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How to answer a Theology Class short answer question without being stressed out!

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Presentation on theme: "How to answer a Theology Class short answer question without being stressed out!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to answer a Theology Class short answer question without being stressed out!

2 First look at the question carefully! You need to 1) determine what is being asked and 2) plan what you need to do to answer the question. Look at the following example.

3 What is Passover? What happened on Passover? Why is Jesus sometimes referred to as the Paschal Lamb? (The word Paschal means Passover)

4 The Religion Answer “Passover shows us that God loves us. It happened when God passed over us with love. Jesus is like Passover because God loved us and so does Jesus.” This will NOT get you any points. It doesn’t answer the question.

5 First part of the question “What is Passover?” “Passover is the 10 th plague the death of the first-born.” Second part of the question “What happened on Passover? The Jews had to kill a lamb and put the blood of the lamb over their door. The blood meant that the plague would “Passover” and not take the first-born’s life. Third part of the question “Why is Jesus sometimes referred to as the Paschal Lamb?” Jesus died to save Christians from sin. His blood saved us from death in sin. He is the sacrifice that saved us. He is like the lamb of the Passover. He is even called the Lamb of God. NO BULLITT POINTS!

6 Put it all together and you have one answer that answers all three parts of the question. Passover is the 10 th plague the death of the first-born. The Jews had to kill a lamb and put the blood of the lamb over their door. The blood meant that the plague would “Passover” and not take the first-born’s life. Jesus died to save Christians from sin. His blood saved us from death in sin. He is the sacrifice that saved us. He is like the lamb of the Passover. He is even called the Lamb of God.

7 Let’s give another question a try: Identify a character in the Pentateuch who demonstrated faith and trust in God and explain how they did that. Also, describe a time when you had to trust God in your life. Did this incident strengthen or weaken your relationship with God? Explain. What is being asked? Is there more than one question being asked? What do I need to tell to answer each part of the question? Do not give the “Religion Answer”

8 God freed the Israelites from oppression, under the Egyptians. How does God free us from oppression in our everyday life?

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