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P UMP -U P Recall the relationship between Britain and its American colonies. Predict the types of conflict that might arise between the U.S. and its own.

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Presentation on theme: "P UMP -U P Recall the relationship between Britain and its American colonies. Predict the types of conflict that might arise between the U.S. and its own."— Presentation transcript:

1 P UMP -U P Recall the relationship between Britain and its American colonies. Predict the types of conflict that might arise between the U.S. and its own colonies.


3 T ODAY ’ S V OCABULARY “White Man’s Burden” Belief that Anglo-Saxons should colonize other countries b/c they are spreading Democracy and Christianity. Open Door Policy America’s aim to give all nations equal trading rights in China.

4 REASONS FOR I MPERIALISM Imperialism Control of weak nations by strong nations. Economic Interests New consumers. New sources for raw materials. Military Needs In Captain Alfred T. Mahan book, Influence of Sea Power, he stated that all great empires had navies. The U.S. needed navy bases where ships could refuel and make repairs.

5 J USTIFYING IMPERIALISM Social Darwinism Promoted nationalism. Anglo-Saxon Superiority Undeveloped countries seemed “backwards”. Anglo-Saxons should spread Christianity, Western Culture and Democracy. White Man’s Burden It is your Christian duty to help others.

6 W HITE M AN ’ S BURDEN Take up the White Man’s burden— Send forth the best ye breed– Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild– Your new-caught sullen people, Half devil and half child.

7 “S EWARD ’ S F OLLY ” Secretary of State William Seward wanted to buy Alaska. Congress t hought Alaska was a frozen wasteland. Seward bought Alaska for $7.2 million in 1867. Later found gold and oil. Current GDP of Alaska is $40 billion.

8 Hawaii Ideal spot for naval bases. Sugar industry The Hawaiian League forced the king to sign a new constitution at gunpoint. Only wealthy landowners could vote. Queen Liliuokalani planned to restore the power of the Hawaiian monarch. U.S. Marines surrounded the palace and forced the queen to surrender. Sanford B. Dole becomes president. Hawaii became an American territory in 1898. Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959.

9 Japan Commodore Matthew Perry led the Great White Fleet to Japan. Impressed/scared the Japanese. Treaty between Japan and the U.S. allowed: Peace Two trade ports for the U.S. Japan adopts western technology and begins building their own powerful navy. Fought Russia for control of Manchuria.

10 China Spheres of Influence When foreign nations exert economic control over weak nations. Open Door Policy U.S. believed that all nations should have equal trading rights in China. Boxer Rebellion Chinese began attacking foreign missionaries (“foreign devils”). Increased support for the Open Door Policy.

11 C LASSWORK Today you will read the “White Man’s Burden” and three responses to Kipling’s poem and answer questions based off the four poems. Then you will write a 3 stanza “burden” poem in which you either state your own beliefs about supporting or opposing imperialism. Be sure that your poem clearly reflects why you support or oppose imperialism.

12 R EFLECTION Explain why America begins gaining colonies and their justification for Imperialism.

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