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The Spanish-American War The Spanish Empire For many years, Spain had built and controlled a worldwide empire But by the 1890’s, Spanish power was crumbling.

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2 The Spanish-American War

3 The Spanish Empire For many years, Spain had built and controlled a worldwide empire But by the 1890’s, Spanish power was crumbling –Only a few of Spain’s colonies remained Philippine Islands Cuba Puerto Rico Guam –Many colonists demanded independence from Spain

4 The Spanish Empire

5 Cubans Rebel 1895 – poor economic conditions caused Cubans to rebel against Spanish rule Cuban rebels and civilians were treated harshly by Spain –Many were forced into concentration camps guarded by Spanish troops –Thousands died of starvation and disease

6 Yellow Journalism Fighting in Cuba caused alarm in the U.S. –Business leaders feared it could disrupt trade and hurt the U.S. economy Newspaper tycoons Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst took advantage of the situation –Instead of presenting legitimate well-researched news, they exaggerated the events in Cuba and used eye-catching headlines to sell more papers –This practice is known as Yellow Journalism

7 President McKinley He did not want war, but public opinion forced him to get involved Demanded that Spain halt mistreatment of Cubans Sent battleship, U.S.S. Maine to protect U.S. citizens from riots in Havana, Cuba

8 U.S.S. Maine February 15, 1898 – The U.S.S. Maine mysteriously exploded, killing 266 American sailors –No one knows for sure why it exploded; most Americans blamed Spain –Today, many historians believe it was an accident McKinley signed a congressional resolution calling for Cuba’s independence and a withdrawal of Spanish forces The stage was set for war

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