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Passive Voice Revision: the Passive Voice. call “Around the World in 8 Hours.” was designed is called “Around the World in 8 Hours.” design Nancy Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "Passive Voice Revision: the Passive Voice. call “Around the World in 8 Hours.” was designed is called “Around the World in 8 Hours.” design Nancy Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passive Voice Revision: the Passive Voice


3 call “Around the World in 8 Hours.” was designed is called “Around the World in 8 Hours.” design Nancy Jackson The CD-ROM____________________________ It _______________ by Nancy Jackson.

4 The film_____________________ _____________________. will be shown on Movie Channel this Saturday. show on Movie Channel this Saturday

5 hold a charity show now A charity show being held

6 a man-made satellite send up already A man-made satellite _____________________ into space. has already been sent up

7 must protect Giant pandas _________________ by all of us. must be protected

8 Read through the following sentences: 1. It is called “Around the World in 8 Hours”. 2. The CD-ROM was designed by Nancy Jackson. 3. The film will be shown on Movie Channel this Saturday. 4. A charity show is being held now. 5. A man-made satellite has been sent up into space already. 6. Giant pandas must be protected by all of us.

9 We can use the passive voice when 1.It is obvious who performs the action. 2. We do not know or cannot remember who performed the action. 3. We think the action is more important than the person who performs the action.

10 Work out the rule: Tense Active VoicePassive Voice Simple Present Tense do Simple Past Tense did Simple Future Tense will do is /am /are going to do Present Continuous Tense is/am/are doing Present Perfect Tense have/has done is/am/are done was/were done will be done is/am/are going to be done is/am/are being done have /has been done

11 Turn the following sentences into the passive voice : 1.People speak English in many countries. 2.We built this bridge last year. 3.Xiao Liu has invited you to a lunch party. 4. You must not take these books out. 5. They will never forget the accident. 6. The workers are mending the car. 7. Do you often clean your room? English is spoken by people in many countries. This bridge was built by us last year. You have been invited to a lunch party by Xiao Liu. These books must not be taken out. The accident will never be forgotten by them. The car is being mended by the workers. Is your room often cleaned by you?

12 A competition between boys and girls! 1.Work in pairs to make sentences as many as possible. 2. You must use the given subjects Boys: My computer…. Girls: My glass….. 3. Use the Passive Voice in any tense. 4. You have only 1 minute to get ready.

13 使用被动语态时应注意的几个问题: 1. 带双宾语的谓语动词有两种改法。 当把直接宾语改成主语时谓语动词后必须加适当的介词 to / for. He gave me an interesting book. I was given an interesting book (by him). An interesting book was given to me (by him). 2. 短语动词变被动时,勿要去掉尾巴 We must take care of the babies. The babies must be taken care of (by us).

14 4. 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略 to 作宾语补足语,改成 被动语态时, to 必须还原。 make sb. do sth. → sb. be made to do (let/see/ hear…) She is often heard_______ (sing) in the garden. 3. 情态动词和 be going to, have to, had better,be sure to 等结构变成被动语态时,只需将它们后面的动词 原形变为 be+pp. 即可 You’d better finish your homework at school Your homework _____________________at school. to sing had better be finished

15 5. 不及物动词、感觉动词没有被动语态。 如: happen, take place, last, appear 及 look, feel, taste, smell, sound 等。 Great changes _________________ in this city. (发生) The meeting ________( 持续 ) for two hours and a half. The food _________ ( 闻起来 )nice. The music _________ ( 听上去 )wonderful. 6. 某些词作不及物动词时,形式上为主动,却表示被动意义。 如 :cut,drive,open,pick,sell,shut,wash,wear,write 等。 . have taken place lasted smells sounds sells well drives easily writes smoothly His novel__________________. 他的小说畅销。 The car __________________. 这车很容易开。 Your pen _________________. 你的笔写起来很滑。


17 Multiple Choice: 1. ( ) If the work ________, you can go and play games. A. finished B. has finished C. will be finished D. is finished 2. ( ) It was raining heavily outside, the children were made ______ in the classroom. 4. ( ) To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river. A. needn’t be thrown B. mustn’t be thrown C. can’t throw D. may not throw 5. ( ) I like my bike. It ________ very well. A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden D B B A 3. ( ) Kate _______ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom. A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed C

18 6. ( ) —I won’t come to the party unless Tom ______, too. —You mean if Tom comes,you’ll come. 8. ( ) The children must _______. 9. ( ) The woman still doesn’t know what _______ in her hometown D D B A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited 7. ( ) Everyone who heard Mr. Green’s story _____________ it. A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at A A. happens B. happened C. will happen D. was happened while he was away. A. look after B. be taken good care C. look the same D. be taken good care of 10. ( ) — I saw you were on foot this morning. —Yes. My bike ___________. A. is mending B. is being mended C. is mended D. is being mending B








26 the sewing machine

27 假如你是李雷,请你根据以下信息向报社的编辑 (editor) 写一封读者来信。 1. 你的学校在一小镇,校园里有一座 2 层高的木楼, 建于 100 多年前, 原人们用于藏书. 2. 现学校把它用于电脑房,每天有大量的学生来这里上课。 该楼遭到严重的破坏( destroy )。 3. 建议:搬离电脑房,以免发生事故; 及时整修,以保护这幢古楼。

28 1.Finish the exercise on the paper. 2.Write the composition in your exercise book.

29 Thank you for joining us! Goodbye!

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