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‘People Powered Change’ ExtraCare’s Village People.

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Presentation on theme: "‘People Powered Change’ ExtraCare’s Village People."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘People Powered Change’ ExtraCare’s Village People

2 Millie Gobbinsingh Pannel Croft Village Brian Hobbs and David Tunney Shenley Wood Village

3 The Village People

4 Public Perceptions

5 Are we really a ‘collective crisis’? Or part of the solution to change thinking…


7 …to change thinking?

8 ‘People Powered Change’ Three case studies which created change: 1. Influencing Policy – For better housing and health services 2. Engaging Communities – For integration not isolation 3. Changing Perceptions – “We are the change we want to see”

9 Case Study One: Shenley Wood Village Influencing Policy For better housing and health services

10 Case Study One: Shenley Wood Village Outcomes: ARCO Consumer Code

11 Case Study One: Shenley Wood Village Outcomes:  Restructuring care management  Dedicated care services

12 Case Study One: Shenley Wood Village Outcomes:  Maintenance depreciation and budgetary control  Facilities relocation  Improving services and providing additional village income

13 Case Study Two: Pannel Croft Village

14 Engaging Communities for Integration not Isolation

15 Case Study Two: Pannel Croft Village Outcomes:  Black History Month

16 Case Study Three: Shenley Wood Village Changing Perceptions “We are the change we want to see”

17 Case Study Three: Shenley Wood Village Outcomes:  The Shenley Wood Calendar

18 Summary Key ingredients of People Powered Change? Vision and values that the Charity and residents share and agree A strong and enabling volunteer culture incorporating team work with a shared ‘can do attitude’ After all… …..we are all in this together!

19 Thank you  Questions?  Please synchronise your watches!

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