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 Definition…  The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic, political,military or cultural.

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2  Definition…  The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic, political,military or cultural control over other nations.

3  Growing industry leads to need for new markets and need for raw materials  Desire for military power and protection Alfred Mahan- “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” (basically said that all great countries became powerful with great naval power) this encouraged the US to build a strong navy.  Belief in Anglo Saxon superiority (“White Man’s Burden”) –see primary document assignment.

4  The annexation of Hawaii-1898  Generally caused by big business’ (plantation owners) desire for land and they didn’t want to pay tariffs. Sanford Dole (cousin of James Dole) Queen Liliuokalani Map of Hawaii

5  Causes:  Spanish occupation of Cuba  Yellow Journalism  Sinking of the Maine  Results  US gains the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico  US exerts influence over Cuba- the Platt Amendment-(we dictate to the Cubans what their Constitution will allow.)  Philippines erupt into a rebellion over our occupation.




9  America exerts its influence to insure access to markets in China  The nations of Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Russia were our competitors.  Western intrusion in China led to the “Boxer Rebellion”(Chinese freedom fighters were defeated)

10  Assistant Secretary of The Navy during Spanish American War (resigns and leads his own volunteers to fight in Cuba)  Became President in 1901 after McKinley’s assassination  The Monroe Doctrine - the US would not allow European nations to intrude into “our hemisphere”(this idea was from earlier American history)  Roosevelt Corollary (to the Monroe Doctrine): We might have to become involved in Latin America to protect our interests. (use “the big stick”)

11  1.The Panama Canal  Why did we want a canal? pg360  How did we get the “canal zone”?pg360  1914 the canal opens  2.The US ignores national border with Mexico  (Pancho Villa -US military pursues him into Mexico)

12  Missionary Diplomacy- moral obligation to stop (or not recognize) oppressive, undemocratic or hostile governments  Dollar Diplomacy- US government guarantees private loans made to foreign governments  Gunboat Diplomacy- use American military power to influence Central American nations

13  Is imperialism positive or negative?  Is imperialism a concept supported by American ideas of democracy?  Is the American idea of spreading democracy the same as imperialism? (for example our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan) Iraqi Insurgents 21st Century Filipino Insurgents 19th Century

14  US Military Installation that we gained as a result of the Spanish American war and by “coercion”/influence over Cuba  Currently suspected terrorists/”enemy combatants” held there

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