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Published byBruno Bennett Modified over 8 years ago
24.05.11Petra HaefnerSCT Expert Training SCT Expert Training Data Quality 1
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Data Quality Group Link between Detector, CP and Physics Groups Detector flag data flaws caused by hardware / operation issues Combined Performance judge quality of reconstruction objects Physics: “Users” Use only “good” quality data for a specific analysis Feedback what is “good” quality for their analysis 2
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner The Idea of “Defects” 2010: the DQ shifters had to flag the data green or red for their system / CP object Green: used for physics analysis Red: bad for physics, should not be used Problem There are analyses which are very sensitive to certain data flaws (e.g. little inefficiencies in tracking) No way to find these “little flaws” as no information available after the DQ checks Data is not black or white – There are a lot of shades of grey in-between! Solution Put everything out of the ordinary (defect = primary flag) directly into a database Decide further downstream (virtual flags) if it is good for physics (tolerable) or not (intolerable) 3
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Database Tolerable defects Keep track of all the little issues in data Not bad enough to exclude data But: data that comes with a warning! Defects vs. Virtual Flags Shifter only decides IF and WHEN a defect is present Severity of an issue is decided by experts beforehand Severity can be changed easily with more experience and back in time (e.g. tolerable intolerable) Experts need to know which defects are (in)tolerable! Defects can be set automatically by external information (e.g. DCS flags, DQMF flags) Not implemented yet, Standby defect first use case!? 4
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner An SCT Example 5 SCT cooling loop failure Combined tracking looks fine SCT >= 7 Hits clearly shows affected region Pretty sure that few analyses very sensitive to tracking will see an effect Tolerable defect
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner The SCT Defects Based on 2010 experience Dropped DQ regions (in coordination with InnerDetector groups) Include new defects case-by-case (~24 h) Sign-off: needed to distinguish “no defects” from “unchecked run” Set by SCT remote shifters, helped by experts 6
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Duties of DQ Shifters Check operation elogs Participate in SCT daily meetings Set defects for each run (announced by DQ group) Contact expert in case of “unknown” defect Sign-off each run (week: DQ meeting, weekend: sharepoint) Write elog for each run Info about all defects set (or “no defects set”) Anything special observed in DQ plots List of problem modules Prepare talk for ID day (Tue, 16:30) summarizing the week of SCT DQ 7
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Duties of DQ Experts Provide shifter with any information about special running conditions you have Help shifter in case of uncertainty which defects to set Resolve “unknown” defects Change to already existing defect or Request new defect Confirm with SCT DQ coordination (Dan, PH) Request to DQ Coordination (Helen, Tobias) Sign-off data periods Resolve any pending issues (e.g. recoverable defects, unknown defects, Savannah bug reports) Check bulk processing (pass 2) Pass on relevant information about possible tracking issues to ID DQ experts (Thijs, Adrian, Alex) Present Weekly report at ID day, in case of problematic timezone of remote shifter 8
24.05.11Petra HaefnerSCT Expert Training The SCT DQ Tools 9
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner SctDQWebDisplay 10 SCT SCT part mantained by Graham Sellers Includes links to all relevant tools & DCS flags in run query Summarizes SCT status for each run (tracks, efficiencies, module status) DCS
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner DCS Flags (Run Query) 11 Direct link from WebDisplay to run query search f r 182456 and det sct / sh r and t and allev and dq DCSOFL sct and ptag Use to find lumiblocks for STANDBY defect Ramping (yellow) ranges get defect as well! Double-Check if there is a discrepancy between SCT standby and Atlas Ready! Use Voltage Tracker as backup for cross-check Might be automated in the (near) future!
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Voltage Tracker 12 Direct Link from WebDisplay ATTENTION: there are missing LB ranges! Cannot rely on finding LB when ramping happened!
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner SCT Report 13 Include standardized information into DQ elog Source: cron job that gets list of problem modules (runs only every 4 h) Provides problem module information to calibration If the module list is not present send email to Helen, PH immediately to get script restarted! Should move to central SCT ressource soon (webserver?)
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner DQ Monitoring 14 Main tool for monitoring data quality Check “include non-stable-beam runs” to see cosmic / special runs Unfinished run streams are marked with “ *** ” Standard stream: express_express (click on it to get to plots) We do not have a daily bulk signoff (yet), but bulk needs to be checked for period signoff!
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Express stream Pass 1 (bulk processed after 36h calibration loop) Entire run 15 Daily Run Signoff
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Reference Run 16 So far manual for SCT, follows general recommendations from DQ group (currently: run 178109) DQ centrally managed reference also available Switch to automated reference soon!? No info on reference run in web display unfortunately, lengthy procedure to find this: If you need to find which run is used as CentrallyManagedReference for a given run, go to the DQM web display of the run in question At the very bottom you will see a line such as "SVNInfo/Revision$Revision: 363351 $” Click on the revision number and you will go to svn web interface Click on "downloading" and open the file with your favorite editor. At the top of the file you will see the path of the file used as CentrallyManagedReference. ID is pushing to have this info in the web display, no success with developers, yet
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Entry Tool 17 Overview of current SCT defects
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Entry Tool 18 Step 1: check defects of a run (filter “SCT”) There will only be the “unchecked” & automatic defects at the start Set filter “GLOBAL” to see Atlas ready defect
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Entry Tool 19 Step 2: Set defects for a run If no defects, go to Step 3 directly Check defect from menu on the left Put run, LB range, comment, password in (required fields) Check “expected recoverable” if applicable Choose “present” to add defect, “absent” to remove one from the database Removing defects is expert work! Give comment why defect was removed
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Entry Tool 20 After all defects were uploaded / removed check under “show defects” if everything is correct For removed / overwritten defects only the last comment will be visible (e.g. removal reason) Always put a useful comment in! “No comment” is no comment! xxxx
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Entry Tool 21 Step 3: signoff the run Distinguish runs without defects from unchecked runs Automatically makes “unchecked” defect “absent” This is shifter’s work! Needs to be done until 16:30 DQ meeting Check before the deadline if runs were checked, send reminder email to shifter if not!
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Defect Corrections Most common corrections Add / remove LBs from standby defect Remove “unknown” defect, set newly created one Remove “preliminary” defects that needed further investigations (e.g. wronly reported efficiencies) In case of corrections to several runs Stay on “upload” tab Check defect box Fill comment field Put in run number, submit, put in 2 nd run number, submit,… (avoids retyping comment all the time) 22
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Points of Attention For data period signoffs (at latest) check that standby defect ranges are correct especially look for discrepancies with Atlas Ready Atlas Ready should be after SCT turned on Atlas Ready should be removed before SCT went to standby In the run query, only defects during Atlas ready are shown standby will only show up if there is something wrong! Finding lumiblocks for operation issues often requires interaction with operations team Inform ID team about any defects that can affect the tracking Please follow standardized comments as given on the shifter’s Twiki (and remind shifter’s about that) The low efficiency defect is always set for the full run (1-End) although the efficiencies are different during standby Defects are only relevant during Atlas ready Do not want to make one defect (LB range) depending on another (e.g. standby) 23
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Contact List SCT DQ Coordination Petra Haefner Dan Damiani Atlas DQ Coordination Helen Hayward Tobias Golling ID DQ Experts Thijs Cornelissen Adrian Vogel Alex Kastanas 24
SCT Expert Training24.05.11Petra Haefner Documentation & Links SCT DQ Shifter Twiki onitoringShifts General DQ information alRecipes AQ Savannah Bug Tracker Data Period Signoff dSignoff SCTDQRunList (Overview of 2011 defects) 25
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