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Daisy4nfv: An Installer Based on Open Source Project - Daisy Basic Architecture and Brief Background contacts:

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1 Daisy4nfv: An Installer Based on Open Source Project - Daisy Basic Architecture and Brief Background contacts:

2 What is Daisy Installer for distributed systems – Deployment and management of OpenStack and other distributed systems. – An OpenStack-related project (, ). – Previously mainly developed by ZTE used for deploying closed source OpenStack variation. 2

3 Why another installer Daisy has been used widely by our users – Users want to have the same use experience as before when they moving to OPNFV platform. – Introduce Kolla as the deployment module to Containerizing OpenStack services Daisy4nfv extends Daisy with the capability of exposing necessary information to related project in OPNFV – Discussed with Smooth Upgrade (escalator) project and find out that related information should be exposed by installer (Through Daisy API)to ease the upgrading process. 3

4 What is (not) Kolla Containerizing OpenStack services – Fast Deploying – Atomic upgrading Kolla is not a installer – Needs Installer such as Daisy to do node discovery and OS provisioning before hand. For more info. 4

5 Daisy API extention for OPNFV Upgrader (escalator) Yellow: to be implemented as part of Daisy4nfv Proposal Blue: existing upstream installer -“Daisy” Green: existing component in OPNFV project Subscribe 5 Daisy Information Provider Publish Req. Resp. “Information Provider” is a plug-in of Daisy, and it will be used as a bridge between installer and upgrader. Data changed in Daisy which related to upgrading will be passed based upon a publication to it. Later, upgrader can query such information from Information Provider. Further, by generalizing “What to provide” and “How to provide”(API) to a more common layer, such as genesis, a loose coupling design of installer and upgrader can be achieved.

6 Daisy+Kolla Progress (centos) Building artifact: – Build OpenStack containers using Kolla, support using specific RDO version by specifing a local repo.(Done) – Packaging containers’ images into Daisy artifact.(Almost Done) Functions provided by the artifact: – Node discovery/OS installation using Daisy (Done). – Daisy generate Kolla config file for deploying OpenStack according to user’s requirements. (TODO) – Daisy calls into Kolla to deploy OpenStack containers.(TODO) 6

7 What Daisy4nfv will do to extend Daisy+Kolla Building artifact: – Extends Kolla to build OPNFV containers(such as ODL container, etc.). – Packaging containers’ images into Daisy artifact. Functions provided by the artifact: – Extends Daisy Dashboad to let user to specify OPNFV scenarios. – Extends Daisy to generate Kolla config file for deploying OPNFV containers according to specified scenarios. – Extends Kolla to deploy OPNFV containers. – Extends Daisy API to provide information about component version etc. to other projects. 7

8 What Daisy4nfv will do with other OPNFV projects Working closely with genesis and escalator projects together to provide a complete improvement solutions for both installing and upgrading for OPNFV. Working closely with Functest, Yardstick and Releng projects to deliver high quality artifacts effciently. Absorbing OPNFV's release cadence features through the genesis project. 8

9 Thank you! Q&A 9

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