costar – to cost Encontrar – to find Recordar – to remember Dormir – to sleep Volver – to return Devolver – to return an item Acostarse – to lie down/ go to bed Morir – to die Mover – to move Soñar – to dream Doler – to hurt Jugar* - to play Volar – to fly

11 Tener – to have TengoTenemos Tienes TieneTienen Decir – to say Digo Decimos Dices DiceDicen Oír – to hear Oigo Oímos Oyes OyeOyen

12 Reflexive Verbs Secarse – to dry off Me seco Nos secamos Te secas Se seca Se secan Despertarse- to wake up Ducharse- to shower Lavarse las manos- to wash your hands Lavarse la cara- to wash your face

13 Pintarse el pelo- to dye your hair Ponerse la ropa – to put on your clothes Divertirse – to have fun Acostarse – to lie down Afeitarse – to shave Arreglarse- to get ready Bañarse – to bathe Cepillarse el pelo – to brush your hair Cepillarse los dientes – to brush your teeth Levantarse – to get up Vestirse – to get dressed

14 Verbs like gustar (to like) Me gusta(n)Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n) Le gusta(n)Les gusta(n) Encantar- to love Importar- to matter Interesar – to be interested in

15 Irregular ‘Yo’ Verbs Dar – to give DoyDamos Das DaDan Saber- to know (info) SéSabemos Sabes Sabe Saben Ver – to see VeoVemos Ves VeVen

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