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Assessing the Burden of HPV-Associated Cancers in the U.S., 1998-2003 (ABHACUS): Monitoring the Impact of Emerging Technologies Using Cancer Registry Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing the Burden of HPV-Associated Cancers in the U.S., 1998-2003 (ABHACUS): Monitoring the Impact of Emerging Technologies Using Cancer Registry Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing the Burden of HPV-Associated Cancers in the U.S., 1998-2003 (ABHACUS): Monitoring the Impact of Emerging Technologies Using Cancer Registry Data Margaret Watson, MPH ORISE Fellow, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

2 Outline u HPV background u ABHACUS project l Rationale l Analysis criteria l Results-burden of HPV-associated cancers u Cervical cancer u Vulvar cancer (vaginal to be discussed later) u Penile cancer u Anal cancer u Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers u Conclusions

3 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) u HPV common, sexually transmitted u HPV persistence responsible for development of certain types of cancer u Carcinogenesis is slow u 100 types of HPV l 13-15 HPV types are considered oncogenic l ~70% of invasive cervical cancer HPV 16/18 l ~90% of genital warts HPV 6/11

4 HPV-Associated Cancers and Attributable Fraction due to HPV Cancer site % due to any HPV Infection % of HPV-related which are types 16/18 Cervix10070 Vagina4080 Vulva4080 Anus9092 Penis4063 Oral Cavity 2598 Oropharynx 3595/89 Parkin DM, Bray F. The burden of HPV-related cancers. In: Bosch FX, Cuzick J, Schiller JT, Garnett GP, Meheus A, Franco EL et al., editors. Vaccine: HPV vaccines and screening in the prevention of cervical cancer. 2006. Oropharyngeal from Kreimer et al.

5 Emerging Technologies u Vaccines l 2006- FDA approved Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine (HPV 6, 11, 16,18) u Prevents cervical, vaginal, vulvar precancers l Bivalent HPV Vaccine (HPV 16, 18) undergoing FDA approval u HPV Test l Detects 13 oncogenic types l Used for management of abnormal Pap tests, screening for women over 30 years of age

6 ABHACUS Supplement u Published in 2008 l Journal CANCER, produced by American Cancer Society u 23 articles: l Baseline burden l Overview of HPV l Federal initiatives l State- or area-specific data l Combined datasets

7 ABHACUS Supplement: u 100 Authors and Participants l State Cancer Registries u CA, FL, ID, IL, KY, LA, ME, MI, NM, NY, SD, TN, TX, VA l Academia-Universities and Cancer Centers u Moffitt, University of Hawaii, University of AZ, Case Western, Emory, Johns Hopkins University l National Cancer Institute l American Cancer Society l CDC-Cancer, STD, Immunizations, and HPV Lab u Process l Monthly meetings –criteria for analysis l Peer review


9 Criteria Used for Analysis of Cancer Registry Data Cancer Site ICD-0-3 Site Codes Histologies examined ICD-0-3 Histology Codes Cervix530-539 All carcinomas 8010-8671, 8940-8941 Vagina529 Squamous cell carcinomas 8050-8084, 8120-8131 Vulva510-519 Anus (includes Rectal SCCs) 209-212, 218 Penis600-609 Oral Cavity and Oropharynx 019, 024, 090, 091, 098, 099, 142, 028, 102, 108, 109, 140, 148

10 Syrjanen (2004) J Clin Pathol; Syrjanen (2005) J Clin Virol; Paz (1997) Cancer; Kreimer (2006) Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prev; Mork (2001) NEJM; Dalgren (2004) Int J Ca; Ritchie (2003) Int J Ca Criteria Used for Analysis of Cancer Registry Data: Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Subsites Subsite (limited to SCCs) HPV-DNA positivity rate * Potentially HPV- Associated Tonsil51 % Base of tongue and lingual tonsil40 % Other oropharynx36 % HPV-Unrelated Oral tongue 0% - 25% Other oral cavity Larynx Other oropharynx

11 Criteria Used for Analysis of Cancer Registry Data u Histology l All histologies microscopically confirmed l Analyses examining NPCR/SEER data exclude 8077/2 (intraepithelial neoplasia 3) for vulvar, vaginal, and anal cancers (VIN, VaIN, AIN) u Race/ethnicity l Race separate from Hispanic ethnicity l American Indian/Alaska Native not examined as a separate group

12 Results

13 Invasive HPV-Associated Cancers in Females, 1998- 2003* Site Average Annual Count Incidence Rate 95% C.I. Cervix10,8468.9(8.9, 9.0) Vulva2,2661.7(1.7, 1.7) Vagina6010.5(0.4, 0.5) Anus1,9341.5(1.5, 1.5) Oral cavity & oropharynx 1,7021.3(1.3, 1.4) Total17,34914.0(13.8, 14.0)

14 Invasive HPV-Associated Cancers in Males, 1998- 2003* Site Average Annual CountIncidence rate95% C.I. Penis8280.8(0.8, 0.8) Anus1,0831.0(1.0, 1.0) Oral cavity & oropharynx 5,6585.2(5.1, 5.2) Total7,5687.0(6.9, 7.0)

15 In Situ HPV-associated Cancers in Females, 1998-2003* Site Average Annual Count Incidence rate 95% C.I. Vulva*1,4981.23(1.20, 1.25) Vagina*1620.13(0.12, 0.14) Anus*2130.17(0.16, 0.18) Oral cavity & oropharynx 230.02(0.02, 0.02) Total1,8971.55(1.52, 1.58) *8077/2 excluded

16 In Situ HPV-Associated Cancers in Males, 1998- 2003* Site Average Annual CountIncidence rate95% C.I. Penis4260.40(0.39, 0.42) Anus*2160.19(0.18, 0.20) Oral cavity & oropharynx 610.06(0.05, 0.06) Total7020.65(0.63, 0.67) *8077/2 excluded

17 Rates of Invasive Cervical Cancer by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

18 Cervical Cancer-Results Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Median Age Total8.910,84647 Race White 8.48,57647 Black 12.6*1,57149 API 8.342451 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic 8.49,13148 Hispanic 14.2*1,71545 * p<0.05

19 Rates of Invasive Vulvar Cancer by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

20 Vulvar Cancer-Results Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Total1.72,266 Race White1.82,056 Black1.3*157 API0.4*16 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic1.82,153 Hispanic 1.3*114 * p<0.05

21 Rates of Invasive Penile Cancer by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

22 Penile Cancer-Results Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Total0.8828 Race White 0.8731 Black 0.865 API 0.4*12 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic 0.8722 Hispanic 1.3*106 * p<0.05

23 Rates of Invasive Anal Cancer in Males by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

24 Rates of Invasive Anal Cancer in Females by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

25 Anal Cancer-Results MaleFemale Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Total1.01,0831.51,935 Race White1.09271.61,739 Black1.2*1241.3*152 API0.2*80.4*19 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic1.01,0111.51,796 Hispanic0.8*721.5139 * p<0.05

26 Rates of Invasive Oral Cavity/Oropharyngeal Cancer in Males by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

27 Rates of Invasive Oral Cavity/Oropharyngeal Cancers in Females by Census Division Maps developed by James Cucinelli (IMS, Inc.) and Dave Stinchcomb (National Cancer Institute) based on the micromaps design (Carr & Pierson, 1996).

28 Oral Cavity/Oropharyngeal Cancer-Results MaleFemale Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Incidence Rate Average Annual Count Total5.25,6581.31,702 Race White5.14,8931.31,484 Black6.8*6301.5*179 API1.7*640.5*23 Ethnicity Non-Hispanic5.35,3631.41,634 Hispanic3.6*2950.7*69 * p<0.05

29 Results: Conclusions u Total of 149,507 cases of invasive HPV- associated cancer during 1998-2003 l 104,097 among women l 45,410 among men u Epidemiology of HPV-associated cancers varies by cancer site l Association with HPV varies l Cofactors vary

30 Conclusion: Limitations and Possibilities u No information on HPV in specific tumors l Special projects will type HPV in tumor tissue u No information on vaccine history l Potential to link vaccine and cancer registry data l Potential to correlate vaccine rates and cancer rates in specific geographic areas u Not all registries met data qualifications l More data included in more recent years u In situ cervical tumors not collected; vulvar, vaginal and anal intraepithelial neoplasia lesions (VIN/VAIN/AIN 3) inconsistently collected l Michigan continued to collect in situ cervical tumors after 1996 decision

31 Conclusions u First assessment of overall burden of HPV- associated cancers in the US using large population u Histology categories, criteria for analysis standardized and clearly defined for future re- analyses l Not based on HPV attributable fraction u Inclusion of some rare cancers by racial, geographic variation

32 Acknowledgements u Methods co-authors: Mona Saraiya, Faruque Ahmed, Cheryll Cardinez, Hannah Weir, Marsha Reichman, Tom Richards u Djenaba Joseph u Xiaocheng Wu u Blythe Ryerson u Brenda Hernandez u Dave Stinchcomb u ABHACUS Steering committee

33 Thank you Meg Watson 770-488-3097

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