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Order Pinnipedia True seals, sea lions, and walrus.

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1 Order Pinnipedia True seals, sea lions, and walrus

2 2

3 True Seal

4 Fur sealSea lion

5 True Seals Kingdom – Animalia Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Mammalia Order – Pinnipedia Family - Phocidae

6 True Seals ~ 13 species ~ 13 species Most live in cool or cold water Most live in cool or cold water Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals are endangered Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals are endangered Can dive ~600-1000 ft depending on the species Can dive ~600-1000 ft depending on the species Lacks ear flap Lacks ear flap Propels itself with hindflippers in water and “inchworms” on land Propels itself with hindflippers in water and “inchworms” on land Swim ~12 mph Swim ~12 mph Can hold breath ~30 minutes Can hold breath ~30 minutes Tend to be solitary Tend to be solitary 6

7 7 DESCRIPTION: Rounded, fusiform body with a short flattened tail. The limbs are flattened and thick. Forelimbs are short and webbed. Their snouts are blunt and have numerous sensitive whiskers. (vibrissae) Teeth are for grasping and tearing not chewing. DESCRIPTION: Rounded, fusiform body with a short flattened tail. The limbs are flattened and thick. Forelimbs are short and webbed. Their snouts are blunt and have numerous sensitive whiskers. (vibrissae) Teeth are for grasping and tearing not chewing. SIZE: Range extensively in size from 110-580 cm (3.6-19 ft.); males are approximately the same size as females SIZE: Range extensively in size from 110-580 cm (3.6-19 ft.); males are approximately the same size as females WEIGHT: Range in weight from 50-5,000 kg (110- 11,023 lb) WEIGHT: Range in weight from 50-5,000 kg (110- 11,023 lb) DIET: Generally eat various fish, shell fish and cephalopods DIET: Generally eat various fish, shell fish and cephalopods

8 NURSING DURATION:10-80 days NURSING DURATION:10-80 days SEXUAL MATURITY: Varies by species (Males generally 4-6 years; females generally 4 years) SEXUAL MATURITY: Varies by species (Males generally 4-6 years; females generally 4 years) LIFE SPAN: Varies; up to 45 years in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and 14 years in male elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) LIFE SPAN: Varies; up to 45 years in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and 14 years in male elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

9 RANGE: Coastlines and ice fronts throughout the world except the Indian Ocean. Some species are found in inland lakes. RANGE: Coastlines and ice fronts throughout the world except the Indian Ocean. Some species are found in inland lakes. HABITAT: Prefer coastal areas with shallow waters near abundant food sources. HABITAT: Prefer coastal areas with shallow waters near abundant food sources.



12 Sea lions/fur seals Kingdom – Animalia Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Mammalia Order – Pinnipedia Family – Otaridae

13 Sea lions/Fur Seals ~ 14 species of sea lions/ fur seals ~ 14 species of sea lions/ fur seals Most live in warmer waters Most live in warmer waters Can dive ~900 ft depending on the species Can dive ~900 ft depending on the species Has ear flap Has ear flap Propels itself with foreflippers in water and gallops on land Propels itself with foreflippers in water and gallops on land Can swim ~ 14 mph Can swim ~ 14 mph Able to hold breath up to 10 minutes Able to hold breath up to 10 minutes Tend to live in herds Tend to live in herds

14 14 DESCRIPTION: Elongated, fusiform body with a small tail. The limbs are flattened and thick. Forelimbs are long and oar-like. Their snouts are blunt and have numerous sensitive whiskers. (vibrissae) DESCRIPTION: Elongated, fusiform body with a small tail. The limbs are flattened and thick. Forelimbs are long and oar-like. Their snouts are blunt and have numerous sensitive whiskers. (vibrissae) SIZE: Range in size from approximately 110-330 cm (3.6-10.8 ft.); males are much larger than females. SIZE: Range in size from approximately 110-330 cm (3.6-10.8 ft.); males are much larger than females. WEIGHT:21.5-1,000 kg (47-2,205 lb) WEIGHT:21.5-1,000 kg (47-2,205 lb) DIET: Generally various fish species and invertebrates DIET: Generally various fish species and invertebrates

15 GESTATION:10-12 months including period of delayed implantation GESTATION:10-12 months including period of delayed implantation NURSING DURATION: 3-36 months NURSING DURATION: 3-36 months SEXUAL MATURITY: Varies by species (Male, generally 4-6 years; female, generally 4 years) SEXUAL MATURITY: Varies by species (Male, generally 4-6 years; female, generally 4 years) LIFE SPAN: Typically ranges from 15-25 years; rarely exceeds 30 years LIFE SPAN: Typically ranges from 15-25 years; rarely exceeds 30 years

16 16 RANGE: Coast of northeastern Asia, western North America, South America, southern Africa, southern Australia, New Zealand and many southern islands RANGE: Coast of northeastern Asia, western North America, South America, southern Africa, southern Australia, New Zealand and many southern islands HABITAT: Prefer coastal areas with shallow waters near abundant food sources HABITAT: Prefer coastal areas with shallow waters near abundant food sources


18 Walrus Kingdom – Animalia Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Mammalia Order – Pinnipedia Family - Odobenidae

19 Walrus ~ 1 species ~ 1 species Live in cold waters Live in cold waters Can dive ~250-300 ft depending on the species Can dive ~250-300 ft depending on the species Propels itself with alternative hind strokes in the water Propels itself with alternative hind strokes in the water Swim 4mph with short burst up to 20mph Swim 4mph with short burst up to 20mph Can hold breath ~10 minutes Can hold breath ~10 minutes Congregate by the hundreds Congregate by the hundreds

20 20 DESCRIPTION: Large, robust, fusiform body that is usually reddish-brown in color. On their head region, walruses lack external ear flaps, have hundreds of short, vibrissae (whiskers), and both males and females possess large tusks. DESCRIPTION: Large, robust, fusiform body that is usually reddish-brown in color. On their head region, walruses lack external ear flaps, have hundreds of short, vibrissae (whiskers), and both males and females possess large tusks. On land, walruses are capable of rotating their hind flippers under their pelvic girdle to walk on all fours in a similar manner to sea lions. Adult males are slightly larger than females with longer and stouter tusks. On land, walruses are capable of rotating their hind flippers under their pelvic girdle to walk on all fours in a similar manner to sea lions. Adult males are slightly larger than females with longer and stouter tusks.

21 21 SIZE: The Pacific subspecies is larger than the Atlantic. Newborn calves are about 95-123 cm (3-4 ft.) long. MALE2.7-3.6 m (9-12 ft.) FEMALE2.3-3.1 m (7.5 to 10 ft.) SIZE: The Pacific subspecies is larger than the Atlantic. Newborn calves are about 95-123 cm (3-4 ft.) long. MALE2.7-3.6 m (9-12 ft.) FEMALE2.3-3.1 m (7.5 to 10 ft.) WEIGHT: Newborn calves weigh about 45-75 kg (99-156 lb.), adults 2000-3000lbs WEIGHT: Newborn calves weigh about 45-75 kg (99-156 lb.), adults 2000-3000lbs DIET: Bivalve mollusks such as clams; also other benthic invertebrates such as marine worms, snails, sea cucumbers, squids, and crabs. May occasionally prey upon fish such as polar cod and scavenge on seal carcasses. There are rare cases of very large, male walruses that habitually prey upon seals, especially ringed and bearded seals. DIET: Bivalve mollusks such as clams; also other benthic invertebrates such as marine worms, snails, sea cucumbers, squids, and crabs. May occasionally prey upon fish such as polar cod and scavenge on seal carcasses. There are rare cases of very large, male walruses that habitually prey upon seals, especially ringed and bearded seals.

22 GESTATION: 15-16 months, including a period of delayed implantation GESTATION: 15-16 months, including a period of delayed implantation NURSING DURATION: 2 or more years (wean) NURSING DURATION: 2 or more years (wean) SEXUAL MATURITY: MALE 8-10 years; successful reproduction probably not until about 15 years; FEMALE 5-6 years; successful reproduction at about 10 years SEXUAL MATURITY: MALE 8-10 years; successful reproduction probably not until about 15 years; FEMALE 5-6 years; successful reproduction at about 10 years LIFE SPAN: 16-30 years LIFE SPAN: 16-30 years

23 23 RANGE: Arctic Sea - both Pacific and Atlantic (Bering, Laptev and Chukchi seas) RANGE: Arctic Sea - both Pacific and Atlantic (Bering, Laptev and Chukchi seas) HABITAT: In relatively shallow water - generally not more than 80 m (262 ft.) deep. Hauls out on ice floes, pack ice and small rocky islands when ice is not present. HABITAT: In relatively shallow water - generally not more than 80 m (262 ft.) deep. Hauls out on ice floes, pack ice and small rocky islands when ice is not present.

24 24 Below is a illustration of a walrus.


26 Threats to Pinnipeds Commercial hunting – pelts, ivory, Commercial hunting – pelts, ivory, Habitat destruction Habitat destruction Entanglement Entanglement Noise pollution Noise pollution Competition for food (overfishing) Competition for food (overfishing)

27 mart-marine-mammals.html mart-marine-mammals.html mart-marine-mammals.html mart-marine-mammals.html

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