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NextGen Financial Management Transactions & Account Inquiry Presented by Local Government Corporation Resource 2016 Presented by Local Government Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "NextGen Financial Management Transactions & Account Inquiry Presented by Local Government Corporation Resource 2016 Presented by Local Government Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NextGen Financial Management Transactions & Account Inquiry Presented by Local Government Corporation Resource 2016 Presented by Local Government Corporation Resource 2016

2 NextGen Transactions and Account Inquiry  Import Transactions  Transaction Batches  Transactions  Transaction Templates  Post Transactions  Searching Account Inquiry

3 Importing Transactions Transactions can be imported into NG from an Excel Spreadsheet- To do this LG must set up a File Definition for you to use this option. Call phone support or email your Implementation and Support Representative to set this up for you.

4 Import Transactions To Import Do The Following: 1. From FM Folder<Transactions Folder<Import Transactions 2. From each drop down: Select Your Division, File Definition, File Location, Batch Id 3. Select NEXT

5 File With Errors If you receive errors you will see the Red Shield, click Next to get a message detailing the errors

6 Sample Errors with Importing  Account Control 101 is invalid because it does not allow entries for 2014-2015 fiscal year and January Period Issue: January Period is not open  GL account number 101-31100- - - is invalid because it does not exist for 2014-2015 fiscal year Issue: Account number is not setup for this fiscal year

7 Summary Screen Click Finish

8 Confirmation

9 File Without Errors If there are no errors you will not get a red shield Verify Totals Click Next

10 Transaction Batches  Importing a Transaction File will create a batch containing the transaction. The entry is not posted until you close and post the batch.  You may create a batch from the Transaction Batch Menu.  Or you may create a batch while entering a transaction.

11 Posting Your Imported Transaction Batch Menu: 1. FM<Transactions<Transaction Batches 2. Search for Open Transaction Batch by checking unposted only and Click Find.

12 Open Batch 2/28/2016 Double Click the batch to Open

13 Transaction Batch Notice two tabs: General Tab and Transaction Tab From here we can add comments in our internal notes for future explanation, view the transactions that we imported or print the batch for verification of information before we post. Notice the Tasks to the right of the screen

14 Posting Batch 2/22/2016 Once you are sure transactions are correct then you may select Post Batch to post to your General Ledger

15 Posting Batch – Next Screen lgc - 2/22/2016 Next screen shows the batch then you click NEXT

16 Summary and Confirmation Screen 1. Summary Screen will have the totals of the transaction- they should balance! 2. When you click finish then confirmation screen will tell you that the batch has been posted. 1. 2.

17 Adding Transactions Using Transaction Batches Creating Transaction Templates OH MY! WHERE DO I GO NOW?

18 Adding Transactions Menu:<Financial Management<Transactions <Transactions For New Transaction: Click New in Ribbon Bar Search for existing Transactions: Fill in Criteria and click Find Note: Transactions can be searched by Number, Amount, Batch ID and Reference by changing your view to the right of the search screen. Any County

19 New Transaction New Transaction: Two screens: 1- General information about transaction 2- Account information and amounts are inserted. If there is a Red Shield- Field Can Not be Left Blank

20 Post Transaction Option By selecting the Box Post This transaction- The system will post when you complete this process. If left unchecked then the transaction will be done in a Transaction Batch where the user will have to manually go into the transaction batch and post when ready. Thus Requiring another step

21 New Transaction – 1 st Screen Any County Here Post This Tran. Is checked so Batch Id is grayed out-Meaning you will not use for this transaction. This will post automatically when finished. (click Next to go to 2 Screen)

22 New Transaction – 2 nd Screen Account Look Up

23 Good Habits Prevent Less Mistakes: Verify ENTIRE entry before you move forward! Click Next When Ready

24 Summary Screen Any County Two Tabs: Trans Tab and Entry Tab you can select and view entry or Print Pre Post report Select Finish When Ready

25 From Previous Screen: Select link and Preview Pops up for viewing and Printing

26 Transaction Confirmation w/Options

27 Viewing Existing Transactions Menu: Looking for a Transaction: FM<Transactions<Transactions<Search Remember we can search by different views as well!


29 Any County Selecting Transaction To View- Double click Once Transaction is Opened: Option to Void is under Tasks to the right of the screen. Internal Notes Tab – Click on tab and add a note if desired Entries Tab- To view General Ledger Entry (These screens have minimized for viewing purposes)

30 Transaction Templates – Create 2 Options 1 st Option If you are in the process of creating a new transaction and you get to the confirmation screen. Located on the right hand side of the screen you will see the Tasks in a blue box. From here you can create a Template using the entry you just finished.

31 Click Create Template<Screen to create Template

32 Resource Sample Template

33 Template – Entry Tab Note: Delete amounts so that each time you use the template all you have to add is the correct amount. You can make the dollar amounts 0.00 SAVE AND CLOSE WHEN READY

34 2 nd Option- Creating Templates Menu: Transactions<Transaction Templates< Click New in Ribbon Bar To Edit an Existing Template: Click Find

35 General Ledger Account Inquiry Option Provides a YTD and MTD break down Can view multiple FY periods Can break line item down by Budget Year Run Account Analysis By Period Run a Transaction by Period

36 GL Inquiry Menu Any County

37 At a Glance- Budgeted Amounts, MTD and YTD Expenses & Encumbered Each Month can be drilled down into as well (by Double Clicking Month) This screen has tabs as well to do an account analysis, look at transactions and Period balances by year

38 Budget Tool: Comparing FY Periods Up to 6 years can be viewed 131.61000.435- Office Supplies

39 Run Account Analysis - By Period Another way to look for something without going to reports and printing a report to search From this screen you may double click to go into the transaction

40 Transaction By Period 1.Transactions by Using View 2.Transaction type 3. Posting Status


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