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8 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Oslo 13/14 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Oslo 13/14 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Oslo 13/14 June 2013

2 Agenda 13 th June 2013, 13:00 h – 18:00 h 1.Introduction: Welcome by the Host and the Chair 1a Confirmation of the number of eligible voting persons for Member States (Decision) 1b.Confirmation of Agenda of the Meeting (Decision) 1cConfirmation of the Minutes of Last Meeting (Decision) 2. 2a. 2b. 2c. Discussion on Strategic Research Agenda (Decision) Results of Mapping and Foresight Discussion on the draft SRA, and preliminary approval of the concept, contents and writing procedure Discussion on Instruments for Implementation Coffee Break Continuation of Topic 2 – Strategic Research Agenda (Decision) End of Day 1

3 Agenda 14 th June 2013, 09:00 h – 17:00 h 3. Yves Joanette, Canadian Institute of Health Research – Institute of Aging - Presentation 4.Fast-Track Data Project: Status and Future, Lessons learned (Information) Coffee Break 5.Meeting of Research Policy Group on 15 May 2013 (Information) 6.JPI Contribution to Horizon2020 Work Programme (Information) Lunch Break 7. Status of J-AGE (Information) a. Implementation b. Dissemination c. Evaluation Coffee Break 8. Current and Future Financing of the Secretariat, incl. Report and Balance Sheet for 2012 (Information) 9.Decision on Next Meetings (Decision) 10.AOB End of Meeting

4 1a. Confirmation of eligible votes

5 1b. Confirmation of the draft agenda

6 1c. Confirmation of the minutes

7 2. Strategic Research Agenda

8 3. Presentation by Yves Joanette, Canadian Institute of Health Research – Institute of Aging

9 4. Fast Track Data Project

10 5. Meeting of Research Policy Group on 15 May 2013

11 6. JPI Contribution to H2020 Work Programme

12 7. Status of J-AGE a. Implementation of SRA b. Dissemination c. Evaluation

13 8. Current and Future Financing of JPI Secretariat

14 Annual Report of JPI Secretariat 2012 Tasks carried out in 2012 1.Support of the Bodies of the Joint Programming Initiative 2.Contact Point of the Initiative / Public Relations 3.Formation and Supporting of the Expert-community (Working Groups) 4.Support for Core Activities of the JPI: Common Programme Planning 5.Preparation and Support of the Coordination and Support Action (FP7 )

15 Separation of Tasks and Accounts between JPI Secretariat and J-AGE Support Action J-AGE started in September 2012 Tasks and Accounts of Secretariat and J-AGE Project are strictly separated. After start of J-AGE, support for Working Groups/Expert Community by Secretariat has ended. (ZonMW took over in J- AGE from September on). Tasks of VDI/VDE-IT in J-AGE: Project Management and Mapping/Foresight activities (and contributions to other Work packages) are separated from the Secretarial tasks.

16 Payments by JPI Partners in 2012 PartnerContract signedMembership feeAmount received Austria04.01.201211.000,00 € Belgium07.11.201211.000,00 € Denmark04.01.201211.000,00 € Finland21.12.201111.000,00 € Germany16.04.201233.000,00 € Italy30.10.201233.000,00 € Netherlands13.02.201222.000,00 € Norway16.01.201222.000,00 € Poland13.06.201211.000,00 € Spain23.01.201222.000,00 € Sweden05.01.201211.000,00 € Switzerland06.02.201222.000,00 € Turkey15.10.201211.000,00 € UK20.03.201233.000,00 € TOTAL 264.000,00 €253.000,00 €

17 Secretariat Efforts in 2012

18 Balance Sheet 2012

19 Outlook Playments 2013 Partner Date of Sign. PartnerMembership fee Amount receivedNotes Austria07.12.20125.000,00 € Belgium 5.000,00 € Canada08.06.201310.000,00 € Denmark25.01.20135.000,00 € Finland13.12.20125.000,00 € Germany13.12.201215.000,00 € Italy21.01.201310.000,00 € Netherlands07.12.201210.000,00 € Norway13.12.201210.000,00 € Poland03.04.20135.000,00 € Spain 10.000,00 € under Negotiation Sweden21.12.20125.000,00 € Switzerland07.12.201210.000,00 € Turkey 5.000,00 € UK25.01.201310.000,00 € TOTAL120.000,00 €80.000,00 €

20 Planned Efforts in 2013

21 JPI Secretariat in 2014 The General Assembly needs to: 1.Decision on continuation of a secretariat in 2014 2.Troika suggests to establish a task force to prepare a description of work for secretariat in 2014 3.Troika invites all GA Members to make suggestions for provision of secretarial services -> be sent to JPI Chair 4.Decision point for next GA meeting

22 9. Next Meetings 30 September – 1 October 2013 in The Hague (Alternative: 7/8 October 2013 in The Hague) 13/14 or 23/24 January 2014 in Stockholm

23 10. AOB

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