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Clean up Building & Construction.  Question 1: If you notice any broken or damaged tool, or machine, you should try to fix it.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean up Building & Construction.  Question 1: If you notice any broken or damaged tool, or machine, you should try to fix it.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean up Building & Construction

2  Question 1: If you notice any broken or damaged tool, or machine, you should try to fix it.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question 2: When finished with tools, clean tools and return them to the tool panel.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question 3: Clean up the area before you leave. Clean up is required to pass this class. Clean up is 10 minutes before class ends.  A) Yes  B) not sure  C) No  Question 4: When a non student enters the room you should tell them:  A) eye protection required  B) you think they are ok  C) what is going on let's talk  D) stay to visit

3  Question 5: It has been explained by your instructor that you are required to:  A) agree to observe all safety regulations  B) never miss a class  C) sit on countertops  D) listen to all cowboys and cowgirls  Question 6: How should a chisel is held  A) held in the right hand with thumb and first finger an inch from the bottom end  B) by the sharp end  C) held in the left hand with thumb and first finger an inch from the upper end.  Question 7: How should tools be stored to minimize hand injuries?  A) Leave them on the tables  B) thrown in a drawer  C) hung on a rack

4  Question 8: If you are cleaning up the room you have been instructed to see that machines are unplugged, the machine has stopped moving and:  A) to run  B) throw tools at each other  C) never place your hands near any blades or cutters ever  D) clean as fast as you can  Question 9: Oily rags must be stored in:  A) near the furnace  B) covered metal containers  C) plant stands  D) glass bottle  Question 10: When lifting heavy objects you should lift with your legs, not your back.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question 11: Do you agree to follow the above rules: YES  Question 12: Keep hands away from rotating or moving parts.  A) true B) false

5  Question 13: When oily rags are left in a pile they ignite causing:  A) fire from spontaneous combustion  B) a party  C) a good situation  D) fireworks  Question 14: Teachers permission is required to use all tools and equipment in class.  A) true B) false  C) not a safety requirement  D) sometimes  Question 15: Wear suitable eye protection when engaged in any activity, where eye hazards may exist.  A) TRUE B) FALSE  Question 16: Keep your shop floor free from objects that can be stumbled over. Woodturning generates lots of chips, which will quickly hide any hazards on the floor. Keep the work area clean. Accidents are less likely to occur in a tidy work area where all sharp tools are put in their proper place.  A) TRUE B) FALSE

6  Work safe, follow all safety rules, clean-up is mandatory in order to pass this course.  All students are required to participate, during clean-up.  When asked to return to your seat the first time this is also part of clean-up.  Be safe, work safe, stay safe, think safety, clean-up safely in the shop.

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