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The Impact on Professional Practice Standardised measures and positive outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact on Professional Practice Standardised measures and positive outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact on Professional Practice Standardised measures and positive outcomes.

2 How we introduced Q Pack Conference- agencies working in education, health, YJ, and social care Internal training for staff Champion system Individual support Auditing system

3 Difficulties Changing culture- anxious, ‘stuck’ attitudes Carers not ‘Professionals’ Lack of confidence by staff/ abilities/ using professional jargon Social workers/ IRO’s Staff to Integrate into everyday practice Mindsets

4 Communication Increases staff moral Insights- person centred thinking Different perspectives Effective communication Creating a holistic picture “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” A whole approach creates a Systems approach

5 Focused goal setting and Collaborative working Evidenced based measures Targeted areas of work Matches statutory processes Encourages time management and accountability Joined up working Solution focused work

6 Impact on how we care “ What the care staff say” “It helped advocate additional health services for one particular young person” “The Q Pack has helped evidence the difficulties in one of our young people which resulted in a CAMHS referral”. “This young person now has weekly sessions with CAMHS and has shown lots of improvement”. “It has made me stop and think more about each of our young peoples needs and strengths, and how I can make a difference to their lives by getting them the right help”. “Before the Q Pack there was no clear way of identifying their specific needs”. “My approach to my work is more structured and I feel by using evidenced based measures, it has bridged a professional gap between residential services and external professional agencies”.

7 Impact on how we care “What the care staff say” “As a professional the Q-Pack gives me the facts in a presentable, tangible and accredited format. As care workers we now have an industry standard assessment tool to support us in establishing a young person’s needs, and developing the best possible outcomes for that Young Person”.

8 Case study Penny 16 year old female Baseline VASQ scores SDQ disorder (=3): Emotional (Carer and YP) Conduct (Carer) Hyperactive (Carer) VASQ attachment Dual (Anxious and Avoidant) Total VASQ = marked insecure VASQ 1 st Follow-up (7 m) SDQ disorder (=1) Conduct disorder (Carer) VASQ attachment Dual (Anxious and Avoidant), total VASQ reduced to moderate insecure

9 Change at follow-up: SDQ case disorders

10 Changes in VASQ at follow up

11 Penny Interventions- Q Pack- Working closely with her Social Worker to develop internal care plans Anger Management- Main principle was reflecting on her emotional state Therapeutic supervision- reflecting with staff / staff self awareness with an added attachment bias Future work Transitions work- Semi Independence- Link workers- Building trust- encouraging a balance of personal autonomy and self reliance

12 Using Attachment Tools to deliver a Professional Service Assessment Identification Planning Collaboration Intervention Monitoring FU Assessment Evaluation

13 Summary and implications It works!!!!! Care Staff and Social Workers like it Young people engage with it Helps staff to focus their work Effective way to communicate with other agencies Measures outcomes and evidences good work

14 Social Work Feedback “……young people I work with have significantly benefitted as they have received a consistent level of input and a benchmark of which to assess progress. This has been positive for staff and the young person as it has motivated the young person to continue to make progress when the progress is evidenced in front of them via the Q pack and ASI”. “The ASI allows residential staff to be able to engage with supporting young people based on evidenced assessments. Being able to offer support in the specific identified areas means that all residential staff are able to work from the same basis as other professionals. It gives guidance and focus to work allowing residential practice to have evidenced positive support”. “It has enabled me to be able to work collaboratively with agencies having the same ideas and theories underpinning my practice. It has focused and sharpened my work with young people as there is a specific goal identified”.

15 Thank you for your attention! Contact: Claire Evans

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