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Presentation on theme: "Plastic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plastic

2 There are 6 types of plastics
1.Polyethlene 2. Polyethlene 3.Polyvinyl chloride 4.polyethlene 5.polypropylene 6.polystyrene

3 #1 PET Polyethylene terephthalate. Soda bottles Food bottles Trays Can be recycled into carpets Fiberfill T-shirts Shopping bags


5 Recycled Products (from #1)

6 #2 HDPE or high-density polyethylene.
Used in liquid detergent Shampoo bottles Tyvek mailing envelopes Can be recycled into new containers if clear Colored can be recycled into plastic lumber


8 Recycled Plastic #2

9 Vinyl or polyvinyl chloride (# 3 V)
Clear food packaging Plumbing pipe could be recycled but generally isn’t


11 Low-density polyethylene (# 4 LDPE)
very flexible and made into bags for bread, frozen food, and grocery. Some of these bags are recycled into new bags or plastic lumber such as Trex. This plastic is lightweight and trucking it back for recycling uses more energy than producing a virgin product.

12 More recycled products

13 Polypropylene (# 5 PP) yogurt, margarine, and other food containers. Like number 3 V, there are not enough containers to justify collecting it


15 #6 PS - Polystyrene, Solid PS is made into compact disc jackets, eating utensils take-out food containers. Styrofoam is used for packing materials, coffee cups, meat trays, egg cartons. The cost of moving used Styrofoam is higher than making it from virgin oil






21 Town of Bow Recycles P) MIXED PAPER, PAPERBOARD & CARDBOARD • Paper - Anything that tears! Bundle in brown paper bags to prevent littering. • Corrugated Cardboard - flatten and cut to 2ft x 2ft, place to the side of the bin. (C) COMMINGLED CONTAINERS -rinsed and flattened • Milk and juice jugs, cartons, cans, bottles, pans, trays, aluminum, tin cans. • Plastics #1 & #2 only NO Plastic bags - please recycle at your local supermarket. NO ceramic dishes, light bulbs, or broken glass.

22 BOW RECYCLING FACTS FOR 2007 $33,500 saved tipping fees from recycled waste
778 tons diverted from incineration/landfills 7% increased recycling tonnage vs. 2006

23 Bow Average Residential Waste:
Trash - $42.55/ton Recycle - 21 No Charge!

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