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HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Write down “Study for Quiz” and turn in your bellwork sheet for the week.

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Presentation on theme: "HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Write down “Study for Quiz” and turn in your bellwork sheet for the week."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Write down “Study for Quiz” and turn in your bellwork sheet for the week.

2 Essential Question: How does natural selection relate to adaptations and diversity among organisms? (7E) analyze and evaluate the relationship of natural selection to adaptations and to diversity of species

3 Evolution Quiz – You have 15 mins

4 Bunny Simulation If only one species is considered the "fittest", why do we still have so many variations among species. Why do some birds have very long pointy beaks, while other birds have short flat beaks?

5 Create an Organism Page 43 of your I.A.N. – Title: “Create an Organism” Pick an environment and design an organism that is well suited for it. Be sure your adaptations increase your organisms chances of survival. (Hint! Think about how your organism could survive in the specific conditions.) Be creative! You cannot create an organism that already exists. You only have 10 minutes to create it

6 Environment 1: Rainforest – Average Temperature: 80 degrees – Average Rainfall: 100 inches per year – Cloudy most days – Most days are high humidity – Large amount of plant diversity – Mostly small shrubs and bushes with a canopy of large trees – High animal diversity Environment 2: Desert – Average Temperature: hot days, cold nights – Average Rainfall:.01 inches per year – Windy – Ground is sandy or dust (dirt) – Little to no plant life – Hills Environment 3: Tundra – Temperature: Ranges from -10 to 41 degrees – Average Rainfall: 8 inches per year – Long severe winters, short mild season, NO summers – Found in the artic areas close to water (ocean winds keep it from being as cold as inland regions) – Mountains, few trees and grasses Environment 4: Decidiuous Forest – Average Temperature: changes often and with the season – Has 4 true seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall) – Average Rainfall: 32 inches spread evenly throughout the year – Many types of trees and vegetation – Home to a variety of animals

7 With your environment group discuss… 1.If all of these organisms you created were in the environment together, who would be the most fit? 2.What resources might become limited after several generations in your environment based on your organisms? 3.Imagine these organisms were one population and could, there, mate. If the organisms continued to interbreed, what characteristics might be seen in future offspring? What characteristics might not be seen? 4.Why would diversity increase in your population over time?

8 Debrief: On the back of your paper answer the essential question… How does natural selection relate to adaptations and to diversity of species?

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